Poetry competition CLOSED 18th November 2013 2:50pm
Smoogej1s (Taylor)
View Profile Poems by Smoogej1s
RUNNERS-UP: EmptyTree and GeekyPrincess


Hell in a cell

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 1awards
Joined 3rd June 2013
Forum Posts: 18

Time is everything
It is slow
And fast
And weak
And has no holding on my mind
My sanity
I am sane?

The walls are my life
My ways
My name
My name?
whats my name?
I can't...
Who am i?

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Germany 4awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 144

I scratch with my fingers,
there are names in the wall.
And under my nails there is dirt.

I look at the stones on the floor
and I know
tonight it will once again hurt.

My cellmate is funny,
he thinks he is god,
and he lets me sleep on top.

But I can not trust him
even when he's asleep,
I'm a cautious man with a rock.

The wardens come once, they come twice
and they leave.
They make comments, I want them to die.

But they have more power,
so I need to be brave.
Only at night, I can start to cry.

Two years is a short time,
they said, when I left,
but every day feels so long.

So I spend my life here,
and every minute
I wonder, what I did wrong.

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

dark poet let your words spill upon the page
like blood from an open wound
liquid pain shall paint a naked canvas with
broad strokes of darkened emotion
in grayscale and lacking in vibrance
monotone voices spill from within your own head
as you read these words
voices that you do not own or recognize
cascade into your ears and vomit from your mouth
as you involuntarily move your lips and read along
with unshakable attention and for fear that this
darkness may creep into your own soul
dimming your internal light and weakening your will to resist
the fear that the weight of this darkness will crush
your spirit and leave you hopeless in its wake

I have not come here to spread this darkness persay
but to share a glimpse of my pain
the world in which I try to survive but wish not to thrive
it is relentlessly cold in these shadows where I dwell
a chill like the coldest cold you have ever felt
a cold that aches to the very center of the bone
amongst these shadows where I walk alone
I wish to walk no longer in the chill of this cold
eclipsed in the darkness of these shadows
but to walk in the brilliance of your light
where I can warm my skin and dry my eyes
a place to stand up straight in despite of weakness
and where I can be strong in spite of myself
the disease which sticks to my pain and clots in my veins
steals the life from ailing heart
and keeps me bound to this dark

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 21st Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 83

Haha this is not an entry for the contest... as it isn't new, however,    after spending 8.5 yes in prison... it is hilarious and informative... haha enjoy

GS....SG   Love in Prison ! extreme content !
             ** Act I: Welcome to Prison
Huh??? Did he say prison? Oh NO!!! I hear its bad.
My guy assures he'll wait, no matter how lonely or sad.
As you wait," she says.."Everyday you'll write me?"
Don't leave out a single moment,"Oh,yeah, and don't
  forget to send money."
            **Act II: Welcome to Lonely  POP: 1
"I have a MAN," she tells everyone.."No women, I'm
  STRICTLY DICKLY" is how it always starts..
"A woman is no good... Can't satisfy me.. They are missing
  the right parts."
Lonely. Needing a friend, companion, a confidant...Even as
  simple as a touch
The solitude SUCKS!!! She needs someone to care.. that's
  not asking for much.
"Just friends," is the answer when anyone asks- smearing
  black into white into grey...
The calls to "Her Man".. waitng as well are just  
  about at the final end
He comes every month or so, when she gives him what he
  begs for.. and she pities him
            **Act III: Victoria -> Victor
The girl who entered with her long hair and pretty
  girl smile no longer seems to remain
Completely different person.. attitude, looks,
  likes, even the name
She once was Victoria; Vikki, "2Ks 2Is" now  
  calls herself "BOY"
The fish will school and she teaches them about sharks
  and plays them all like toys
First she needed someone, now she thinks she needs none,
  so... lonely no more..
She did her time and bigger and better things wait just
  outside the cell door.
            **ActIV: Atta Boy...
Her time is done, she prepares to move on to the next
  place and prison will stay when she leaves
She promises to hold it down for her Babe.. "I'll wait
  for you forever... Just believe.
Defending herself..."Oh, that guy that visits? We are
  just really close friends
A place for parole, until she gets off paper- she says
  that will be our the end.
Of course she is longing for some ummm... attention she
  was unable to get
A few times a week they are...very friendly, you can
  surely bet...
           **Act V: Boy -> Girl
Her hair gets longer, again she finds that dresses look
  pretty good on her
The art of applying makeup and all the rest will come
  back for sure.
She screamed STRICTLY DICKLY but turned out she was
  STRICTLY LICKLY, but, wrong she wants a disco stick
Trading one for the other, then back again - really kind
  of wrong and sick
Tripped on a dick on her way out, she met her catalyst,
  head to head (ha!)
She really missed her Babe she was awaiting and thought  
  about her sometimes while laying with him in bed
           **Act VI: Back to the Beginning
Trouble found her, no matter what she did and... you
  guessed... Right back in
Sadly, she was happy and excited to go back to prison
  with all her homies...
She'll get a failure's welcomne party a whole group-
  like her and all the same- her broken cronies
R&A sucks!!! as imagined: the summer there is horrid,  
  and heat baked, at the very least, for sure.
Again, there is testing, medical, dental, classification
  all repeats for her
Finally, the invasion is over- She'll be sent to a unit
  by day's end
Ironically, turns out, the very same from wence she came
  yet again...
         **Act VII: R.O.Y.  (Rumor on Yard)
The metal door clangs open- the sight, smell and suck,
  were all just as noticeable and very much here
How long has it been? A century? A decade? Half of half of
  half of forever?
She wondered this sentiment. Muttering to herself but not
  in silence... I heard it SSSOOO loud
I turned and looked at her and her plight. Knew just what
  would happen..I said,"You must be so proud!!!"
Known for being a "Toughy", "Hard Core","Lesbian", the
  newbys fell at her feet
Forgetting those left, which isn't right- she headed out
  after new meat
         **Act VIII: Its a BOY
Recalling how Boy would always wind up, in the end,
  getting this or that girl
Even the STRICTLY DICKLY ones were ultimately willing
  give it a whirl
Studly, masculine, yep, that's Boy- a Man's Women turned
  Man turned woman?? Something to that thateffect for sure
Playa. Butch. Boy. Whichever one was needed to be sure
  there was the perfect "Her"
They touted your tactic to be ability to turn any L7 on
  to the joys of prison sex
Heads begin to shake, as they begin to realize the very
   thing that no one would expect
Finally, facing all of the homies and everyone could
   vey clearly see
The protrussion that had risen to a detectable bump in
   HIS belly
They were reminiscing about a stud they once knew -How
   that Boy had been oh so great....
But they see a shining, spectacular, undeniabled example of
    Gay for the Stay  
    Straight at the Gate

