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AI content concerns and solutions

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

Billy_Snagg said:He took the easy path, PoetSpeak, as you're alluding to but I agree, his 'fraud' has at least opened eyes that want to open & made us appreciate real poetry again... something we once took for granted. 😊

Thank you for looking at the situation with open eyes Billy.  I've learned a few things too !!

Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

PoetSpeak said:Yes, I had to get involved in this conversation.  I only do real painting now. I sell them framed on ebay.  It's a hard sell but I love painting with real paint so I went back to it only.  I appreciate that you liked my digital stuff but as a real painter yourself you get the need for real and what is now old school sadly to an extent.  My poems and comments will always be human produced. But times are a changing ...
Thx A

You know, I think, as classic painters, we will always appreciate the smell of gesso and oil - to me that's part of the process. Not to mention the feel of the paint over the canvas once dried. It's that tangible feeling akin to a runner's high.

But many of the new generation? They're not going to feel the same because things are not the same. Everything evolves ( whether we agree or not ). Look at the evolution of music! My father switched out a T-Rex album for The Partridge Family, telling me all the T-Rex albums were warped when I was 12.

When I was 13 my mother made me ditch an 8-track ( for the babies on this site, google it ) of Credence Clearwater Revival because one song had the "damn" word in it ( do you remember which one )?

Oh my God! And heavy metal?! Punk?! Those were things of the devil! And I must admit, when Rap first hit the scene I was screening like HELL so my pre-teen wasn't exposed to the 'F' word, etc. Now, being older and wiser, it's all just words. My grandson knows it's all just letters strung together given meaning by fallible humans.

We're classic, Poet. We will always prefer the classic in paint and word. However, I agree with you; there is nothing wrong with digital art—it was just new and appeared lazy ( until I tried it ). That doesn't mean we classics should deprive the new generation of their future by dictating how they create.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

Has anyone approached other sites and enquired about AI on that site?

Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 942

Ahavati said:

You know, I think, as classic painters, we will always appreciate the smell of gesso and oil - to me that's part of the process. Not to mention the feel of the paint over the canvas once dried. It's that tangible feeling akin to a runner's high.

But many of the new generation? They're not going to feel the same because things are not the same. Everything evolves ( whether we agree or not ). Look at the evolution of music! My father switched out a T-Rex album for The Partridge Family, telling me all the T-Rex albums were warped when I was 12.

When I was 13 my mother made me ditch an 8-track ( for the babies on this site, google it ) of Credence Clearwater Revival because one song had the "damn" word in it ( do you remember which one )?

Oh my God! And heavy metal?! Punk?! Those were things of the devil! And I must admit, when Rap first hit the scene I was screening like HELL so my pre-teen wasn't exposed to the 'F' word, etc. Now, being older and wiser, it's all just words. My grandson knows it's all just letters strung together given meaning by fallible humans.

We're classic, Poet. We will always prefer the classic in paint and word. However, I agree with you; there is nothing wrong with digital art—it was just new and appeared lazy ( until I tried it ). That doesn't mean we classics should deprive the new generation of their future by dictating how they create.

This reminds me of my braids.  Machines can (and do) make braids that are far superior and perfect in their tension and application.  The braids are beautiful.  But I’m still moved by the practice of loading the strings onto my marudai and the quiet meditative state I achieve by performing the turns by hand.  I don’t think that technology will ever replace the need we humans have to create something beautiful by hand.  

With the next generation, I think AI will be used more, not less to create art.  But there will always be the need to create by pure imagination and vision alone.  On one hand, the biggest issue I see with AI generated art is that it often steals from other art, thus circumventing the original artists.  On the other hand, haven’t we all been “borrowing” inspiration from art that came before us?

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

Ahavati said:

You know, I think, as classic painters, we will always appreciate the smell of gesso and oil - to me that's part of the process. Not to mention the feel of the paint over the canvas once dried. It's that tangible feeling akin to a runner's high.
But many of the new generation? They're not going to feel the same because things are not the same. Everything evolves ( whether we agree or not ). Look at the evolution of music! My father switched out a T-Rex album for The Partridge Family, telling me all the T-Rex albums were warped when I was 12.

When I was 13 my mother made me ditch an 8-track ( for the babies on this site, google it ) of Credence Clearwater Revival because one song had the "damn" word in it ( do you remember which one )?

Oh my God! And heavy metal?! Punk?! Those were things of the devil! And I must admit, when Rap first hit the scene I was screening like HELL so my pre-teen wasn't exposed to the 'F' word, etc. Now, being older and wiser, it's all just words. My grandson knows it's all just letters strung together given meaning by fallible humans.

We're classic, Poet. We will always prefer the classic in paint and word. However, I agree with you; there is nothing wrong with digital art—it was just new and appeared lazy ( until I tried it ). That doesn't mean we classics should deprive the new generation of their future by dictating how they create.

I remember the CCR song but not the title.
Fortunate Son ? Just a guess.

Ironically my wife collects and repairs
8 track tapes.  She's the analytical one here.  I'm all blue sky... She also designs jewelry and is a former dance teacher and choreographer..  

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

LunaGreyhawk said:

This reminds me of my braids.  Machines can (and do) make braids that are far superior and perfect in their tension and application.  The braids are beautiful.  But I’m still moved by the practice of loading the strings onto my marudai and the quiet meditative state I achieve by performing the turns by hand.  I don’t think that technology will ever replace the need we humans have to create something beautiful by hand.  

