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Poetry competition CLOSED 18th September 2016 3:30am
View Profile Poems by Trixareforkids

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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

a Candy comp

Poems can be Simple, Dark, Sexy, Erotic, Dirty, Upbeat, Political or whatever … Just be creative

UnLimited Entries
New Poems encouraged
Old Writes welcome
One Week to Enter

This is a Fun Comp, so have fun!

poet Anonymous



I don`t want your lollipop
and you can keep your tootsie rolls
`cause your skittles don`t taste
like m & m`s, and don`t pretend
that your kisses are like my pay day
so that you can play with my kit kat
and those snickers aren`t going to get
you laid so keep your hands off my mounds
and my nipples aren`t your gum drops
and don`t think your hot tamale
sizzles then drizzles like the caramel in a rollo
`cause this here chick is butterfinger solo
I don`t need a mr. goodbar or his twizzler
what I would like though and very much please
is a jumbo pixie stick dick,
a blow pop dildo and a dum dum that tastes
like cum

. . .you know what. . .strike that. . .

I`ll just have a whatchamacallit

Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 2597

I wrote this one last year for Halloween

Trick or Treat

It's midnight in the garden of good and plenty
Mr. Goodbar is looking for the double mint twins
hoping to get his tootsie pop licked
Jujube is stuck at home watching the sugar babies
while Mary Jane is out sweet tarting it up with Mike and Ike
Reese 's trying to get a piece of a babe named Ruth
but coming up zero as she snickers at his whatchamacallit
That hot tamale Honey is hoping to work her charms
on Clark for a 100 grand payday
Little does she know he over on 5th Avenue
getting his oh from Henry
Just another Saturday night here in Candy Land
where everybody's looking for a trick or a treat

poet Anonymous

Lady Trix ... AWESOME! ... thank you for starting this comp off!

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


One Christmas Eve Night
Santa Clause whispered to me
‘Suck my candy cane’

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Candy Man

Candy man, candy man;

Take me to the candy shop,

Candy man, candy man;

Give me a taste of your sweet lollipop;

Candy man, candy man give me your candy.

Candy man, you're so sweet like sugar
I just want to eat you,
Spray some whip cream all over your body and
lick you clean,
Mmm you're so lean and smooth,
Can I please taste your sweet and sour sucker?,
Stroke it and have you thump your hips against my hand till you can't stand it and squeeze out delicious frosting?,
And put my lips up to it and kiss it as it's dripping?.

Candy man, candy man;

Take me to the candy shop,

Candy man, candy man;

Give me a taste of your sweet lollipop,

Candy man, candy man give me your candy.

Give me your sweet bubble gum tongue,
Eat my cherry coated center,
Tell me how many licks does it take till you get there.
Satisfy my hunger pain,
Let me grab onto your curly chocolatey mane as I feel your hot lips up on me.
Please me,
Tease me with every lick.
Lay your sugar stick on me.

Candy man, candy man;

Take me to the candy shop,

Candy man, candy man;

Give me a taste of your sweet lollipop,

Candy man, candy man give me your candy.

Dip your hot tip inside me,
I need it to make me ooo,
I need it to make me Ahhh,
I want your body to convulse on me,
I want to feel you combust inside me.
Let me ride with you,
Work you till you feel so weak,
You know I like to be your freak.
Go in a little harder, daddy give me all you got.
Make it nice and hot, baby please don't stop.
Explode like a sex bomb and kiss me till the throbbing sensation is gone.

Candy man, candy man;

Take me to the candy shop,

Candy man, candy man;

Give me a taste of your sweet lollipop,

Candy man, candy man give me your candy.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


My hair is as deep and rich
as darkest chocolate flowing
slowly from a coffee mug.

Look into my hot fudge eyes
for a candied apple treat
that will tempt you and surprise.

Like an Easter egg hunting,
explore my bon bon cherries
and skin of vanilla cream.

Now look carefully around
berry patch & flower bed
a reward straight from a dream:

peppermint & chocolate drop
with lightly dusted speckle
to always look like freckle.

And let your banana split
my gooey goodness oozing
with its creamy center lick.

Roll me over and eclair
the custard of its filling
to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Seeking tongue with anal ream,
collect a carob morsel
to let it melt in your mouth.

Your sugar plum candy girl
fulfills your crave ev'ry time
giving you that sugar rush.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th June 2015
Forum Posts: 3208


Was found on the
Floor nude and covered with
Candy by Rick before she asked
Him which treat does he want which made Rick get
Naked, move some of the candy
Aside and began to
Have hot sex with

poet Anonymous

Sir Snug ~ love the candy cane thong
Miss Jackson ~ this is definitely “nasty” candy
Miss Jade(y) ~ sensual and chocolatey
Berea ~ keeping the “candy” hard, as always

Thanks guys for your entries thus far!

poet Anonymous



He claims
he's got a headache
and he can't get it up
so he sends me downstairs
for two aspirins
and one cold glass of 7-Up

Fucking Prick!

