The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

Ahavati said:
The full Moon should still appear red from the shadow. I mean, unless you never see full Moons, that is.
I shall see the full moon if the sky is clear. And its a pretty good bet that if the sky is black and not green, I'll notice the red. It's the eclipsing that is debateable with hills and trees blocking my view above the horizon.
The full Moon should still appear red from the shadow. I mean, unless you never see full Moons, that is.
I shall see the full moon if the sky is clear. And its a pretty good bet that if the sky is black and not green, I'll notice the red. It's the eclipsing that is debateable with hills and trees blocking my view above the horizon.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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JohnnyBlaze said:
I shall see the full moon if the sky is clear. And its a pretty good bet that if the sky is black and not green, I'll notice the red. It's the eclipsing that is debateable with hills and trees blocking my view above the horizon.
Actually, the Moon will appear red because the sky is blue!
I shall see the full moon if the sky is clear. And its a pretty good bet that if the sky is black and not green, I'll notice the red. It's the eclipsing that is debateable with hills and trees blocking my view above the horizon.
Actually, the Moon will appear red because the sky is blue!

Ahavati said:
Actually, the Moon will appear red because the sky is blue!
Stop blowing my mind with science!
Actually, the Moon will appear red because the sky is blue!
Stop blowing my mind with science!

Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Happy Sunday, DU! It is SO beautiful here, particularly in the morning, it's difficult to drag oneself inside to get a bit of work done. Coffee on the patio with the birds and squirrels is a favorite past time with me. Especially when I've been out so long they forget I'm there and go about their business as though no human is around.
My grandprecious and I planted some wildflowers last week, and they're beginning to sprout! The air smells like Gardenias and contains a charged energy that's divine! So MUCH is happening celestially which contributes to the overall current.
We’ve officially entered Eclipse Season ( from now until mid-June ). This month encompasses a Lunar and next month a Solar! This can bring great change, especially if the degrees of the eclipse hit planets or points within your chart. If you're uncertain what your chart is, there are plenty of places online that will calculate it for you. This is a reliable one:
Currently the Moon is in Libra, which happens to be my rising sign. Libra is ruled by Venus, the
Seventh house: The House Of Partnerships. It transits into my sun sign, Scorpio, tonight around 11:00 PM. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and Pluto, the Eighth house: The House Of Sex & Transformation, and remain there until 10:39 PM Tuesday, when it will transit into Sagittarius. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the Ninth house: The House Of Big Ideas, right before the Full Moon at 7:14 AM Wednesday.
We aren't finished, however. Post 24-48 hours still contain the waning effects of a full Moon, particularly one this powerful encompassing and eclipse. Therefore, when the Moon transits into Capricorn at 10:23 PM Thursday, the residual energy is still rippling. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the Tenth House: The House Of Public Image.
So you have four ( two directly - two pre and post ) houses affected by this Full Super Blood Moon Eclipse. Therefore, the emphasis for this Moon will be sex, transformation, and big ideas, with a residual emphasis on partnerships and public image.
You can bet that this moon will affect you more so if it's going to transit one of your houses, particularly Scorpio and Sagittarius. Or, if you have a lot of astrological influence of them in your birth chart.
But we're not finished! The Penumbra Eclipse occurs at exactly 4:47 AM ( remember, I use EDT ), two hours prior to the full Moon at 7:14 AM. The Full Eclipse begins at 7:11AM, and the Maximum eclipse will be 7:18 AM. Unfortunately for the East Coast USA, it will be below the horizon when that happens. However, Tuesday and Wednesday evening should present an absolutely beautiful Super Moon! Will it be red?! We'll see!

