
Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (160)
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Birthday 14th February
Member Since 10th October 2013
EmptyTree joined 3943 days ago and last visited 153 days ago
Comments 114
Forum Posts 24
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I do not compose the poems. They come to me on their own accord. I simply jot them down on paper.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Haruki Murakami, Taichi Yamada, Jose Garcia Villa, Robert Frost, Banana Yoshimoto

About Me

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The name's EmptyTree. Tell you a little something about myself,
I don't have a sense of smell, absolutely love music and life.

And also, I apologize for not being as active as I would like to be. My profession does not allow me much free time besides a couple days off a week.

But if you like, do feel free to drop a message and I would be glad to reply back.

Much love!

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Cowboy by Angelast1
Bleeding Angel by PaulineRussell
Ode to destruction by Bushido
Forever Poet by Pishashee
Holy Goddess of Divine Love by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
This poem is called The Rain by poetjj (Juan M. Maldonado Jr.)

Poets I Follow
