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Corona Time

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Math, 5 K extra deaths, minus 1,396 Corona is.... OMG

In New York
the overall  
death rate doubled  
for April
Of the increased  
death rate seen
a fraction  
were Corona-flooding  
About 2\3 deaths  
were apparently  
reaction induced!
Written by EdibleWords
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Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

drone said:
Space lasers shot the towers down”.
did she say that

So discredited she was removed from Wikipedia.
honest and truthful is Wikipedia
not one blemish on their track record
Amazing er

So deluded she never worked again.
who holds the purse strings
for funding
TAKE A wild guess

such as your self
are soo frightened
at the for and against
to ask the question
is there no open
between these scientists
who have the same
pieces of paper
nailed to their wall
after all
this is such a serious matter
why is that
A little strange
don't you think
OH sorry
I forgot you don't
this is not a guess
it's a fact
10.35 I posted
11.15 you posted
you went to your best friend
Wikipedia.one of your holy grails

Some have walls
that are low
some have walls
that are high
some believe
they don't have any
logical reasoning
bites the hand
of ignorant arrogant
that's ALWAYS
the weak willed
and the lost
to believe
your desperate need
to be believed
and your base line
of finding the facts
are sites
like Wikipedia
I know children
who can do better
YOU could try
asking a seagull

The low seismic signal of the event is a case in point. It is immediately obvious that since the buildings themselves are designed as dampers to prevent cyclic wind loading damage, they would have very nicely damped the shock loads of the aircraft hitting, reducing the seismic footprint of that impact at ground level.
er Gravity
seismic footprint of that impact at ground level.
would be noticed
It is immediately obvious
THAT you love being spoon fed
so sad

PS I would suggest
if you want to be
a little more believable
at the time on the posts

When considering new information, some questions;

- who is talking
- what are their life experience or academic credentials
- who is paying them to do the talking
- why are they taking

If the presentation suggests something that is controversial or at odds with my understanding;

- what is the counter view
- what is the relative strength of the counter view
- on ballance what is the weight of the idea vs the  counter view

These first steps help me filter out things I don’t need to waste time on. Sometimes it makes me want to listen, as the alternate view is both credible and controversial.

You seem to like to believe I don’t listen to conspiracy theories, yet I have listed more than 20 in these two threads. Each is happening g, is provable, and is ignored by ‘mainstream’ media. Does this fact not suit your made up mind?

(Side note: my experience in demolition blasting is far from trivial, and much of it was in urban areas where we are required to monitor ground acceleration. The blast always has a big signal, but the building falling is like a sort of ‘sigh’ or longer slower signal as everything does not land at once. Wave propagation through the ground is entire of expertise that we hire experts for. We hire experts with credentials, really to protect us legally, but the only ones I hire also have more than 20 years in the field. You thinking you can make your mind up over an expert like that demonstrates precisely the close-mindedness you claim for me)

“You have to stand for something, or you will fall for anything”

A direct energy beam, which is her entire point, is indeed a space laser (not really, but close enough. It’s a simple matter of energy production, storage and transmission. All the wizardry around aiming or focusing it is what several arms companies are working on, but the limitation is always those first three things. A 2kw microwave takes 30 seconds to take a cup of water from 20 to 100 degrees c. Now think about the amount of power it would take to instantly ‘dustify’ an entire building, noting also you’d have to take the steel from 20 to more like 1500c.

Regardless of her theory, even the device it self, at that power and range, would be as big as a high rise also, and almost certainly nuclear powered (which we can make mobile, in things the size of aircraft carriers!).

No one saw that. But they did see actual planes fly in to actual buildings.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

Math, 5 K extra deaths, minus 1,396 Corona is.... OMG

In New York
the overall  
death rate doubled  
for April
Of the increased  
death rate seen
a fraction  
were Corona-flooding  
About 2\3 deaths  
were apparently  
reaction induced!
Written by EdibleWords
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EdibleWords said:
It's scary stuff. The 'spin-off' deaths will be just as bad as the virus itself. I have said this all along! (somewhere).  

Tyrant of Words
Joined 7th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 3004

Billy_Snagg said:
It's scary stuff. The 'spin-off' deaths will be just as bad as the virus itself. I have said this all along! (somewhere).  

Incorrect. It is much worse. Maybe we would have doubled the death rate a different way... but we lost most of those people for other reasons like our stampede.

Tiny terrorists won....

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

EdibleWords said:

Incorrect. It is much worse. Maybe we would have doubled the death rate a different way... but we lost most of those people for other reasons like our stampede.
Tiny terrorists won....

Yeah, I'm not going to argue with you cos I think you may be right.

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Billy_Snagg said:
Yeah, I'm not going to argue with you cos I think you may be right.

There is no perfect solution.

