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Poetry competition CLOSED 11th February 2017 2:23am
RUNNERS-UP: anonymouslyhere and SatansSperm

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poet Anonymous

Great entries everyone!  :)

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Cuba 2awards
Joined 12th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 43

All over me

I miss you baby all over me

You used to possess me
Your breathing in my ears, your dick in my mouth, your fingers penetrating all around me. Dawn I miss them all!

Making love in the closet, airplane bathroom sex fantasies, I miss our dreams together and your dick common I need it now.
Written by FLC8
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poet Anonymous

Blaze A Trail

My appetite has been ravenous
with hunger gripping at every nerve
sending signals to my every spot
which is pink, so sweet and tender

I'm unable to control the twitches
with three rings hugging as blood now flows
dimming the lights...goddamn he's sexy
I want to give him a helluva show

Watch as I approach him slowly
and cause his pulses to rise
his eyes will view my swaying curves
concealed is wet between my thighs

Look at Dickydoo...he's taken his seat
stretched and relaxed with legs spread wide
I take my time to arrive between them
before I turn slowly in sultry glide

Hands slide down from full D's to waist
leaning forward to grip his knees
ass now rubbing against his chest
as I always do...I aim to please

Desire felt bulging from underneath
turning again I lean in close
nibbles to neck breaths whisper coyly
"Do you mind if I shed some clothes...?"

He exudes a sound of rapture
I grin and linger then stand to rise
brushing warm flesh against his face
my stare is locked on Nyanza eyes

Pebbled peaks are calling out
once unmasked behind lace in red
teasing to lips I take a step back
his mouth extends in want to be fed

Manicured pinches, twists then pulls
now to tongue for a sensual lick
left to blaze a trail between twin peaks
ending where nectar's felt smooth and slick

Traversing hips lace falls along thighs
taking their time to meet the floor
his growls tell me he's enjoying this dance
perhaps I can tantalize a little more

Turning again I begin to bend
let's guide those panties towards dainty feet
helping them down with final descent
exposes the glossed lips

...that his shall meet

Copyright © 2017 Schiitaryn McKenna. All Rights Reserved

poet Anonymous

So many great entries it was hard to choose.  Thank you all for joining me with this one!  :)

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 311

Start a new one, Mystique!  There are so many great voices out there still unheard.  :)

poet Anonymous

To our host of this fantabulous comp I would like to say Thank you so very much!! Honored to have been chosen among so many excellent entries! Congrats go out as well to the runners up Pariah and SS and the other poets for entering.

Thank you again!!

Xoxo Taryn

Dangerous Mind
Joined 19th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 3112

Thank you for the runner up spot..& congrats to Taryn she deserves it :D

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Thanks to our Timid host for the opportunity in this great competitipn - there was such a variety of talented writes!  And my enthusiastic congratulations to sister Taryn for the win, and to Anon & SS who share the podium!

Telina Cline
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 10th Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1

Nice. I felt that. Creative in a realistic way

Pariah Shadow
Dangerous Mind
United States 5awards
Joined 31st Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 1633

Congrats Taryn, truly a well deserving winner. Great comp, quite a lot of fun to be a part of.

poet Anonymous

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