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A Murder of Hornets Too + other crimes against poetry sites

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:

Bwahahahahaha! We're about to crank the group back up, BT! You never know!

I can see it now ..... everyone must attend in a bug avatar or risk disqualification.

poet Anonymous

Meet the Diabolical Ironclad Beetle. It’s Almost Uncrushable.


On the asphalt of a sun-soaked parking lot, he placed a mottled black beetle on a pillow of dirt and had a colleague run it over with a Toyota Camry. Twice.

Just about any other bug would have died. This one, a species called Phloeodes diabolicus, did not.

“Yeah, it’s still alive,” Dr. Rivera narrated matter-of-factly, as he prodded the still-intact beetle on the video. “It’s playing dead. But it’s still alive.”

I think someone should run over these fuckers with a Volkswagon Beetle and see if they like it.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298

Ant Acids

As an ant attacks an apple,
an aardvark attacks an ant,
and an ant ascends  
as an ascorbic appetizer.  
Adamant about alternative applications,  
Anthony asks,    
"are ant, apple, and aardvark associations    
actually amounting an allegorical account?",    
as an assistant adjusts an acid acuity analyzer.


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634

Annnnnd it's finally been found. One of them, at least.

Nest of 'murder hornets' in Washington state 1st in US: Officials say

Washington state entomologists discovered the first Asian giant hornet nest in the United States this week, officials said.

The nest was found after four live hornets were caught this week in traps the agriculture department set up in the area. Entomologists were able to attach radio trackers to three of the hornets, and one of them led them to the nest -- located in the cavity of a tree on private property -- Wednesday afternoon, officials said. The team observed dozens of hornets entering and leaving the tree.

[ . . . ]


poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:Annnnnd it's finally been found. One of them, at least.

Nest of 'murder hornets' in Washington state 1st in US: Officials say

Washington state entomologists discovered the first Asian giant hornet nest in the United States this week, officials said.

The nest was found after four live hornets were caught this week in traps the agriculture department set up in the area. Entomologists were able to attach radio trackers to three of the hornets, and one of them led them to the nest -- located in the cavity of a tree on private property -- Wednesday afternoon, officials said. The team observed dozens of hornets entering and leaving the tree.

[ . . . ]


My concerns are now that they've experienced being tied up with dental floss, they are going to use it on other insects. Can anyone say "garrote" ..? This is a horror movie in the making.

The Muder Hornets in the Rue Morge. Murder Hornets on the Orient Express. How To Get Away With Murder Hornets. Kill me now before I spend all day coming up with more titles.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17634

JohnnyBlaze said:

My concerns are now that they've experienced being tied up with dental floss, they are going to use it on other insects. Can anyone say "garrote" ..? This is a horror movie in the making.

The Muder Hornets in the Rue Morge. Murder Hornets on the Orient Express. How To Get Away With Murder Hornets. Kill me now before I spend all day coming up with more titles.

Write it out!

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298


- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

poet Anonymous


- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

It hurts my brain so much, I can't even begin to imagine.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

And if that Hornet does not get you , this one will !


Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

And if one get's hungry , running from the Hornets ,
just stop in at Horn and Hardart's Automat :


( went there as a young gentleman )

poet Anonymous

Blackwolf said:And if that Hornet does not get you , this one will !


Ha! I don't think I've seen that version!

poet Anonymous

Whooops, wrong thread .... though it's easy to confuse murderous insects with a scary movie LOL

poet Anonymous

Now that looks like a serious take no shit operation.

But then again, so did Aliens 2 . . .

poet Anonymous

The Murder Hornet Hunters of Paris
And other tales of hives and honeybees in the City of Light.


The Asian hornet first appeared in southwest France in 2004, possibly having traveled from Southeast Asia as a stowaway in a pottery shipment that docked in Bordeaux. “I actually did not imagine this species would reach the capital,” said Adrien Perrard, 33, a researcher of bee biodiversity at Sorbonne University. But in 2015, it did.

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