Poetry competition CLOSED 25th May 2017 5:46pm
Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
View Profile Poems by Jade-Pandora
RUNNERS-UP: diddi and J_J_Jay_Jr

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Thought Provoker
Joined 31st Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 143

Poetry Contest

Share romantic poems.
Romance: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love; love, especially when sentimental or idealized.

Poems will get comments explaining good features as well as subjective areas of improvement. If you want comments, then put your poem webpage's full url link (or just the 6 digits that are within that url) at the bottom of your posts.

You are allowed to submit a poem that you've written before, even if I've commented on it or it's been in my previous romance contest.

You can submit 3 poems maximum. Don't edit your posts, after the contest has closed.

Please send me a private message with any questions.

Here's some inspiration from last competition:

wallyroo92 said:Spiritually and Mystically

Longing with all the aspiration of time and space,
When I see your face all I want to do is smile,
And let my mind wonder in the marvels of this love,
Of this emotion that will travel a million miles.
And while this may not be my typical declaration,
I swear on all creation this appeal feels surreal,
A zeal of imaginings ventured beyond the night,
And into the morning light that my silence conceals.
I linger in that stillness, that realness, that presence,
That essence that still leaves me in daze for days,
Like rays of moon beams filling my head with dreams
That pour through every pore when I catch your gaze.
This phase will last me many centuries, a life, an age,
A word on every page written as I’m smitten by you,
Through which I find a fire of inspired verses expressed
So that I can gladly confess, I find myself driven by you,
Spiritually and mystically...

Jade-Pandora said:Godsend

He calls them "scripts",
His prescriptions, his meds.

And from what we know
Of each other,
It should be short for "scriptures",

'Cause he told me yesterday
That I was a godsend.

I don't think
God did him any favors,

But I'll bet you he'll debate it
And say otherwise,

Even if he's having trouble
Filling his lungs with air

'Cause he knows
I've promised him some of mine.

AEMelia564 said:An iris
a lillac lilly

two hearts
one whole
four lips
one kiss

Here's more inspiration from last competition:
Wombed by AEMelia564
Renga: Sensual Rain by Jade-Pandora

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

'Twas under the rainbow, we first met.

 I was young.
You were older.

It started out cloudy.
The weather.
Your mood.
And our relationship.

I was laughing.
You were crying.

He'd left you.

And it was starting to rain.

I offered my umbrella.

You were angry that I had laughed.
And walked on, as the rain started to fall.

Gently at first.
As was my apology.
I held it over your head.

You glared and said, "Why?"

That I'd laughed?
Or that he'd left?

The answer was nearly the same.

You view the world, thorough pink tinted glasses.
To you the world was a fiesta of love shaded in pink.

He couldn't stand your pink view of the world.
Your pink definition of love.

As the rain tamed, the sun emerged, a rainbow framed the sky.
And your tears dried.

I saw the gentleness, the softness.
behind the pinkness, that drove him away.
And my laughter was at his loss.

At you, I would never laugh.
With you, I hoped to share many laughs.
And hugs.
And kisses,
And silent glances.
And intimate moments.
And life.

It was your view of the world,
though pink tinted glasses
that drew me to you.

You came to call me your "younger" man.

And I called you my "ol' lady" in turn.

So, dearest,
That's how it began,
under a rainbow filled sky.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

Words of love

In expert hands.
Manipulate deftly.

Enthralling you,
Cutting into,
Your life.

Strangling your thoughts.

Ropes of spider silk,
Around your heart.


Imprisoning you.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 20th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 218

image of my love

Early morning.

All she wore,
A white t-shirt,
One of mine.

Sitting back in her chair,
Feet on the chair,
In front of her,
Heels pulled back,
Touching her bum.

Shirt stretched out,
Over her knees.

Only her feet,
And a bit of her bum,
Showed below it.

Copy of Vogue,
In front of her,
On the table.

Cup of coffee,
In her hand,
Raised to lips,
Sipping quietly.

Sunlight from the window,
Made her messy hair,
A halo of gold.

An image of,
My love.
Written by J_J_Jay_Jr
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StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

A Sky In Each Eye

Am I real
can you deal
with all the layers
that you feel
the thoughts
as I kneel
on the floor  
yes I'm real
my mind
is not blind
and nor
did I steal
the contents inside
they are mine
the real deal .

If you think
for a minute
in sync
yes I'm with it
the light
you will find
is the chink
I am in it .

Just trying to find
the blink  
that hides
I know these times
but you got to stick with it .

You have to believe
not all do deceive
comes for free
as fakery is
always seen.

So how do I prove
that you I won't use
each other we peruse
there's only me
in my shoes
and yes I know
that you're you
I forward  
to conclude
there's a sky in each eye
and each one is for you .

All I ask is believe
in the task
you can't see
my mind without eyes
is not blind
it still see's ..

From this life
we all die
so let's fly
wide and high
like new kites
rocket spiked
off this sphere
past blue clear
far from here
without tears
minus fear
airborne free

endlessly .


StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

What You Are Inside Of  I  


I see
your freeze frame
this picture's driving me insane
theres only part of you
that's showing
with half a name
I long to know you
invent new colour , alien hues  
turn all the bad , golden
enable breathing on the moon .

Imagine floatation
we're absent
from rotation .

Orchestral notes are pitching high
we are like Kestrel's
in new skies
we could kiss Neptune
or Jupiter's eye
I am the octagon
but no sides lie
I roll and rock too
I've lived a lot of life
so I need to know you
before I go and die .

Take me away
to where new suns
light up your face
with an amethyst haze
that does eradicate
gone days  .

