Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd August 2013 3:47pm
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler
RUNNERS-UP: PsychicApocalypse and oldmanadeus

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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 16awards
Joined 12th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 93

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about something that haunts you
I've been having trouble sleeping lately due to my own ghosts,
I can't describe them in words so I decided to set
a challenge.

Explain to me what haunts you, in the day, in the night, or both.
Tell me about your ghosts, regrets, and wishes.
Make me feel it.

- Up to 3 poems
- No word limits
- No collabs
- Two weeks
- Be creative

Bonus points to whoever manages to incorporate an element
of 'loosing control' into it.


Dangerous Mind
Australia 9awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1797


Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 19th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 453

A Haunting

How long shall I mourn thee? Thou who art dead to me
yet still may I chance upon your spectre in mostly every corridor of my mind.  
Around whos corners you reach out and grab me.  
Dragging me to the deepest recesses of such bitter woe and sad self pity.      
And when I am granted some respite from the drudgery of my waking hours, in resting, rest I not.
For haunted I am, by ghosts of you , even into my wildest dreams, to torture me there.      
Is there no escaping you?      
You who are the express image some foul beast wearing the skin of some wonderous fairy?      
Could it be that some small copy of you burrowed its way into my brain whilst I slumbered?      
There to carve out a home for itself and poke me with white hot prickers?      
What dastardly deed was done by me that I may deserve such a fate as this? Who sent thee?      
God? Satan?      
Yes the later seems befitting. For it is by the mere memory of you that I am driven to such fine madness and utter destitude.      
Be gone from me!      
Trouble me no more!      
You who posess more beauty than a baby's smile      
And more evil than the devils wiles.      
Be gone from me I say!      
Trouble me no more...

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Canada 2awards
Joined 24th June 2013
Forum Posts: 31

"Come back or I'll kick your ass"

I second guess everything
every step I take and every decision I make
but when it comes to regrets I have none
and as for what haunts me most in my life
If I tell you the truth there is but one

My friend was a soldier
a real man at arms
Afghanistan his playground, his boys and the bombs
He died on his stomach clearing the road
the landmine went off and burnt straight to his toes

I've been told since this happened that he told the guys he wasn't coming back
and I was in the city playing musician, a hack
The last time we both laid eyes
as brothers under brighter skies
I told him you come home again
or a hell of a beating you will sustain

The night before they buried you
I couldn't let the thought break through
my mind was warped by feverish thoughts of life without restraint
and I ran from the fear to arms and beer
having sex into the night
When I came round to next mornings sound
I realized that I would be late
Standing alone from outside the gate
watching friends and family in pain
and just has always haunted me in life
being late made me alone again

I watched them lower you to the ground
one of the only true friends I found
So I pierced my skin with poppy ink
And deeper into a fond memory you sink  

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

    ghosts of battle

smoke and haze rose in lazy strands toward an
uncaring sky, as I stood, battered and drained,
on the field of blood, the bodies of the fallen around
me, the enemy and my comrades, lying so close
together they could have been friends.

but I wasn't alone. I turned and saw them: fighters of
other wars, their uniforms ragged and soiled, but distinctive.
soldiers of Washington's Continental army, still fighting for
independence. troopers in Union blue and Confederate gray,
who fought with Grant and Lee.

G. I. joes, who went to save the Pacific, and defiant towns and
villages in Europe. and the young men who fought in Korea
.......and Vietnam.

they stood unmoving, weary, weapons hanging from limp arms,
their faces, dark and bloody, reflecting the desolate countenance
of war. these men who wanted only to rest, bathe in a soothing
stream, lie in a peaceful field the remainder of their days.....
but knowing there would be another battle.

                          X     X     X

the sheets, damp from my fevered sweat, pulled me back
once again from the dream...and the tears fell again,
as they always did.

just before fitful slumber overtook me, I saw them

        I saw them marching

                  into someone else's nightmare...

                           maybe yours

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 16awards
Joined 12th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 93

Excellent entries already, thank you for entering :)

poet Anonymous



Many things have haunted me all my life
Has justice been served is one
My family killed by the Nazis
For no other sin than being Jews
Just when we thought
The world was getting better
There was Cambodia, Darfur
In retrospect Armenians and Ireland
In my lifetime Vietnam
Watched it 24/7
Watched the boys come back
In body bags
For no good reason

Has justice been served?
I ask when in front of my eyes
The department refuses to hire
A woman of color
Brilliant, a Ph. D., best resume
You would ever see
When this happens in the
Twenty-first century
You ask yourself
Has justice been served?

Watched the case in Florida
Where a stupid man with a stupid gun
Shot a young man, a teenager
For being a punk
Any mother of teenagers
Can tell you
That raising them
Is like nailing jello to a tree
The right to bear arms
The stand your ground law
Poor excuses to kill someone
An all white female jury
This case got weirder all the time
This Kafkaesque story
Keeping us glued to  the TV
While we find out
We have been monitored
Both our phone, now our mail
I thought this was the land of the free
Has justice been served?

So I am haunted by Justice
She is beautiful but blind
Holds those scales just so well
Only one question for her
Has justice been served?

poet Anonymous

“Reeking with Sin”
(Remembering Childhood)

Feeling elliptic,
like I don’t fit in,
I bleed
on the inside
you cannot feel.
But I can see them,
the familiar-faces
laughing at me,
lurking in the shadows,
falling like rain
against the walls
of my mind,
the one they cracked.
Not happenstance,
so genetic,
I’ve been profiled
from the beginning,
was rewarded
corporal punishments
the call-of-duty.
And in this heightened state
of topical-smiling,
I feel somewhat delusional,
playing hide-and-seek
with demons
who smell,
who reek with their sins.

