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#NoPoo Book 1     An ode to Gabriel

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

detected pangs of an incandescent insomniac

sleep only gently kissed my lips
teetering on the cusp of awake
swirling with that pang
nothing real to muster
or a will enough to want to care
a bitterness
with thoughts persistent in
all the gradient grandeur of not but one reality
my own burdens to carry, heavy
Heavy and just.. within all my(the)darkness

7:20am EST

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

Adam’s Rib

Divine Man as he sits alone
A King without a Queen to sit on the throne
The gift to man, God’s spiritual song
Sleep Adam, you shall see
A woman to have to come unto thee
Rib now gone
Two kindred souls within paradise as they roamed

Such a beautiful earthly connection
Adam instilling his knowledge, his hopes, his desires into soft curvaceous of perfection
Ecstasy crowned, tree of life as one’s giving
Lovers in the garden, serpent slithering
Eve take a bite, your eyes will see the Dawn of light
Allow your mind to be your guiding flight
Your earthly insight

Forbidden Apple, Eve hungrily bit
Passed Adam’s lips, his teeth quickly dipped
Eve surrendering in the garden under the raw passion of a harden spiritual gift
Adam sapping sweeten juices from Eve’s butter rum abyss
Without clothes, two lovers did flee
We hide in shame for now we see

Locked minds sinfully eloping
Pandora box of sins now their coping
Undeniable passion for the yearning of naked bodies has spoken
Adam’s wanderlust found in the deep chasm of Eve’s soft opening
Defiance, for unlocking the spiritual Master Key
Souls deposed, for defying the Almighty Thee

Fast forward today, among a word of silk and lace
Man cannot live without woman, his desired rib chase
A love story that started before the land of time
Without chocolates, sexy lingerie, roses, or sips of vintage wine
Nakedness to Figs
A woman to a man, now his earthly gig
If we went back to do it again
Would life had been this bad, had those two not committed the original sin

Would unity stand strong
Would we all get alone
Violence, Hate, Racism, never heard of you
Ten Commandants would never have been written for life’s fools
Do unto others would have been the golden rule
Life lessons, would not have to be taught in schools
No God pities babies or fools would ever apply
We will all live like Gods, as time flies by
Earthly graves we shall have comfort in
If only those two lovers, would never have condemned our lives to wallow in eternal sins

NoPoo #24 (12-18-20)
Everyone have a great and safe weekend

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

The Journey We All Take (NoPoo 37)

from the day of birth
began the longest jorney
one of joy and pain
with mutual connections
hoping the road never ends
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139


Breathing stale air
I love you...always
dusts in my eyes
bring in the clowns
laughing and dancing
upside down
mimicking me


Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1409

#NoPoo/ 191220/ 00:11:22
::our cosmic midnight metal rock goes on..::

(an image inspired lil abstract poetry, image: self)

midnight electric fish
deepdives further down..

a drowning~ slow melody
turns as shrill hot metallic
rocking magmatic vibe
core~ south coordinate ..

its enigmatic wired toptail..
no more looks weird.. in its
now so-used to overlappance.. a
record~ bedazzle blinding glare..
in zillion xeroxing imprints

.. connects to

destiny... a proximally~
parallel similudinal universe..  in
counting waits.. a magnitudinal
ticking solitudinal synchrony..

in stirring~ strings tonight
from their pillaring~ singular
steely~ rib  longitude.. & those
unpredictably weathering
schizophrenical latitudinal
marrings .. of many moody
smilies & emojis.. that's

in the wrinkly dark cries
to wide-openly ~ penning
maximal flights..   a poetic
lightness expanse..

of Us.. of Love

*also #121 ERULGCT . Rob xx

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405


the golden orb weaver

has a colorful garb
of her own
a prolific spinner
of golden fibres
she knows
where to cast
for the fly's dance with death
it ain't the wind

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

A Dark Lament (NoPoo 38)

miserable thoughts
imagining suicide
a lifeforce ending
decisions influenced
the loneliness taking over
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

perfection in drowning

I'm so lost in you
drowning without a thought
amused as my lungs fill to perfection
oblivious to everything
you are all I see
all I want

