Poetry competition CLOSED 26th July 2013 9:52pm
View Profile Poems by UnleashedHeathen
RUNNER-UP: vortexman

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What Happened?

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

Poetry Contest

see below
Now.. I want you to account for the pussification of the human race, why has our youth softened the fuck up? Why can shit on the internet send kids suicidal.. Why do bleeding heart liberals bitch and moan incessantly when something'offends' them? Why in Christ's name are we fucking stupid(er) than before?

I'll pinch a Hemi line and say don't fucking rhyme..
2 weeks
Throw something technical in the mix.. There's a ton of techniques.
No collaborations...

Have your piece then.

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

Sounds good Madame.. Cheers, I'll give it a read.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Oh hell yes! I saw two guys (about 15 years old)  in my little brothers school 'fighting' pulling each others hair. Not grabbing the other guys hair and punching him with the other hand.... Just pulling it. What.the.fuck.....
I'll be back soon for this one!

Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

Good man Dystopian.. Bring it.

poet Anonymous



The freshman class
What a laugh
Got there because
Their parents did their homework
Helicopter parents
Monitor them by the hour
Always talking with friends
Need to bolster
Their lack of self confidence
If their mark is low
To the Dean they will go
Blame it on the teacher
Easier that way
If I could not pass the course
I have brains
It is not my fault
That lady there
She has been unfair
Give the student one mark more
Still growling as they leave the door

What me walk?
They have been chauffeured everywhere
By their mommies
So they would be safe
And now alone
In the big bad downtown
Who knows what they will do

The sense of entitlement
Is really hard to bear
Your students think
They are better than you
They even patronize the teacher
If they are good at brownosing
Or they constantly criticize you
For not living up to their standards
The teachers poorly paid
Are scapegoats that society needs
To feed its' sense of superiority
Well we are not good
Because you did not teach me

Then they bully each other
To get that feeling of being better
A bully is a coward
Who has to put someone down
Before they can wear the crown

They cannot read
So the textbooks have fewer words
They cannot write
So multiple choice is all right
They cannot speak
English in an English speaking country
Those for whom English is a
Second language do better
How can that be
That children from countries
Where the teachers are respected
Do better on exams
Than those born here

Finally they are wimps and whiners
Their mothers come to talk to the Department Head
Flogging her with statements like
“She only got bad marks here”
Well did she learn anything at home
Well we were never there
Had to work
Left her alone
Gave her money
Had a nanny
Paying so much for her education
But there is no return on our investment
Because as you know
Students are consumers now
Of education, anyhow.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367


it's true
the world could really do without some people
and if you think you might be one of them,

you are

but you don't have to bite
the fucking bait-bullet just because
some fucking loser like me says so

plenty more oil spills in the sea

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797

Thank you all for your entries, loving the Orwellian reference too.

Who else knows What Happened?

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

when all else doesn't add up, then just blame the jews

start with a dying planet, sucked dry of it's resources
and it's dirt claimed, by even dirtier men

add that to only the finger nail's worth of knowledge
actually obtained about what's actually going on here

divided by the hundreds of religions and races

then multiply that with the eminence amount of bad parenting

and you pretty much get your answer.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066

AscensionES said:Now.. I want you to account for the pussification of the human race, why has our youth softened the fuck up? Why can shit on the internet send kids suicidal.. Why do bleeding heart liberals bitch and moan incessantly when something'offends' them? Why in Christ's name are we fucking stupid(er) than before?

I'll pinch a Hemi line and say don't fucking rhyme..
2 weeks
Throw something technical in the mix.. There's a ton of techniques.
No collaborations...

Have your piece then.

fucking hypocrite

Thought Provoker
Vatican City 1awards
Joined 6th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 127

-Generation Z-

take a shower
go outside

form an opinion
spark a revolution

speak your mind
you can't be afraid to be yourself

raise the bar
lay waste to the cookie cutter recipes of a zombie generation...

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"Moany-Fiddlers of a soft muscled Generation"

Boo woo wah haaaaa......  I didn't get my toy in my cracker jax..
Big lawsuit!!!  Why didn't you warn me my Micky Dee's coffee was so hot...  another law thumping load of CRAP!!!!

Oh no I didn't cover my eyes and wasn't around to read the other disclaimer.  MY mental health is destroyed forever...
When will we wake up and tell these wimpy ass wankers shut the fuck up...  This ain't your business of extorting from the legal system!

It's time for them to pull themselves up from their wimpy bootstraps and layoff all that sugary ass cereal its soaking into their lame ass noodles.

Time to be like the old Amish if anyone's ready for the next solar flare that hits its them!!!  Or perhaps BearGrills former navy seal!

Moany Ass fiddler's of the soon to fail America.  Where will you be when the winds tear apart your law suing dreams???   Where will you cower and beg for bread after you took so much out of the pockets unnecessarily from the deserving???

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th May 2013
Forum Posts: 306

Carpe_Noctem said:[quote-212796-AscensionES]Now.. I want you to account for the pussification of the human race, why has our youth softened the fuck up? Why can shit on the internet send kids suicidal.. Why do bleeding heart liberals bitch and moan incessantly when something'offends' them? Why in Christ's name are we fucking stupid(er) than before?

I'll pinch a Hemi line and say don't fucking rhyme..
2 weeks
Throw something technical in the mix.. There's a ton of techniques.
No collaborations...

Have your piece then.

fucking hypocrite [/quote]

He's calling you a hypocrite because you're holding a competition for a best POEM about how you want us to" account for the pussification of the human race". Most bleeding heart liberals love poetry and people who do not like bleeding heart liberals rarely like poetry so,your idea is stupid.Unless you're trying to be ironic then this is funny but, my guess is because you look like a Cro-Magnon motherfucker you accidentally started this competition because the rocks from your knuckles fell out onto the keyboard as you picked them off the floor from dragging them all day. If this statement upsets you in anyway then don't be a fucking pussy and take it like a man.

I hope I win

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066

Deathpuppy said:[quote-213681-Carpe_Noctem][quote-212796-AscensionES]Now.. I want you to account for the pussification of the human race, why has our youth softened the fuck up? Why can shit on the internet send kids suicidal.. Why do bleeding heart liberals bitch and moan incessantly when something'offends' them? Why in Christ's name are we fucking stupid(er) than before?

I'll pinch a Hemi line and say don't fucking rhyme..
2 weeks
Throw something technical in the mix.. There's a ton of techniques.
No collaborations...

Have your piece then.

fucking hypocrite [/quote]

He's calling you a hypocrite because you're holding a competition for a best POEM about how you want us to" account for the pussification of the human race". Most bleeding heart liberals love poetry and people who do not like bleeding heart liberals rarely like poetry so,your idea is stupid.Unless you're trying to be ironic then this is funny but, my guess is because you look like a Cro-Magnon motherfucker you accidentally started this competition because the rocks from your knuckles fell out onto the keyboard as you picked them off the floor from dragging them all day. If this statement upsets you in anyway then don't be a fucking pussy and take it like a man.

I hope I win

Bang bang pup shot both barrels bang bang deathpuppy shot us down

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