Poetry competition CLOSED 31st October 2013 10:28pm
diddi (StephenPaul Summerscales)
View Profile Poems by diddi
RUNNERS-UP: LunaObscura and DiamondDustMirror

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The White Rabbit
Twisted Dreamer
Malaysia 8awards
Joined 12th June 2012
Forum Posts: 64

Always The Same

A single window,
A thousand tears,
Stained in scarlet,
Painted with fear.

The window's sealed shut,
Frosted from the inside,
Purple-blue fingers try to scrape away,
Layer after layer of ice.

There is no escape,
There is no going back,
Its too late to regret,
When your bones begin to crack.

So it begins,
Death comes slow,
Agonizing as always,
But neither friend nor foe.

Under the snow,
Piled up so high,
Were others like you,
That were living to die.

What would you see,
Through the cracked glass,
Was it worth your pain,
Or was it worth your past?

Illusions are cruel,
They tell us sweet lies,
Is that what you saw?
In your last moments of life?

Just like the others,
Just like the rest,
Puppets in motion,
Up until death...

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you Diamond for you entry.. peace Crim

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

mi brujita (my little witch)

I painted her toes 
with an offering from the huntsman.
she was mesmerized by my deft touch and
drops of him still kissing her feet. 
the rest we drank.

we lie in wait amongst the catacombs once more.
I, the beastly canine and her,
A Broken Witch who had felt The Hurt
shrouded in red 
cloaking her midnight armor. 

vespers of The Damned ascend as hymnals 
gripping the spire for this release. 
soporific plumes singe and engulf our portals 
as we are called into another odyssey.
gargoyles perched among the turrets of St. Peter's 
mock disbelief. 
hypocritical drools belie their hunger.  

the sojourn begins. 

thrice in this fortnight I must  cross the river Styx
and face the lustful howls of Cerberus,
kin of the same bitch as I.
the sheen of my coat glows Fluorescent Grey
as I approach HIM during the triduum of Hallowmas.
the faithful march as silhouetted souls along the same path,
black lipped and black tipped
clutching their pentalpha. 

at the foot of the throne I deliver 
the soul of her captor
and my own as well. 
barter for her release. 

it is done. 

and once again 
we stand in the moonlit stone garden
with lunar rays piercing the backs of the stained glass. 
we spy the outline of the sacrificed one.
Nine Inch Nails immortalize his crucifixion. 
a Christian Death. 

the vision stirs me
and I feel The Cure
so I heed the calling.

I mount her then and there
bringing life to the dead. 

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267


I'll rip and tear myself to shreds
claw my skin and slash my flesh
scratch my eyes and make them bleed
blind myself so I cant see

cast my brain in a chemical haze
and walk around in a fucking daze
murder my thoughts as they come to me
abortion through labomtomy

I'll vomit out this jagged pill
and hope it tears my throat to hell
make me choke on my own blood
because I've fucking had enough

for once I'll rip out my own heart
and slice that motherfucker apart
watch it die within my hand
just because I fucking can

all of this shit that I always feel
and all the wounds the never heal
all because I feel too much
and I really think I've had enough

I've had enough of all this pain
I carry around everyday
at some point it has to stop
before I become completely lost

so with my claws I'll shred my skin
I'll rip and tear my flesh again
with a scratch I blind my eyes
and make them bleed instead of cry

chemicals laced into my brain
will surely create a foggy haze
kill any thoughts that come to me
a self enduced labotomy

as for the pill thats in my throat
the one thats always made me choke
I will try to spit it out
and taste the blood within my mouth

into my heart I'll grind some salt
so the pain can be MY own fault
I've had enough of all this shit
the pain and hurt, im through with it

I dont want to feel it anymore
I want to be who I was before
even if that means I have to hide
within myself to survive

I'll push it back and mask my face
and cover up all my pain
ill dry my tears and blank my mind
and stop looking for what im trying to find

maybe everyone can be content
if no one will have to deal with it
the world can go about their lives
and I will be just fine!

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you Lobode and Taylor for your entries.. peace Crim :)

poet Anonymous

DiamondDustMirror said:Always The Same

A single window,
A thousand tears,
Stained in scarlet,
Painted with fear.

The window's sealed shut,
Frosted from the inside,
Purple-blue fingers try to scrape away,
Layer after layer of ice.

There is no escape,
There is no going back,
Its too late to regret,
When your bones begin to crack.

So it begins,
Death comes slow,
Agonizing as always,
But neither friend nor foe.

Under the snow,
Piled up so high,
Were others like you,
That were living to die.

What would you see,
Through the cracked glass,
Was it worth your pain,
Or was it worth your past?

Illusions are cruel,
They tell us sweet lies,
Is that what you saw?
In your last moments of life?

Just like the others,
Just like the rest,
Puppets in motion,
Up until death...