It's been six nights in a row
since the last we fucked.
And if that Prick wasn't careful
I was going to send him packing
in his pimped-out pick-up truck!

Like a burglar in the night
I raid my own damn kitchen.
I'm such a starved-deprived fright
people might think I have an addiction

. . .to something.

There in the drawer,
behind kitchen tools, kitchen junk,
and an 80's band called [the] Clash
is a stash of Blow Pops:
Little suckers
with bulb flavored heads
attached to a stick
resembling a tiny bug's dick, I think,
these ought to do the trick.

I walked into the living room
and flopped myself onto the couch,
slipped off my panties
and unwrapped the candy.

And very slow
like a lovers trembling hand,
I parted my swollen lips,
and stroked my sex-depraved clit:

One Stroke ,Two Stroke
Three Strokes. . .Four

then BAM!, I rammed
that cherry flavored pop
through my pussy's wet door!

then WHAM! my boyfriend stumbled in
nearly falling to the floor!
And I wasn't really sure
if I should have been pissed
by his unwelcoming intrusion
which ultimately brought me to the conclusion
that I couldn't resist being
a hot chick in a porn masturbation flick.
So I invited my boyfriend to stay
so as long as he behaved
as I laid there and played

. . .with myself.

I eased the sucker out of my snatch
and slipped it slowly into my mouth
while my boyfriend's hand
traveled south to stroke himself.

Through a devious wink of an eye
and a gentle tease of my tongue
I began to suck and fuck
that bulb flavored head
while my boyfriend just sat there
wishing he were getting the head

. . .instead.

A couple of more sucks
followed by a few swift licks,
I pulled that sucker out of my mouth
and rammed it back into my slit!

My body then jolted
and my orgasm then erupted.
I had forgotten how selfish-sex
could be so explicitly conducted

. . .with the right tools!

I twirled the sucker's head
around and around inside of me,
banging it up then sliding it down
as if my juicy pussy
were a stripper named "Susie"
fucking a strip pole!

I spread my legs wider
and slid the sucker deeper
as I was prepping myself for one last tryst.
Plus I wanted my boyfriend to see
what he would be missing
for being such a Prick
and not fucking me:
First an orgasmic rush
then an orgasmic frenzy,
of panting, cursing, and screaming.
But in the throes of such selfish scheming,
like debating Blow Pops over Pricks
even I had to admit
that getting fucked by a Prick
with a willing dick
was better than not
getting fucked at all.

Fuck that!

I reached back
into my stash
for a strawberry flavored pop
since strawberry
was my boyfriend's favorite.

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1806

DevlinDLC said:[example]


I don`t want your lollipop
and you can keep your tootsie rolls
`cause your skittles don`t taste
like m & m`s, and don`t pretend
that your kisses are like my pay day
so that you can play with my kit kat
and those snickers aren`t going to get
you laid so keep your hands off my mounds
and my nipples aren`t your gum drops
and don`t think your hot tamale
sizzles then drizzles like the caramel in a rollo
`cause this here chick is butterfinger solo
I don`t need a mr. goodbar or his twizzler
what I would like though and very much please
is a jumbo pixie stick dick,
a blow pop dildo and a dum dum that tastes
like cum

. . .you know what. . .strike that. . .

I`ll just have a whatchamacallit

I love this poem!!!
Omg Dev so creative!  I'll see if I can come up with something !
missed you hope your well beautiful! xo

keep your hands off my mounds and you dont want that tooties roll!!!   hahaha
and the kitkat reference was also spot on!!  imm save this to my reading list when you say Io can!

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 13th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 2

Love it

poet Anonymous


Seduce my vulnerabilities  
Sweetens my erotic myths
Boiling my sugars to a clear  
Sticky glaze ..manipulate
To strands of angle hair
Hardened the moment your  
Heat is reduced  
Leaving you glassed  
Melting by your taste  
Breaking these strands
When you enter your gadget
Pain sweetly given  
Slicing my cauldron  
Warning not taken  
My heating subsided
Left on your dagger  
Crystals of sugar  
Easily melted by  
My throat is on fire  
Raw sugar the sweetest  
Experience a must  
Reducing it to glass  
Vulnerable my deception  
Your burnt cock  
My reward licking
Your crystallized gauge
But evenly heats
A desired feasting  
Hungered dagger  
Looking for sugar
Entrapped by its glass

poet Anonymous

Lady Zazzles, looking forward to seeing you, if not, maybe next run [don`t stress]!

Choosewisely thanks for the nod.

And Lady Trish. . .Thanks for your ``Sugary`` entry!

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