With the next generation, I think AI will be used more, not less to create art.  But there will always be the need to create by pure imagination and vision alone.  On one hand, the biggest issue I see with AI generated art is that it often steals from other art, thus circumventing the original artists.  On the other hand, haven’t we all been “borrowing” inspiration from art that came before us?

Then that begs the question: Can you miss something you haven't experienced? If someone is raised on photoshop, can they ever miss a brush and paint?

As you know, almost everything is being removed from the schools now, or offered only as an elective each quarter: Art. PE. Etc.

They'll only know what they know. And the sad thing is, us Classics allowed it to happen by not raising up and fighting for something worth fighting for.

We, in essence, ushered in the Machine. Though it would've eventually arrived anyway, at least it may have had some competition had we fought to save the arts.

Tyrant of Words
United States 125awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17818

PoetSpeak said:

I remember the CCR song but not the title.
Fortunate Son ? Just a guess.

Ironically my wife collects and repairs
8 track tapes.  She's the analytical one here.  I'm all blue sky... She also designs jewelry and is a former dance teacher and choreographer..  

LOL! I'll be "damned" if I can remember! That's why I asked you! Wow! Nice to know there's still a market for 8-tracks! Do they still the players?  Does she have a site for her creations?

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

Ahavati said:

LOL! I'll be "damned" if I can remember! That's why I asked you! Wow! Nice to know there's still a market for 8-tracks! Do they still the players?  Does she have a site for her creations?

There are collectors and sites for 8 track collectors. A lot on eBay.

My wife's jewelry can be seen on Artpal.
She made a whole cottage business using our coat closet as a workshop. She was also graphic designer at one point so it followed through into jewelry design.


Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

I am not a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that the last 25 or 30 years have been orchestrated. Society has fallen, streets are on fire, mass killings, taking certain subjects out of school. Look at TV, its all about gender identity. Everything begins at home.  Fools without jobs with 300 dollar Smartphones. DAs releasing killers from jail, insanity on the sidewalks.  Unfortunately, there is no law against be short in the toolbox.    

Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 181

PaleSkies said:I am not a conspiracy person, but it seems to me that the last 25 or 30 years have been orchestrated. Society has fallen, streets are on fire, mass killings, taking certain subjects out of school. Look at TV, its all about gender identity. Everything begins at home.  Fools without jobs with 300 dollar Smartphones. DAs releasing killers from jail, insanity on the sidewalks.  
Unfortunately, there is no law against be short in the toolbox.    

Gender identity does seem to be everywhere.  It just goes to show you how little we know about ourselves or our neighbors or culture. I'm a guy who likes women but I feel for all the trans people who've had to live in other skin, many for their whole lives.  It will take time but perhaps one day our world will be more balanced.  

I'd love to see a 3rd political party that had teeth and wasn't crazy.  

The Fire Elemental
Tyrant of Words
United States 36awards
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 239

I've been discussing this issue in private conversations over the past couple days, plagiarism or not plagiarism, largely seems a matter of point of view and a matter of degrees. How does AI create art work in poetry? I've spent weeks asking it these questions. It recombines words and phrases from vast source materials. It's algorithms follow and recreate patterns. Human beings also recreate from patterns of things we've experienced and learned. I would say that art is the result of feeling, intention, awareness and connection. As an artificial intelligence has none of these, it draws from pre-existing results of art and recombines them. It comes from the end result of creativity, it has no creativity of its own. It is essentially a shell game, faster and broader than we can follow, through its vast network of supportive matrices.

How AI creates art is interesting and bears on the discussion only so far, because it is the algorithm program creating it, not the person copy pasting it from a website into this website. Using AI is legal in the world. This social site has it's own parameters of posting. Like Lepp said, it's up to the Webmistress.

The point for me personally was never to stop progress, progress can't be stopped. The point is to get people talking about it. Many people suspected what bot guy was doing, nobody was talking about it, unsure what to say or do. So now we're talking about it, we're aware its here and have some idea what it looks like and whom so far is using it. There has been a lot of great discussion about this. I'm grateful for all these perspectives.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 254

PoetSpeak said:I'd love to see a 3rd political party that had teeth and wasn't crazy. Lol, you mean, like the Liberal Democrats, right? Well, that's what they call them over here. They're neither Labour or Conservative, Republican or Democrat (in the USA, obviously) but somewhere in the middle of the two, hence why they very rarely ever get elected. ;-)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
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PoetSpeak said:It's funny because I did digital art for several years but never felt right about it.  It was too easy.  I could paint something phenomenal in under a minute that would take me hours to do real time, if at all.  It didn't sit right with me so I stopped doing it.  I needed to see brush strokes again.  But digital art is highly accepted now.  My point being I think Black did us a favor though his methods unconventional and a little arrogant.  Now there will be rules on it.  He's not a hero or a martyr in my eyes.  He just took another path that people had issues with....

that's a fair point, at least the subject is out there for people to talk about and express. and there are definitely some different opinions and stand points which is good for consideration and evolution

subject of art, my granddaughter is 9 , she is experimenting with acrilic at the moment.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

Have we reached the point, that a few on site could be robotic? Just a question off the top of my head thought.    

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