Official DU NaPoWriMo 2021 Discussion

Josh said:Don't worry, don't be apoplectic
get NaPo-flexic.
Move those dialectic poetic muscles for 30 days
wordify your orectic desires
juxtapose synectic verbology --
each line can be catalectic
only 50 unique words (it's a walk-over)
and it'll be fine
you'll finish with an acatalectic flourish.
5 days to sign up for NaPo 2021 (you know it makes sense)
I, Ganjosh, have spoken.
Ganjosh, what ancient book of *spells* are you pulling all these words from? They are so unique, I've not heard them uttered in the Common Speech for a thousand years!

Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17614
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614
Still haven't received my epic subject. . .

Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
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Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1877
JohnnyBlaze said:
Ganjosh, what ancient book of *spells* are you pulling all these words from? They are so unique, I've not heard them uttered in the Common Speech for a thousand years!
Well, it started off as just the first two lines and wanting to introduce a new word into the English language (NaPo-flexic = "a flexible approach to life enables you to do NaPo as well as eat/work/sleep") ...
- and then I got hold of my Walker's Rhyming Dictionary and went a bit awol. Surprisingly the meaning of the words (the four below of which I'd never heard) fits aspects of writing poetry.
Catalectic = "wanting a syllable at the end"
Acatalectic = "not defective at the end (of a verse)"
Orectic = "feeling impelled towards gratification"
Synectic = "connecting things of a different nature"

Ganjosh, what ancient book of *spells* are you pulling all these words from? They are so unique, I've not heard them uttered in the Common Speech for a thousand years!

Well, it started off as just the first two lines and wanting to introduce a new word into the English language (NaPo-flexic = "a flexible approach to life enables you to do NaPo as well as eat/work/sleep") ...
- and then I got hold of my Walker's Rhyming Dictionary and went a bit awol. Surprisingly the meaning of the words (the four below of which I'd never heard) fits aspects of writing poetry.
Catalectic = "wanting a syllable at the end"
Acatalectic = "not defective at the end (of a verse)"
Orectic = "feeling impelled towards gratification"
Synectic = "connecting things of a different nature"

Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614
Wonderful post, GanJosh. And, geesh, I can't believe it's less than a week!
Joined 29th Mar 2017
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Dangerous Mind

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Come along for the fun!
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Guardian of Shadows

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Josh said:
Well, it started off as just the first two lines and wanting to introduce a new word into the English language (NaPo-flexic = "a flexible approach to life enables you to do NaPo as well as eat/work/sleep") ...
- and then I got hold of my Walker's Rhyming Dictionary and went a bit awol. Surprisingly the meaning of the words (the four below of which I'd never heard) fits aspects of writing poetry.
Catalectic = "wanting a syllable at the end"
Acatalectic = "not defective at the end (of a verse)"
Orectic = "feeling impelled towards gratification"
Synectic = "connecting things of a different nature"
Way to go, Ganjosh! I like the new vocab.
I started collecting unique words and turns of phrases in high school at the age of 13. I never read a book without my slip of notepaper.
The longest word I encountered then had 45 letters and 18 syllables. I've never forgotten or been able to improve on it.
Well, it started off as just the first two lines and wanting to introduce a new word into the English language (NaPo-flexic = "a flexible approach to life enables you to do NaPo as well as eat/work/sleep") ...
- and then I got hold of my Walker's Rhyming Dictionary and went a bit awol. Surprisingly the meaning of the words (the four below of which I'd never heard) fits aspects of writing poetry.
Catalectic = "wanting a syllable at the end"
Acatalectic = "not defective at the end (of a verse)"
Orectic = "feeling impelled towards gratification"
Synectic = "connecting things of a different nature"

Way to go, Ganjosh! I like the new vocab.
I started collecting unique words and turns of phrases in high school at the age of 13. I never read a book without my slip of notepaper.
The longest word I encountered then had 45 letters and 18 syllables. I've never forgotten or been able to improve on it.
Joined 31st Mar 2020
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Lost Thinker

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Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17614
Brokenpoet2020 said:
Thank you Ahavati!
Excited to be back and want to share with you all my poetry manuscript has just been accepted for publishing. If I hadn’t joined napow last year I don’t think I would be in this position now
o O CONGRATULATIONS! We'll post it here in the DU published author's thread when it hits the shelves! And, yes; we LOVE these types of testimonies. Many of our participants have become published from polishing up NaPo entries! Happy to hear you're one!
Thank you Ahavati!
Excited to be back and want to share with you all my poetry manuscript has just been accepted for publishing. If I hadn’t joined napow last year I don’t think I would be in this position now

o O CONGRATULATIONS! We'll post it here in the DU published author's thread when it hits the shelves! And, yes; we LOVE these types of testimonies. Many of our participants have become published from polishing up NaPo entries! Happy to hear you're one!
Brokenpoet2020 said:
Thank you Ahavati!
Excited to be back and want to share with you all my poetry manuscript has just been accepted for publishing. If I hadn’t joined napow last year I don’t think I would be in this position now
Wow, congratulations! This is really wonderful news! I can’t believe we’re only four days away, now. I need to find my bow and arrows

Thank you Ahavati!
Excited to be back and want to share with you all my poetry manuscript has just been accepted for publishing. If I hadn’t joined napow last year I don’t think I would be in this position now

Wow, congratulations! This is really wonderful news! I can’t believe we’re only four days away, now. I need to find my bow and arrows

Joshua Bond
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1877
Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1877
Brokenpoet2020 said:
Thank you Ahavati!
Excited to be back and want to share with you all my poetry manuscript has just been accepted for publishing. If I hadn’t joined napow last year I don’t think I would be in this position now
How cool is that with the acceptance of your poetry manuscript. Well done. Excellent.
Thank you Ahavati!
Excited to be back and want to share with you all my poetry manuscript has just been accepted for publishing. If I hadn’t joined napow last year I don’t think I would be in this position now

How cool is that with the acceptance of your poetry manuscript. Well done. Excellent.
Forum Posts: 891
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th July 2018
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