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Corona Time

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

SatInUGal said:I get that you feel freedom is paramount, but if you cross paths with someone who has it and then transmit it to someone else through your carelessness, you could be taking away their freedom. I have no issues with you or your values, but I urge you to consider this.

I have always lived my life the same way since I was thirteen...

Sixty five now...not stopping due to some *fochin'* virus , or disease...

If I , or others die...that is the way it is...in my tradition , that is not
death , truly , just moving onward...if others see it differently , that
is their choice...

And it is NOT my "carelessness" , as you put it...

It is MY version of caring , for me , and others...

You are not a witness to my life...nor I to yours...

So , we choose to believe certain ways , and act according to
those conscious decisions...again...no one has the right to tell
me otherwise...I would fight to the death for that right...

I do hope we understand each other...

Best to you and your loved ones...be safe the way you choose...

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

I can appreciate where you are coming from, even if we disagree. Good luck and be well.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Crazy times.

Thanks for these thoughts.
Loving the life here shared...

We don't all have to agree

Some of us struggle to keep
an opinion...

I believe in love

I believe in you....

All of you.

Be safe.

And feel free to carry on talking. I just wanted to appreciate you all for a moment...

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

EdibleWords said:Crazy times.

Thanks for these thoughts.
Loving the life here shared...

We don't all have to agree

Some of us struggle to keep
an opinion...

I believe in love

I believe in you....

All of you.

Be safe.

And feel free to carry on talking. I just wanted to appreciate you all for a moment...


Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 705

SatInUGal said:I get that you feel freedom is paramount, but if you cross paths with someone who has it and then transmit it to someone else through your carelessness, you could be taking away their freedom. I have no issues with you or your values, but I urge you to consider this.

You seem to have taken away the responsibility of the one who was alleged to have infected me. My presumably crossing paths with someone is really no different than you crossing paths with someone during your outings Why would i be more at fault than you
I see no concern for my life in this comment your sole concern is me taking someones freedom away.   Your projection onto us as careless people without value because we see life and death differently i will cast away i don't need that negative energy
I send positive vibes to those who have lost loved ones
For me death is a transition not a tragedy

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

“US being told to brace for their hardest week”.

This is the conspiracy, the media lie, many of you have been hunting for.

There is, without a shred of a shadow of a doubt, no way the US is close to its hardest week yet.

Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 705

hemihead said:“US being told to brace for their hardest week”.

This is the conspiracy, the media lie, many of you have been hunting for.

There is, without a shred of a shadow of a doubt, no way the US is close to its hardest week yet.


I feel there may be three global waves the first wave has not peaked yet just my opinion

poet Anonymous

hemihead said:“US being told to brace for their hardest week”.

This is the conspiracy, the media lie, many of you have been hunting for.

There is, without a shred of a shadow of a doubt, no way the US is close to its hardest week yet.

well if you look at exponential growth it will be there hardest weak yet, however the nest week after will be worse again

still we should all just get on with our lives and fuck everyone else I suppose, well it depends who you ask, how much accountability you think you have to your fellow neighbours and marginalised people, how much you think your little bit of difference matters, there are some really good graphs in the reddit post you posted that shows the joy of exponential growth.

living in interesting times as the old Japanese curse goes.

poet Anonymous


Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3054

hemihead said:“US being told to brace for their hardest week”.

This is the conspiracy, the media lie, many of you have been hunting for.

There is, without a shred of a shadow of a doubt, no way the US is close to its hardest week yet.

Have we not been hearing this same rhetoric for weeks now. Along with the media hyping up overrun war zone hospitals, testing centres bursting to capacity.
These numbers don't add up, why is the media reporting one thing and people on the ground seeing different.

That Richie Allen show link I posted in the other thread, he plays a clip of a NY Dr saying. This is nothing like he has seen the ventilators are doing more harm than good. He is likening it to altitude sickness rather than pneumonia.

In this video the guy posts the worldometer from Jan 1st to April 1st.
The seasonal flu has killed double what covid19 has in those  months. He also shows a report stating. CDC tells hospitals to list covid as cause of death even if you're assuming or if it contributed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is that not misinformation

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3054

Who was Bill Gates before Microsoft... Interesting

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

Jade-Pandora said:Say it’s not so!😱

From National Geographics:

I don't believe that! Ok, I believe it now. Just saw the feature on SKY News, sorry.
By the way, I like your latest poem, "There's Been Talk Of Spring" because I feel you are being honest in that one, which makes a refreshing change from the usual whimsical lightweight stuff you write about.

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1875

Carpe_Noctem said:

Have we not been hearing this same rhetoric for weeks now. Along with the media hyping up overrun war zone hospitals, testing centres bursting to capacity.
These numbers don't add up, why is the media reporting one thing and people on the ground seeing different.

That Richie Allen show link I posted in the other thread, he plays a clip of a NY Dr saying. This is nothing like he has seen the ventilators are doing more harm than good. He is likening it to altitude sickness rather than pneumonia.

In this video the guy posts the worldometer from Jan 1st to April 1st.
The seasonal flu has killed double what covid19 has in those  months. He also shows a report stating. CDC tells hospitals to list covid as cause of death even if you're assuming or if it contributed.
Correct me if I'm wrong but is that not misinformation

Thanks for posting that video, Carpe (actually it shows 'til April 4th - maybe he updated it). I have checked the figures myself just now (April 6th) on worldometers.info; Official Covid deaths up to 70K, but the stats still speak of the underlying lies, especially when official Covid deaths are actually deaths from multiple causes.
If this isn't clear what's going on, I don't know what is.
Unfortunately, history shows that even though 'the system' condemns itself through its own evidence, people prefer to believe the hype (buy into the drama story) even as whole economies are being shafted and whole ways-of-life are being destroyed.
People are generally unable to cope with the cognitive dissonance caused by their governments telling such whopping lies (surely they wouldn't!  --  Oh yes they would) The same thing happened with 9/11, and with WMD in Iraq (which they admitted did not exist after destroying the country). Even so, that didn't stop George Bush standing on a bloody great aircraft carrier with a huge banner in the background ("Mission Accomplished") reading his script.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Suggest everyone watch this - I saw on local news a short while ago.  Scroll to the video to start.


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