Option 1. Lots of deaths from covid, unrestrained, plus all the deaths from things that could have been treated but hospitals are overwhelmed. US model initially 2.5m dead.

Option 2. Lock everything down. Accept that there will domestic violence. Accept still 100 000 covid deaths. Accept economic recession. Plan for these outcomes.

Option 3. Balance somewhere in between these two.

It will never please everyone, no matter what you do.

As the peak passes (which I don’t think it has in the US, but experts seem to think its close, so fair enough) watch the dialogue change. People will begin to say things like “see, it only killed xyz, so this was all an over reaction”, ignoring the lock down benefits.

Had a country instead done nothing, and accepted a high death toll, the dialogue would be “see. It was obviously deadly. Why did our government not do a total lock down”, ignoring the financial impacts.

Again, there is no pleasing everyone.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

I'd go with option 3 Hemi.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Lock everything down ?

Accept there will be thousands of deaths from those
who refuse to be locked down , and they have as much
firepower as military , because many are military , yet
will not have their freedoms taken away...

Am I one ?

No , yet I do know some personally , who direct others...

Am I saying it is correct behavior ?

No , I am not...yet I know what they could do , if provoked...

Some have fingers on *very* big triggers...

Not saying right or wrong...just they also must be considered
in any formulaic response , and answer , regarding lockdown

Dangerous Mind
New Zealand 13awards
Joined 1st Nov 2010
Forum Posts: 1749

Billy_Snagg said:I'd go with option 3 Hemi.

Most would i think.

Then we get in to the ugly question of exactly where on that spectrum we want to sit.

We have been allowed to continue essential services, but all other construction works have stopped. That’s our total workforce of around 20 000 people on reduced hours, forced paid leave, etc. We are also in a serious fight to stay solvent as a business.

I think we could have stayed operating, admittedly under tough safety protocols. But that opinion is not even shared inside my management team, or my own family.

Rist Jizzmann
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 38awards
Joined 14th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 252

I'm sorry to hear that.

Valeriya Long
Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Jan 2020
Forum Posts: 705

Agreed BW I said in the beginning the only lockdown we will have is the men on this mountain keeping the military out We have supplies for the 200 who live up here ammo and food
Women take care of the women and meals men prepared to do what they do
Is it right?
Is it for freedom? Yes

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1868

Valeriya said:Agreed BW I said in the beginning the only lockdown we will have is the men on this mountain keeping the military out We have supplies for the 200 who live up here ammo and food
Women take care of the women and meals men prepared to do what they do
Is it right?
Is it for freedom? Yes

I respect this approach as a community choice, but as a life-long pacifist whose life has been skewered by family hand-me-down trauma from two world wars I cannot sanction the taking up of arms - even when violence is perpetrated on innocent individuals and communities.
It's a very tricky one I know and I'm not sure how I would react under extreme provocation. I repeat to myself every day the summary mantra from A Course in Miracles
"Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God"
... and I hope these words sink in deep enough into my soul so I act (not react) in a manner that has integrity for me, should push come to shove.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604

It's been  surreal here in the west of Ireland. very calm and quiet. haven't watched the news in some days. our neighbor across the sea is going through a bad phase of it

I dont trust Bill Gates or his intentions. he's an American billionaire, his god is money. if mandatory vaccinations are next he will accumulate more wealth

reality is vaccinations have been used as a guise for other nefarious intent.  US military in Afghanistan used vaccinations as an opportunity to collect DNA from civilians.

way I see it, it's about trust. who can we trust. the answer, is nobody. doctors, scientists, politicians can all be bought and sold. only have to look at tobacco companies who've bought all three

where do we go from here ?

I think we need to be extra careful now. the virus itself, where it came from etc is up for debate. they say China, perhaps it was. there is no X case

The people who we are listening to, papers we read and news we watch have been lying to us throughout our lives. theres plenty of documented evidence to support that

far as I'm concerned Ike is a muppet. hes looking to make money, has been for plenty of years. personally I think he should be jailed along with everyone who's trying to make money off people's fear

I do think we should absolutely question everything. I admire Carpe and others for sticking to their guns, I do doubt the validity of a lot of the links I've watched

I think in terms of 5g :

corporations are like parasites, if you let them they will latch on and suck your money out of you. parasites need their hosts to saty alive, and the really good ones will live on the host without them knowing

anyhow, thread has been an education. good stuff  

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1868

Can one of you clever people out there check the truth or otherwise of this quote attributed to Henry Kissinger

"Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccinations, it's game over! They will accept anything -- forcible blood or organ donation -- for the "greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them -- for the "greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions and many of you in this room today are investors. It's a big win-win! We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for providing extermination services".

And whether Kissinger said it or not, is not the essential mind-set behind this statement being put into operation in these corona times?

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