Poetry competition CLOSED 1st May 2014 10:45am
View Profile Poems by brokenyetstrong

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 59

Poetry Contest

inspire with story/quotes/poems/etc...or what inspires you?

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Religious inspiration?

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 59

anything at all.
religion, a role model, etc...

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 7

Beautiful Creatures
We are all beautiful creatures in this dark and dangerous place we call life. Are beauty grows with each mistake that we make. For are beauty lies between are flaws and imperfection. It goes to show through out all of life's hard trials, we arise from the ashes wrapped in the warmth of are future dreams and ideas. We are all beautiful for the simple fact that we know we are human and can not be perfect.

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


If I were a deer
I’d be so sleek and so fast
I’d search the world over
For life ever last

If I were a deer
I’d travel the unknown path
Without being in fear
Of Satan’s temptation or wrath

If I were a deer
I’d bound through valleys of green
In places in heaven
No one else has ever seen

If I were a deer
With sure footed deer feet
I’d feast on fresh manna
So tender and sweet

If I were a deer
I’d climb mountains so high
That the tips of my antlers
Would touch the blue sky

If I were a deer
Panting with thirst from the chase
I’d drink from a cool stream
That reflected God’s true face

But I’m not a deer
God’s magnificent creation
I’m just a humble sinner
In need of Christ’s salvation


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17076

I'm Inspired by...

the blue sky
a rainy day
gentle zephyr
reeds' whisper

the kingfisher
darting into the pond
a snake coiled
on a waterlily pad

the blossoms on vines
on the doorway's arch
daffodils nodding in fields
a whistling boy

lovers holding hands
golden nimbus on the clouds
thundering waterfalls
rainbows in the sky

a lonely path
in the forest
leading home
to hearth.

Thought Provoker
United States 8awards
Joined 1st Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 172

Andrea Gibson

she speaks TRUTH... no time to lie to YOU/YOUTH... she opens DOORS to SCORES of lost STORIES of pain and AGONY... she REMEMBERED ME even when i forgot SELF...she comprehends true WEALTH... she holds on to HELP...her WELTS vanish beneath the desire to breath HEALTH onto THOSE WHOSE SOULS are GOLD but COLD... no CONDEMNATION, DAMNATION, or REJECTION lies INSIDE her MIND... she REVIVES the SIGNS that turn us back to HIND-SIGHT...she MIGHT REVIVE what poets left BEHIND...

the truth rests inside her MIND

poet Anonymous

A Book

I bought a book from the bargain shelf
at the hospital and wishing I was dead
at an all time low and so alone
it was an easy read, short
the most I thought I could take at the time
but it turned out to be too much and went unread
hidden on a shelf for over a year
I forgot about it

Just the other day he took it down and read it aloud
the whole book only took two hours
one of the best stories I'd ever heard
not the heroine of the story but my own
I never imagined I'd be anything but alone
ever again

there I was in his arms
as he made the voices and I laughed
happier there than he could know
because he couldn't imagine how I felt
the day I thought about letting go

I didn't know how much things could change
and I smile knowing that one day
he'll read it to me again

Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 6

Does this need to be new work?

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 153

Temperament of the Day

Inspiration comes from feelings
From sites and sounds
Feelings of remorse and anger
Life and the way your spirit is feeling
At that moment in time

Strange Creature
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 1

For what we are

we,human,said to be gifted,
but we have forgot so much,
the sins that we have committed,
do we really need do such?
the seven sins, we are in their grasp,
controlled by greed,with thirst of wealth,
controlled by gluttony,like a deadly wasp,
controlled by wrath,we lost sense of truth,
subdued by lust,we hunger with desire,
sealed by sloth,we sealed our fate,
we often envy,such a sinful pleasure,
and pride,known as the seven sins' source,
we humans are sleeping slaves,
sealed by fate,condemned to live,
ironically,we only want tempt ourselves,
by gaining that what we crave,
we humans, had lost ourselves,
lost in sins,away in reality,
we often,express what we want with augmentatives
especially chained in a thing called money.
in a deep mist, what do we really want to search,
is the thing wealth or,the thing is health,
we did a lot of sins and such,
just because a meaningless thing called wealth.
that's what we humans are,
believe on what we want,illusions,
we left whats we belong so much,
just because controlled by something called delusion.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:Ballad of ibn Abdilahi:.  

this kid
of 15 seasons
they say he
had his reasons

they say him
homesick for the homeland

his moms & great-grands

better sorry
than faking safe

what a waif

stowed away
belly of a jetliner
saying “gotta go”
cause Africa
me alone
“gotta find her”

with little food
him saying him
fed up with Cali

him rather chow down
close to Mali

could it really be “that” bad?
makes me kinda

so I pen'd this poem
though don’t know ’em
but I think;  
what a
willful -lad


poet Anonymous

Upon a clear

The houses
were burning out

the birds hung on hooks
above bones and bark
and there was ritual there

blanketed beneath the oaks
thick with history and secrets
carved upon Eden's roots.

My chest expanded
as the green responded
in repetitive drones

and I heard her calling
from sylvan centres
of everything that remained:

"No trials have gone unnoticed,
split a piece of wood
and know we bled the same

for Earth was with you, child
as the wind kissed the fields,
as the streams flowed their paths

you were never alone
in your pain."

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1386

           opening up to sunblooms

dark night owls still stared ominous in bluishgrey banners
mindyolk jerked to jolted in clumsy fattening denaturation
veins whined in jabbing hunger for proximal arterial juices
filled up thermal breaths from bundled noxious flesh in pyre
deceased to grueling silence from once pounding throbs

one difficult move out of predaceous grip
  that audacious leap from borne atrocities
      towards just adjacent awaiting open theatres

hit out incessantly arriving breeze wavelets in ‘encounters’
molten metallic ice-avalanche splattered over parched skins
rigored threads sped up rhythmic in high-pitched orchestrations
dissolved hard petrified obstructive phlegm in crooked cravings

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216


blinded eyes will never see light
once apone a time on that faithful night
seeing nothing but with a touch of a hand
feeling the warmth of the sand.
breez blows near
sun on her face
thanking god for her love and grace.
smell of water just like salt,
and palm trees shades her skin.
hearing those who walk right near
giggling at what she hear.
eyes stayed shut
but mind wide open
making her strong and not broken
"need a hand?" he may ask
but blessed young girl
waves her hand and pass

feeling the pettles of this morning glory

need to say this girl wount rest
as she calibrates matsuri fest.

this girl she was sent from heaven
showing there is more to life

why is she different?? some may ask

shes not like you, nor like me
she do not need her eyes to see.

-kumiko yamamoto
morning glory- of its mortality and allows people to see just how short, yet beautiful, life can be.
(Japanese flower)

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