Written by morninglori    

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 24

A rose in a clay vase

My eyelids have grown heavier by the day,
My breath, it’s as if I’ve eaten a corpse.
Oh, a letter, “bail will have another delay”
And again my stationary smile will warps.
Before these rusted bars I depressingly linger
Awaiting the sun to quickly finish his waltz
And I, I shall not move more than a finger
Lest I do something other than reflect on faults.
Though I manage to tilt my head to my side,
The bright light that meets my eyes is blinding
But I will not avoid it, I will not at all hide
For I’ve found something I have been finding.
Looking yonder the bars, I found company,
A rose held against its will within a clay vase-
Strangely I hear angels as they sing a symphony,
Has God actually not left me to lay waste?
It’s as if I’m looking at a mirror only more beautiful
A flower as I, held as prisoner, degrading
Only to differ from me by being pure and I, sinful.
But alike, we two have a splendor slowly fading.
Now and every day I would wake to glance
As if actually conversing with it in silence
Oh sun, please may you never end your time dance
And let my happiness consume me as it widens.
But the winter comes with its cold breath a blowing
Sigh, It’s so sad to see its petals withering away
I see grey shades instead of vivid red showing
Reminding me of the coming army of mundane day

poet Anonymous

Hell in a cell

Time is God
and I-
a loyal subject,
singin' hymns
for salvation
on Sunday
and Friday
and whatever
god damn day
comes next
to cut my throat.

It ain't right
to cage a man,
hang him out
to dry
while they yell
"fresh meat!"
to every fucker
who wants to buy,
to taste freedom
one last

Last night
I dreamed of her
tip-toeing the halls,
the scent of blossom
in her hair.
Whispered through
the iron bars,
sang me to sleep.
When I woke
keys still rattled

shaking the bones
of Heaven,
from this Hell
I am forced to keep.

poet Anonymous

Once a warm, inviting chamber of heart
through which many lovers passed...
Now solitary confinement,
post-apocalyptic decay in an ice-blocked tunnel.
Heartbeats echo, vibrate like bombs.

Haunting this Otherworldly Alcatraz,
one guard of blue light looks down on bed frame
of rusting metal, and kicks at the ash under bare feet.
No spark left from the heat when love came in a flash.

Glass wall at the rear allows view of the world,
now misty and grey; No phantom stirs
to visit her vision, though she offers her light
in mysterious smile, lifting corset's edge binding.

Loneliness dominates, love’s spirit subdued.
Yet all could be changed if the heavens descend
through the crack in stone heavily laced with tear-grown algae.
Still I, the guard, wait for an angel to slip through the same.

(click on the pic in my profile. It is the visual for this.)

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14604

Slay me

Her eyes, were diamonds
yes they shone
luminous horizons
but it was the secrets behind them
that told their worth

a gem from birth

come save me

she was the air, I was a lung
she wrote the words
the song was sung

slay me

she moved, like she owned gravity
all the grace of a feline
and, oh when she kissed me
the world
could sink into anarchy
so, let it be

amaze me

she was the air, I was a lung
she wrote the words
the song was sung

save me    

she was the air, I was a lung
she wrote the words
the song was sung

slay me  

*loosely based on some Neil Diamond song (Play me)I can't get out of my head, ..perhaps this'll work  

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 16th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 3

I bleed, I can't move I'm chained down,
No one to help, or to show me the demons, they can feel my fear.
Their grey and they have clawed the skin off, they bleed all over me, they cut, and kill people like me.
I don't know if I'm dead or alive.
They just watch me and rip my skin off slowly,
I scream, I see something coming, it looks almost human. It's not, it's the king .
He takes a staff and tightness my chain around my body.
They start to crush my bones,
I see a light it fades, all I see is darkness.
I'm dead it can't be, I wake to my body being sliced,
I'm bleeding more and more.
I want to scream "Someone help. I'm stuck.
They leave, I relax.
Then I feel something biting me, then it happens.
They eat my heart
I start to fall, into a sleep,
A dead sleep. My eyes shut and I just lay there dead.
As the demons finish me.
I wake up, on earth but I'm alone.
I like it here, I feel at home.
No he found me.
i don't want to die
Help me, help me.
They grab me, and they take me back go there home.
I'm back in hell.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Suffering anger

She stared at me
with glittering
angry eyes

Her painted nails
clutched the bars
body rigid

Shuddering, I walked out
hell in the cell
with her as cell-mate.

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Thanks so much for the win! :)

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