Poetry competition CLOSED 31st March 2014 00:36am
PsychicApocalypse (Darker Half)
View Profile Poems by PsychicApocalypse
View Profile Poems by HadesRising


Best of your Reading List (J - Q)

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Poetry Contest

What ONE piece from your Reading List would get painted on a wall in your house.
The same breakdown as the previous competition ...  

We all have writers here on DUP we adore and admire for their craft; consequently we've all created Reading Lists. 

Choose that ONE piece you couldn't see yourself parting with ... you'd get it tattooed into your skin if you could.

To make judging this reasonably sane for myself, I'm asking you only nominate writers who's pen names start with the letters J - Q (the name that appears in Online Now)  R - Z is another competition that's currently running.

If you entered the A - I competition, sorry you're not eligible to nominate a writer for either of the current competitions as I'm looking for that ONE piece you love most.

If you see a writer has been nominated twice - then pick another. 

Also the nominee must offer a critique of the piece and why it's your best of best .. Noting it's strength in style - structure and content (aka why it's so freaking good!)

Copy and paste the poem as well as the link.  My great hope is we can all discover some new ink in all this. 

I'll contact the mods about awarding two trophies - one for the nominee and one for their sponsor.

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

The Tears of a Love Star by  PsychicApocalypse


A loneliness,
of such I've never felt,
As he departed from my side.
I reached out to emptiness,
as his face disappeared,
from my sight.

My angel, my warrior,
From this war,
I yearned for your return.
For evil is inferior,
I won't will let my heart be marred,
my love for you will continue to burn.

     God's eyes, followed
     my empty, yearning being.
     Without my mate,
     I was lost in my thoughts
          I kept thinking.

Lonesome nights haunted me,
as crystal like tears
betrayed my angelic mask.
I prayed to God,
for his safety,
his return, oh! I don't dare ask.

     Little did I know,
     to where belong my inner fear.
     Little did I know,
     that God had cursed be with displeasing glares.

Boisterous was the heavens,
at the little news
of the war.
I heard the word,
Was he returning at last?

     His name was mention,
     but not a word of his life.
     The tension ate at me,
     for my want to know if he was,
     dead or alive.

With what seemed
like sadness in eyes,
God spoke to me.
That death had overcome,
the one, bravest in

A pain like no other,
sent through my spine,
an electrifying shudder.
As I double over in agony,
at the lost of my
one and only angelic lover.
Hear, I could barely,
as God's voice thundered,
"Thou shall worship no other
God than me"

As it echoed in my head.
Due to this war,
my love is now dead.
Consumed my darkness,
tears of torture I bled.
Selfish God!
My chest tightened,
my eyes blinded red.

I will never feel the
texture of his radiant wings,
the feel of his soft feathers.
I love so pure,
a touch so innocent
how could I love another?

If this is sin in your eyes,
I cast myself out
of your heavenly domain.
Where I alone,
can continue to cry
in vain.

For no amount of tears
will bring bring him back
to my side.
I shimmered out of his
selfish egoist protection,
and let myself fall from the sky.

This poem is very dear to me. Darker wrote this masterpiece in the Re-Write comp a few months back. She did this rewrite for my poem "Underneath the Mourning Star" and it was a great honor for me. Her form and style is absolutely perfect and spot on. The flow of the poem was seem less. I think this probably one of the best poem I've ever read.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273


by Kaatho

Beads of courage
                    (Beads given to children undergoing cancer treatment)      
those beads      
a great swathe      
a myriad of colour      
but from a distance, black and blue      
as if they, not the boy, took the hiding      
beaten to death, from the inside out      
by the cruelty they call treatment      
too quickly too heavy for his young neck      
bead by bead, day by day, they grow      
on the back of the last door he'll ever see      
barring escape      
feeding on him, cell by punished cell      
he labours under the weight of breaking skin      
and his mother's unrelenting hope    
as she says yes, yes, to every one      
on what he knows to be his last day      
punch drunk, almost blinded, nose running blood      
he hurries to thread the final few glass baubles      
his gift to her      
courage on a string      
they open out his chest      
in the name of knowledge      
she threads the final bead, a purple heart      
in the name of love,      
drapes the whole sorry mess on his emptied chest      
her only son      
to hide the row of staples      
showing through his Sunday best      
more than two thousand beads ...      
do it, count them      
count them angry      
one bead for every faith inflicted pain      
every one a wasted prayer      
count them down to a six-nailed coffin,      
and the six nails where they now hang      
pride of place, in his mother's house      
an unbeliever's cross, rosary for a lost son      
their job is done      
she prays no more      
those beads      
those fucking beads    
he never wore them    
but by God she still does

I have to find the courage to critique this, because I don't want it to fail on my account. The topic is close to home for me, but the poem stands on its own even without my personal connection to it. The use of the beads as a guide through keeps the reader close, keeps the focus of the time, the pain, the burdens of each bead, the boy's achievements of enduring the treatments, until he cannot. That is cancer, right there, enduring the treatments (and only the lucky ones survive the treatment). This poem shows us the achingly sad truth of the patient and his family when the child loses the final battle. Here, we share the mother's pain, and although subtle, also the pain of the narrator. The passion and anger is in short, intense bursts: "they grow on the back of the last door he'll ever see" and "courage on a string", growing in intensity in the fourth stanza... Then the  fifth and sixth stanzas hit us squarely in the chest, gripping us, unrelenting, mirroring on a smaller scale the experience of the boy and his family.

Beautiful writing, just the most sublime ink... I'm honored to have it on my list.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

HR and Atakti - Thank You both for sharing such wonderful poems to start things off.  

poet Anonymous

I won the last comp, so I'm just sharing a piece that I enjoy for the hell of it.


Smoking in the Hospital - by JohnVincent

Sitting, dying, waiting
Casually ticking my eyes back and forth
At doctors and nurses rushing
Trying to save one more life
Just trying to make it to the end of their shift
When I saw you walk out the elevator
The look on your face told me you could use a lift
Of spirit, of body and mind
And that's when you took out that pack of Parliaments

"You can use a cigarette,"
You said through gritted teeth
I looked, smiled, obliged the notion
"How'd you know?"
As I pulled one from the pack
"This is a hospital, man, everyone here can use a smoke.""
As more doctors and nurses speedily scurried along
Scattering jitters
Bouncing them off the walls
Throughout the white washed waiting area

We looked at each other, smiled
Popped the cigarettes in our mouths
Lit up
And no one said a word
As the smoke drifted, floated and danced
Above the sick and dying

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

I absolutely love this write by Levi. It speaks to me on a level of my life that I have become very acquainted with. Not a happy part of my life, but it still seems as if this write was talking specifically to me.

A Void Where my Dreams Escape to by Levi (siphondarkness)

Ever have those days,
Where everything is siphoned away?
Ideas, thoughts, ambitions,
Even passions wither and fade.

Blow a wish on a Dandelion,
Only to have the seeds return;
Shattering all hope of being pulled out,
Of the hole you're left in to burn.

My thoughts are pushed away,
Drained into a void.
There isn't a thing I can do,
To fight off this annoyance.

My Green Lantern ring is dead,
All will power lost from my head.
I need to find a way,
To defeat the emptiness.

No, I'm not insane,
At least not anymore than anyone else.
No, I'm only having an uninspiring day,
Which for me, is the Ninth Circle of Hell.  

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Wow, cool Lobo. But this win should go to Darker, she deserves it more than I

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

Congratulations to the winners. Great Work.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Hades with out the inspiration of your piece... I wouldn't have never written it... ^_^
I still go back and read it just to amazed all over again...

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

You are too kind, my friend

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