A Love Story

There was this girl,
this girl was broken.
To the world,
her words unspoken.
She thought it was love
with that one boy.
It wasn't enough.
She was a toy.
It lasted two months
before she saw
all the bumps,
and every flaw.
He posted online
he loved someone else
when all this time
she had truly felt.
She asked him
one day
if she was with them
he wouldn't say.
He said no
it wasn't true
but he was a hoe
that's what she thought she knew.
A few more guys later
she meets this one.
He doesn't hate her
and brings her life fun.
Her heart heals.
She begins to love.
She begins to feel
which is no longer tough.
She slowly falls
for this guy.
She tries to stall
to have more time.
She doesn't know
what to do,
how to show
that her love is true.
So she stays
right beside
this guy and prays
that, in her heart, he'll reside.
They're still together
to this day.
Always, forever
just the same.
She is no liar.
He is not cold.
His name is Tyler
and her's is Nicole. <3
Written by ShyFairy
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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