Here We Go Again

It never occurred to me that I'd be writing another negative love poem.
We've been doing so well, you've been a great boyfriend and I talk about you all the time, you haven't let me down in ages.
Why now?
I called to see if you wanted to see me, I was trying to be a good girlfriend.
I wanted to be there for you and show I care, but you blow me off for your friends?
I think I need a napkin, you just stabbed me in the heart.
Them over me?
"I just want to spend time with Josh and Brittany today."
I winced when you said that, it physically hurt me to hear you say that.
This can't be happening again, I can't take it a second time. Don't put your friends before me again, please, please I'm sorry I'm so attached.
"I don't want to see you."
Another blow to my heart, I don't know how much more I can take.
I just wanted to surprise you, I thought you'd be happy to see me, I thought.. Wrong..
"Just go home, I'm not going to change my mind."
Why are you saying these things? Don't you know it feels like you're taking needles and stabbing them into my flesh over and over again? Where's the boyfriend who walked down at midnight to be there for me when my nana passed away?
Where's the boyfriend who'd spoil me with little gifts even though I'd ask him not to spend his money on me?
Do you even care?
"If you're friends are that important to you just break up with me so you can spend all your time with them then." I say, meaning it because he hurt my heart and didn't so much as give me a reason why.
"No, this never happens so get over it."
Get over it? I bite my lip and force back the tears since I am in public and the beady eyes are everywhere silently judging.
"Don't bother calling me tonight,or tomorrow, I don't want to see your face Monday either." I say not really meaning it, but meaning it at the same time.
Are they that important to you? I thought you'd love to see your girlfriend?
Tears spill over and threaten to drown me.
I hang up and quickly rush away.
God I was so stupid to think things were perfect. It's still clear as day.
You don't care.
Written by jinabell21 (Jina Bella)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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