Fire of Insight
United States 16awards
Joined 15th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 267

Standing in the silence of my own shadow...

caught in the wind lost by time
too busy to notice my mind
on my sleeve my emotions worn
battered and bleeding ripped and torn
standing in the silence of my own shadow
the doors to my soul empty and hollow
the screams I scream go unheard
silenced cries pleas and words
echoes of times resonate within
razors slicing my heart again
said before a thousand times
again and again within my rhymes
sometimes I think no one can hear
the voice that projects my fears
because with time this has to pass
how long can this possibly last
through my eyes I no longer see
the person I am supposed to be
and the thoughts I think in my mind
cast the shadows within my eyes
the mirrors shows me the ugly truth
the scars remains of what I've been through
the reflection casts a structured shell
a mask that lies all too well
but I can see past the lie
the grinning shadows in my eyes
the doors that open to my soul
devoid of who I use to know
through the wind my screams dissolve
dancing riddles I cannot solve
echoed cries only I can hear
stab and pierce within my ears
through my body the shadows creep
touching darkness inside of me
a cancer fog that kills within
infecting my body once again
the cancer fog infects my brain
slowly driving me insane
pushing me to the brink
to the edge of thoughts I don't want to think
I search to try to find the end
but words just spill again and again
like tears of blood i bleed inside
that do not dry up with time
the conclusion has to come this way...

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123


Standing like a sentinel
against the buffeting wind
stoically looking into the sky
daring the clouds to cry
I stand here still
waiting for a reply
to my plea...don't leave me

The grass grows over my feet
the leaves cascade from the tree
bury me in grey brown and yellow
shrouds of sorrow and grief
still I wait for you
Come back my love
I want you so ...

Through the skies and sun
the indifferent planets
the terrifying broody galaxy
dead quiet Maya
I traverse
sorrow personified
the breakup, is my death trap.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260


"Once I saw that twisted awful face..."

Above the infamous ghost pic of the Amittyville child.
It forever haunted my dreams and would chill me beyond
anything phantasmically wild.

For when I turned my head to the right I saw those glowing
eyes of Jody the evil demonic pig.  It was so mad with hatred
its eyebrows dropped and would sting.

It's mouth was poised with a jagged edge tooth and then I realized
why it was over this poor spirit.  It had taken control of his soul and redirects him for his own evil merits.

The fact that I know this it haunts me in my dreams.  It says you know my secret and your no longer safe within these themes!!

Better watch your back I spy through your darkest window at night.  I may be under you bed rest awaiting for my chance to bite.

I am Jody the Undying creature of blackest curses.
Fear me now as I spell this tell.  For sadly it's is not a
farce of false verses.  

Thought Provoker
Australia 9awards
Joined 4th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 186

Evil Seed

Spent my whole life paying for my fathers sin
My face a constant reminder of the evil in him
A mother looks down at her child's eyes
The feeling of love drowned out by despise

Never able to look past him to see what I am worth
My fighting chance stolen by the details of my birth
Half of it is yours, the blood that I bleed
All you know is that I grew from a evil seed

It has always held me down, the weight of his disgrace
I never asked to come to this mysterious place
Maybe I did and I am just not meant to know
Who the hell would buy a ticket to this crazy show?

A loving human being I have proven myself to be
Still I see you but you don't see me
I know your life but you could never know mine
My face is a cell and I am doing hard time

Quit needing your love, this I could never do
I can stop expecting and accept what is true
My very existence disgusts you.

Thought Provoker
Canada 3awards
Joined 7th May 2012
Forum Posts: 455

Dead girls haunt me, when I sleep I hear their screams
And when I wake their faces are burned in my retinas

Long nights spent crying, drenched in guilt and sweat
Try to get away, stay away, from myself

I don't want to hurt anyone but when she's close to me
I can't controll myself, please forgive me

Blood turns me on, I know it's wrong
But when it's pouring out your nose and down your back

Don't bother me with your questions
You can't ask me anything I havnt already asked myself

Go ahead and scream, you won't scare me
Just help me cream, that's why your here

When I'm done with you, I'll bury you
But I won't forget you

You will become another dead girl in my head
Pushing me to the edge, losing my morals

I don't want to be a monster anymore

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 16th July 2013
Forum Posts: 34

Clueless Alcoholic

I think I need to talk to you, I need to tell someone,
please listen to me,
you see,
I keep blacking out, for lack of better words.
I will be fine one second, and then a sharp pain
shoots through my world,
I don't lie, it's unbearable.

But now I am scared.  I am harried and drained,
I can't sleep, can't eat.
I feel like I am losing my mind, if I haven't already,
can't you spare me a moment,
help me.
Tell me what to do to get control of my life again.
I need a friend, to explain the heinous things…
I am about to reveal.

I feel the shooting pain in my temple,
and I am out like a light.
When I wake, I am surrounded in rubble,
destruction.  I've ruined my room now twice,
this week!

My bed I've wet incessantly, and if dogs could hate,
(which I now firmly believe they may be able to),
my dog hates my guts.
I am working on our relationship.

My ex-wife says I drink to much,
but she is a crazy old bat,
too fat and too cranky
to have any validity.

Anyways, please help me!
help me figure out this mystery
that haunts me.
That makes me sick
in the pit of my stomach.

Makes me vomit every morning,
confused and disillusioned with my life.
If you can solve this riddle of my mind,
I will find
a way to pay you back.

I've got it...
I'll buy you a drink!

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