THAT was a great poem!!!

poet Anonymous


Crust of crumbled earth
From fallen ashes
Her body, so bare

Capricorn clouds
Contours and silhouettes
She awakens the shadow play

Of a dying sun
On a final day
Solemnly, the vespers rise

Thornless, the blackest rose
The locust forms a veil


Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273


I’d shed this shadowed cloak.
It gleams with every hurt,
slithered scales keeping score.
They fracture and reproduce,
in smaller pieces, of exponential weight.

I’d shed this wraith’ed cloak,
but it clings and crackles.
It hisses of precious days, of
stubborn memories, scars
with false mends, that mock.

I reach to unfasten the ties and it
callously choke holds,
murmuring ancient lullabies.
I breathe in yesterdays as
black oxygen escapes me.

I pull it around, closer
and closer still. It warms
the iced fragments of the
maybes ahead. Tears shine
and it remains unshed.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 13th Feb 2011
Forum Posts: 2523

Nice comp,  Crim.

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Of Cemetary Dreams (And Nightmare Scapes)

awoke again to the sounds of death
the creeping silence of restless breath
the sounds I hear I cannot mistake
only death can sound this way

I feel the sun upon my face
enraptured in its warm embrace
within my eyes I see its glow
even though my eyes are closed

a whispered wind invades my ear
I feel the world that I can hear
the channeled sounds of lifeless life
the lonely cries of those who have died

I open my eyes to see the sun
and find the world has come undone
a dark eclipse shades my face
lost within a shadowed embrace

markers with dates of death descend
as far as my eyes can transcend
in every direction I can see
the stones of death surrounding me

wilted flowers with decaying leaves
symbols of love from those who grieve
tattered angels with broken wings
left by those who truly believe

the leaves within the trees have gone
skeletal beings with demon claws
scratching and clawing at the wind
coming to life again and again

I turn to find a place to run
looking to see the warming sun
but the black and grey in the sky
pulls the color from my eyes

from the clouds the rain falls down
it floods my soul and my spirit drowns
below my feet the muddy ground
swallows my shoes and keeps me bound

I hear the whispers of the living dead
their cries for life echo through my head
I cover my ears to mute the screams
but it seems that they re inside of me

to my knees into the mud
I tilt my head to the shadowed sun
I scream aloud at the sky
to silence deaths woeful cries

the falling rain stings my eyes
and burns the color to lifeless white
streams of blood flow down my face
within my mouth the salty taste

I push the mud with my hands
with all my might I try to stand
to my thighs the mud has crept
and now my arms are elbow deep

I feel the muck against my skin
it moves and pulls and draws me in
I strain and fight to break its grasp
until I feel I might collapse

I scream and cry and beg for help
even though I'm by myself
into the wind my lonely pleas
melding with the dead that scream

as whispers creep into my ears
the sounds of death is what I hear
my own demise before my eyes
among the stones of death that rise

peering through the rains that blind
upon a stone my name I find
carved within the granite face
its here that is my resting place

the ground has drawn me to my grave
the trees were clawing at this place
the whispered voices were trying to say
that everything will be ok

to just let go and wait and see
the whispers were meant to comfort me
to try ease my rising fears
even though I refused to hear

the sun reflects on the granite face
the flowers feel its warm embrace
upon the ground I feel its glow
even though my eyes are closed

wilted flowers with drying leaves
left for me by those who grieve
tattered angels with broken wings
left on my stone for company

the whispered voices in the wind
rising up to sing again
a channeled sounds of joyous lives
reunited on the other side

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

violet said:
Nice comp,  Crim.

Thank you Violet

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you Liz, Atakti and Taylor for your entries competition ends just in time for Halloween :)

Utmakalitho Petragammata
Fire of Insight
United States 5awards
Joined 2nd June 2011
Forum Posts: 655

are we allowed multiple entries? i'll delete previous ones if need be (i'm particularly fond of this one i just finished)

Grave Black & Ocean Blue

I watched a star go dark today
It broke my yearling heart
A bitter cross, awareness

It is written in blood
That heavens above reflect the realm below
Still waters are hard to come by
But shooting stars pass in twos

We chase time in circles
Clockwise, but blind to its hypnosis
All the while shy of a watery grave
…big fish migrating up corporate ladders, to be ground into chum

Does a tree falling distant not die all the same?
But creatures bound in light must prove it!
Ha! I harbor no pity for thee
Proverbial blacken sun harkens
Wear innocence with wisdom at your throat

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

yes Luna thank you for your entry.. peace Crim :)

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 2

What is this torment
Which won’t go away
A bottomless pit
Leads me astray

This shadow
So vile
Deep in my soul
Haunting my being
Wherever I go

It seems to come
From here
Or there
But when I look
There’s nothing there

I catch a glimpse
In my reflection
A cold
Of my own

Trapped within

Might as well
Be dead
If you are
Only living
In your head

Living within
This skin
Maybe that
Is the sin
Maybe this
Is the end

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