The cool of ruby
and all red  , is truly too me
the jewels that you have bled
and the food
you do feed too me
the words that I have read
walk around inside my head
sometimes they run instead
because of your athletic legs

if I could I'd replace
the dead stars in the sky
if it did so place
what you are  
inside of  I  .

Written by diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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What You Are Inside Of  I  


I see
your freeze frame
this picture's driving me insane
theres only part of you
that's showing
with half a name
I long to know you
invent new colour , alien hues  
turn all the bad , golden
enable breathing on the moon .

Imagine floatation
we're absent
from rotation .

Orchestral notes are pitching high
we are like Kestrel's
in new skies
we could kiss Neptune
or Jupiter's eye
I am the octagon
but no sides lie
I roll and rock too
I've lived a lot of life
so I need to know you
before I go and die .

Take me away
to where new suns
light up your face
with an amethyst haze
that does eradicate
gone days  .

The cool of ruby
and all red  , is truly too me
the jewels that you have bled
and the food
you do feed too me
the words that I have read
walk around inside my head
sometimes they run instead
because of your athletic legs

if I could I'd replace
the dead stars in the sky
if it did so place
what you are  
inside of  I  .

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

A Time That's Never Been


So you want me
to rap on your door
gatecrash your party
get real close
on the floor
travel to far galaxies
on a dragonfly
which has two seats
where all the dark
turns bright
and blind can see
take a picture
with your mind
and share
let's go to the inside
of a time
that's never been
would you lie down
by my side
take a ride
where I do dream
would you each night
hold my hand
in far lands
as we do sleep .

Your violet strikes
along primary colours
turning skies
to white
I'm your rainbow
I'm a brother
you're a diamond
in disguise
as a human
undercover .
and maybe
I'll drop by
and play you
a few numbers  .
Written by diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16908

Are You the One

To die a little as you love each day
to see your beloved happy
to live again each morning
after a night of  slumber
sated in love

yet are you the one
who will forever light
your beloved’s way
like a bright sunray
all the day of your life

you can and will die
a thousand death
just to re-live each moments
of joyous love sublime
to feel again, to savour

But are you the candle
That will last till dawn
Of the thousands of days
Loving living laughing together
Or will love splutter and die before

Are you the one
The love of your beloved
to wear the golden circle that binds
Are you really the One.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 99

Rambling about Her

The stars seem to shine for you, in particular.
Your beauty’s so stunning it leaves me inarticulate.
The scent of wildflowers; like an olfactory vernacular,
emanates from your body, like sound from an instrument.

My brain twitches
and like symbols from ash, after fire
cymbals clash,

and the Phoenix, it rises,
destroys cities, disguises  
in sand and baptizes them;

Now they’re reborn, with new purpose
like a corpus, with thorns  
shaped like a crown.

Proper nouns

are the only thing worthy to label
the beauty within you...

it reads like a fable.

It cannot be real…
It’s harder than steel,
Infinite like a wheel,
And yet soft to the touch,
lacking friction  
as such,

the only prescription
for the condition  
you leave my soul in (lust)
is to behold in all its splendor  
the fullness of your body

Inside you,

and you beside me.
Written by Fizzle (Ammiture)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Tiger Spring

I, tiger, pad my way in search of Spring  
As silver notes from breath through tree limbs sing,
Its offering the gentle mist of green  
To enter in the cage of Bengal queen.  
This time of year brings feelings of rebirth,  
The thick sense of one's body from the earth,
To welcome sirens of hormonal song  
And turnings of my yearn the whole night long.  
The constant circle of a lashing tail,  
The rise and pitch to advertise her grail.
My tiger paces, growling timbres' thrum  
In hopes the He knows where the voice comes from.  
But when the sun is high I'll make my leap  
To race and follow tracks of suitor deep,
And through a cloud of butterflies & bloom  
To meet up and begin our honeymoon.

Image: "Breath of Life"
April 25 ( NaPoWriMo 2017 )
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
Philippines 24awards
Joined 15th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 1470


Inspired By: Kiss With A Fist
Here I am asking as you slap me senseless...
How could anyone understand the spark that ignites?
That with every blood from a cut when we fight,
A passionate force tells us that it is alright?
Destructive, violent and not a pretty sight
Yet we love to hate with all our might.
You and I, we are two of a kind
To savour suffering is our best bind
So Baby, hit me, kick me, I won't mind
Give me a reason to scratch your hind,
Bite your tongue and render you blind!
Peace disguised in chaos and mayhem.
Why do we find pleasure in every  pain?
Both sated with each given stain
Drawn to each other, even in bane
By noxious malice, by blood, by disdain?
Waiting for answers while I bash your toe with a hammer....

©All Rights Reserved
Written by OxyMoronicMe (G.L.)
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poet Anonymous

All Seasons.

They say that home is where the heart is,
so tell me where you are?
Because I wish to return.

I can personify the sun until she burns cold or
write a sonnet about how the waves of your
love wash upon my shores.

But in the end, it all means the same.

I would speak metaphorically on how our love
blossoms like a fire lily, vibrant with colours and scent engulfing me.

However, even the fire lily has it's seasons.

We have no seasons;

We are the summers sun hot with passion.
We are the autumn leaves rich with pride.
We are the winter nights by the fireside.
We are the springs morning laced and sparkling.

There are a million ballads and a million
pictures of beauty.
But in reality, there is only one way to say it.

I love you

poet Anonymous

Just one look.

She looks so
beautiful in the rain,
her skin glitters
a pale rose,
as I stand here
looking into those
big brown eyes,
all the shades around
her fade until she
is the only
color in my life.

Her lips.....
oh those red wine lips
that break into a
smile stain my own
with a memory that
will last until the
world stops spinning.

And that would be fine,
we could just step off
and be all that we are
to each other and

I can feel my heart quietly
swell as we simply stand in the rain.

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