Masochistic And With Tears

Time goes by day by day
I take my life a midnight at a time
Ebony-colored fright
And flowing crimson joy
Every moment savored
At the feverish sight

Desolate souls cry for the light
To be put to rest
To be at peace
But sanctums fall down
For good and forever
Forever gone...

My soul pulses in time with the cosmos
Their purpose a mystery
A thought to be had of myself
A sound of self-anguish beacons me
The minutes go faint
The day comes to a close
I wonder in awe at my trance
The dark entity in me, radiating resentment

This passage of dark passion and tears
Sorrowful endearment
Is now a finished work
Written by Bludy_Obsess
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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