and all I ever want to know

#NoPoo 12/19/2020
10:18am EST

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

To Cast Thy First Stone

To cast thy first stone    
Place of paradise, where redemption of fallen grace shall roam  
Hell, on earth as you could, taste, feel, see  
Illuminated for those who wish not to believe, yet on their knees    
Hearts of stone, uncaged as they hellish roam    
Remain standing strong, why the meek sings such painful Psalms    
Wailing in the belly of the beast, the last breath inhaled, vessel gone    
Mentalities running, to the Pandora Box of the 33rd degree    
The hushed secrets to the core of existence to set the spiritual laws of the soul free    
No other place that accommodates such sinful needs  
Wicked deeds    
Implantation of ungodly generational seeds    
The seven deadly sins, oh yes, they’re real    
As an earthly Angel, my skin tattered as lashes I feel    
Lucifer is within the mind, flames igniting the destructive torch of thy righteous heart    
Right and Wrong, God’s true purpose given from the beginning of time in its natural and purest state of art    
Angels, yes, we see, bow under grace, for the sins of you and thee    
Roaming unaware from sunrise to sunset spreading God’s Heavenly doctrine to be    
Yet, Revelations gives you the seven seals, seven churches, and the pale horse    
Death and destruction follows of course    
Cast of its evil intent, no remorse
Strife from the life you lead, covet in shame by the beliefs of the heart’s choice    
This New World Order Chants for the horned sultry beast    
The cries from ancestral cotton fields, lineage denigration, mass killings, famine, its glorious birth, fame of a sinful feast    
In carnage, the serpent cries when his tail flips  
Intellectual of wisdom, yet devoid of its true spiritual gifts    
Given from the Crown of thy head    
Sex, Fornication its salacious duality, when blind minds have been put to bed    
Your actions, your self-damnation, your two-edge sword mouth, a dark place where your heart has been led    
The Heavens, where God’s laws preaches, sails so beautiful, so free  
The Pearly Gates, the fiery eyes of disunite will never come to see    
Heaven or Hell are found within the heart’s value, you decide your dedication    
A holy man standing in a pulpit preaching the way to salvation    
One hundred and forty-four souls’ entrance, the others reincarnated to an ungodly world of mind wandering, daily trepidation    
God seeks thy heart without a spot or a winkle    
Your fate leaves the mind in waiting, destiny to the last breath, which no one knows, it’s just that simple

NoPoo #25 (12-19-20)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2164

Vanity’s Reprisal

Falsehood joviality stolen birthrights unbeknownst of humility documented by scrolls written of ancient time
Fourscore the crown falsify echoes of bloodied birthright disparity as it once flowed like sands of time
Give me liberty, you gave me death
Stolen heritage unto every mankind worn proudly of a soulless heart given less

Burdensome history, not rooted of melanin creed
The first shall be last, shall be first again, beautifully seeps of Moorish DNA bowed, until death principles will bleed
To the mountaintop I’ve looked over, seen beyond the Pale Horse one must say
Hellish disposition of improvised vanity, emptiness souls unto Baal you shall pray  

Distorted fame of the heart, mind, soul, your identity embedded in odium sets your free
Debauchery separates intellectual stimuli of celestial understanding from the root as seeds
Coveted minds to give credence to the eyes who will never come to see
Devoid of spiritual enlightment, in the belly of the beast the snake slithers
Through the storms seek higher of your fallacy existence

Impartially stands on the throne in eyes of the Creator as non-belief
To the moon, the stars, the Heavens, wisdom and knowledge gives weary minds earthly relief
In reality, falsehood of fame does not win wars
The penchant to want, need, is where hearts gets bruised and egos will become sore  

Rain shall come and then the storms
Two-edge sword you crave, victory shall be won
The pillow to rest one’s head shall come undone
No reprisal, thy shall take the rewards of the meek
I give you enlightment from the horse’s bridle the joust shall be your feast

Dedicated with honor to my beautiful grann in Haiti

NoPoo #26 (12-20-20)

Tyrant of Words
Palestine 20awards
Joined 14th June 2017
Forum Posts: 5405


the vacant swing

back and forth
under the thick fig tree
deep in the woods
whilst the wind
was dead still

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139


Just like
shifting sand
it's all unpredictable
in the end
the only thing that's left
is love


Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Can You Read? (NoPoo 39)

writings on the wall
graffiti slogans for all
wise little titbits
entering the consciousness
subliminal messaging
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

I was comforted for a time
with nurturing souls abound
creative energy blossomed
kinships, a stones throw found
an oasis, for those with hearts afflicted
'tis a warmth in alike with such dire need
leading to a written cathartic poetic reprieve

#NoPoo 12/20/2020
4:20pm EST

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17139


I forgot the dates
the time
is it day yet
where you are
waiting for you
breakfast, lunch, dinner
food on the table
like Dickens Pip
moulds of forgotten dreams
taste is a stranger
water an acquaintance
tears constant
when will it end...


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