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You can start harnessing that energy now in preparation for the upcoming offerings. It's a perfect day to wear Gold and burn Juniper! Your Moonology card of the day is:
No 15. Waxing Gibbous 6: ACTION
"I am responsive and ready to take action."
This card signifies that if you've been paralyzed by fear or doubt, now is the time to cast it aside and take action. This denotes a decision. While it's always advisable to utilize caution over personal choices which affect our lives, there comes a time when caution evolves into procrastination. And procrastination becomes fear. And fear paralyzes a person, preventing any action at all.
What have you been weighing in your heart? What is it you want to do, but are perhaps afraid of what others will think?
Change can be difficult, but treading water in a stagnant pool will only lead to the disease of complacency. Perhaps you fear rejection? Or maybe it's losing whatever you have. Stepping into Action requires a great deal of trust in the Universe, that it will provide for your every need, just as it does the flower of the field.
You were not made to hide and refuse to bloom. On the contrary, you were made to blossom. Open and receive your answer/s, then take a step, any step, no matter how small, is Action.
Namaste, Lovely Souls.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Happy Monday, DU! With less than two days until our first eclipse of the year, the energy is pulsing, and you could feel very introspective, as though all your energy is filtered and drawn into itself—like a deep breath, gathering all your intentions to prepare for that exhale Wednesday.
This coincides perfectly with the card I drew this morning. While inhaling, take the time to Assess what it is in your life, and what changes you want to make. With the Moon being in Scorpio, the forefront of transformation and an increase/awareness of psychic power, it's the perfect time to end connections that no longer serve you.
There's an imbalance in your life where you're giving too much and not receiving in return. This is depleting your energy, but your nature is to hope for change; thus, you continue to give. It's time to assess where you're energy is delegated, and to whom. If you're giving more to others than yourself, then you will become an empty well.
Monday is ruled by the Moon, which also denotes psychic awareness. Therefore, combined with the Moon's transit into Scorpio last night, it's the perfect time to withdraw and reflect. The waxing Moon allows you to draw all things to you - so take that deep breath inward, breath it all in over the next two days. Assess what you've taken in; and then Wednesday release what no longer serves you.
Cut the cord. Sever the attachment that is draining your energy by exhaling during your ceremony Wednesday. Do you need an altar for a ceremony? No. Your altar can be your heart; it's your intentions that matter. Intend to take a step in the direction that would best serve your greater good, and those you come in contact with.
You've given enough; your well is drying—it's time to receive. But first, you must let something go and then step toward your destiny.
It's a great day to wear grey and burn hyssop for clarity during this energy.
Happy Monday all!

Whoop! Happy Moonday right back atcha! 🌝
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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JohnnyBlaze said:Whoop! Happy Moonday right back atcha! 🌝

Because this is a thread regarding the various forms of modalities, I thought I'd introduce the ancient tradition of smoke scrying, specifically that of my North American ancestors, the Cherokee tribe. Scrying is an ancient art of second sight by way of smoke.
One of the oldest of my ancestors was sweat lodge scrying; water was poured over hot coals while the participants, seated naked around the coals, would enter into a trancelike state and receive a vision. It's also known in some Native Cultures as a Vision Quest, though there are some variations of this between tribes. This can be extremely dangerous because participants are inhaling a certain amount of CO2, therefore, please do not try this without the guidance of someone highly experienced.
Another method is burning sage. I have found that regular and rope incense from Tibet works beautifully too. Please take care in ethically sourcing your ritual tool; white sage is being overharvested, and even stolen to sell for profit rather than being blessed for ceremony. Many companies have seals of authenticity and are members of credible organizations that you can trust. Ritual tools are sacred and should be respected and sourced as such for the purest of messages.
The result of this morning's session produced validation to a message I received last week. I'm not going to reveal my vision ( for now ), but allow you to discover your own.
What do you see?
Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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There's so much here, but the two dominant figures are Horus ( viewer's left - Falcon headed Egyptian god ) conjuring, and a Spirit of Light ( viewer's right ). Horus ruled over the land of the dead and of the living, thus, Horus means Uniter of Two Lands. Thus is Horus known as the life-death-rebirth deity.
When You receive Horus in a vision or a dream, know that your desire of pure intent in the tangible world is being supported by your ancestor lineage. Even more so, all the forces of the Universe, past and present, are working toward its manifestation. All you need do is hold steady the path in pure intent, and not be wavered by outside influences, particularly those of negative origin.
The Light Spirit over Horus' left shoulder is a blessing of fruition over the situation. This is one of the most beautiful scrying visions I've ever had present itself. It's everything in one.
I've had some interesting interpretations from others that are applicable to their own lives; we do not see the world as it is, but as we are ( Anais Nin ). We only see the world as others see it when they point it out, and our eyes adjust through filters. This is where many become stuck in patterns of submission or sheep following a shepherd. Their eye of Horus is blinded by that of another's when they fail to view their own destinies through their own eye.
Have some great shares coming up today about the Full Super Blood Moon, and how you can observe it!
Stay tuned!
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Tyrant of Words

