Image for the poem Stay Strong

Stay Strong

This Poem is dedicated to my friends Stephanie & Travis...
Seeing them raise there family reminds me  that there is still Light...amongst the darkness of Life....

Stay Strong...

She is...a mixture of Roman Queen
and Greek Goddess
a striking beauty that is seeded
from her soul...

A smile that shines into the heart
and lives in the eyes of her children...
A hedge...her Love is Like a hedge
around those she cares for...
A nurturing spirit resides within her
Early rising like the sun...
her steadfastness is the root
Her strength is the confidence
that ignites her childrens laughter
Psalms 31 never a truer example
could there be....than she.

and... He
A Strong Tower...A silent warrior to his family
weilding a sheild that they feel
In the wee hours of the night...
His spirit dwells within the fabric of the walls

A seemless weaving of souls & lives
he realizes is his responsiblity...
So he strives...
through pain...
through fears...
through anxiety....

he strives...
carrying his family like
Atlas carried the world
On his shoulders...

He ... a warrior likend unto
Leonitis... or the Vikings of old...

Bonded with his mate and seeds

Like blood is to Bone...
Like flowers need rain...
Like heart... is to Soul

They have  Stayed Strong....
though times have made some struggles visible
across the terrain of day to day life...

Though some moments carry the agony
of compromise...and the sting of reality

I see you both...
Remembering to still care..
and show affection

I see you both ...staying strong
realizing that what you two have
Is a gift...
Though it be a toil some days...
It is a blessing...
To be together...
raising children that you made together
with all the temptation and waywardness
that THIS world offers...

You both have stayed in Love
Stayed faithful
Stayed Steadfast,and
Stayed Strong...

You have helped me believe
In something I have never had
nor believe existed...

At this stage...for me
what you have can only be
A reminder... Of Light
But certainly...
For those whom Love is destined for

You are...The Mold...
from which all strong Family Flow
May You Both Be Blessed Forever & Day
Written by Firebyrd
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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