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Art: Baños Medicinales by Diego Isaias Hernandez via
Giving our Latino & Hispanic friends/family a shoutout for their ancient healing rituals!
Our beautiful grandmother moon is entering her powerful full moon phase on Wednesday as well as having a Lunar Eclipse ( watch below ):
(A loving reminder to pregnant relatives that we who follow Mexican-Indigenous costumbres remain indoors.)
Full Moon Ofrendas:
If you are a portadora de fuego, popoxcomitl (sahumador / traditional Mexican-Indigenous incensor), burn good medicines to honor grandmother moon and lift up all Relatives including our Relatives in nature, in your prayers.
Water is Life. Pray with a bowl of water: Sing the Water Offering Song, offer prayers of gratitude for the sacred water that nurtures life, that cleanses our body and spirit, and for waterways everywhere that Water be protected. Make offerings in accordance with your tradition if you go to a lake, river, or ocean.
Water Song,
If you do not follow Indigenous customs offer up prayers in accordance with your spiritual tradition, for your family, community, and all of creation.
In the circle of life, when we pray for others that prayer makes its way around the circle and touches every one, every being, as it make its return to us.
For All Our Relations,
Maestra Grace
Curanderismo, the Healing Art of Mexico
•Instructions for the Full Moon Herbal Purification Bath,
•Instrucciones para el Baño de Luna Llena,

Just had a hellish thunderstorm roll through and the sky is brightening up again. I'm praying for clear skies! 🌝🙏🌚
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Dangerous Mind

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Pants on fire
...and 'purely visual'
...and 'purely visual'
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Tyrant of Words

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‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Moonology ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Whooo hooo! That ENERGY THOUGH! Anyone else feel it during ritual?!
The deck I am using is Queen of the Moon; it contains 44 cards, ending with the Super Moon! Guess what jumped out of the deck this morning?! You got it!
No. 44 - SUPER MOON, Attraction!
This is such a powerfully positive card to pull this morning, being it's actually during a SUPER MOON! But not just any Super Moon; but, a SUPER BLOOD MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE! I may have mentioned that half a dozen times or so over the last week!

So, your affirmation for the duration of this SUPER MOON is:
"I can attract what I wish, and repel what I do not." ( and you can )
Any full moon is about letting go. We build up our intentions between the space of New and Full Moons so that we can release them to the Universe during ceremony. This ceremony can be as simple as pure intentions from the heart; or, it can be as elaborate as an altar you've set up. That altar can be as simple as a table with a candle and a few offerings representing the elements; or, it can be as elaborate as your heart purely desires to offer.
Ritual is personal to each person's heart. But the ultimate intention is the same: Release & Attract!
Why not perform a Me-Tox? A Me-Tox today? Eliminate toxic thinking to repair the body/mind/spirit by cleaning your personal house? And while our homes are important factors in ritual, in that clutter-clear-clean is imperative for the flow of positive energy, our own bodies are also houses that need to be cleansed. What good does it do if your home is spotless but your mind or body isn't.
Paying attention to our spiritual house means discarding the deep, dearly held judgments that we pass onto others as well as ourselves, i.e. - I'm too fat, my skin is bad, my hair is horrible, etc. Release the people who you feel wronged or offended you. Recognize that they mirror the shadow aspects of your own soul ( Yes, it's a tough pill to follow, but it's also true ). Only then can you cull from your life the toxic people you have allowed into your inner circle.
These thoughts and personal judgments poison your mind; eliminate the inauthentic beliefs of others you've adopted as your own. Do so before your mind makes you sick, and empty your cupboards of the unhealthy junk food poisoning your body. Fast for the day; or skip a meal to allow your body to cleanse and rid itself of toxins.
Move your body. Walk. Run. Perform Tai Chi. Just Move.
Take a ritual bath with moon water, Epsom salts, and essential oils. Take as much care of yourself as you do those you love.
When done, you will reap the benefits of what you truly desire.
Blessed Day, Everyone. xo

My path is clear of clutter, everything is lined up perfectly like an eclipse, and events to come await in an amazing choreography of dominoes.