Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd July 2013 5:17pm
View Profile Poems by LobodeSanPedro

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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1618

Poetry Contest

I want to see some stuff about old gods and folklore monsters





poet Anonymous

“They Can Feed Forever”
(Conjuring the Bake-kajira)
The fleet ‘s just left again,
said they were looking
for newer
hunting grounds,
harpoon in deeper waters,
try out some new modern techniques.
Well, there’s going to
be a big surprise for them this time,
they’d better lookout for
strange fishes swimming around,
weird birds flying about.
This special-gift
will kill all of them indiscriminately,
without a sound,
they’ll come up
from the depths fast and
take them down
just as quick,
they won’t last long against
these skeletal-behemoths.
And, they deserve
everything’s that’s coming
and then some.
Christ, they’ve nearly
the Alaskan Coast,
the Icy Straits,
Glacier Bay,
the entire globe.
It’s all about the money,
nothing else.
Nothing matters
to any of them,
they continue to
feed their greed.
Sadly for them,
their motto’s always  been,
“Fuck the Whales!”
After all,
those moguls have a life to live,
huge, big bills to pay,
like the expensive suites they keep,
the chalet-style
ones over in Switzerland.

Oh, those poor rich souls,
if they only knew,
I’ve paid an old sage to conjure
up a pod of ghost whales,
the Bake-kajira,
they can feed forever,
so aggressive,
and they
love human-meat.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"Cthulhu was only the beginning..."


For a more forgotten and darker portal was opened beyond the
darkest abrithion gates.  As the mage who was aware of this
the kingdom that once thought it was powerful enough.  Has
sealed itself within it's own fate.  For as SAMMAEL whispered into the winds of these changes.  The abbaddon of this coming scourge would envelope the lands and fulfill
all prophetic pages.  

The mage scrambled into his library to find any and all text to halt and delay this absolute madness.  For it would be a cancer upon the land.  Bringing great death and eternal multitudes of unending sadness.

Soaring above the mages castle twisted apparitions danced throughout the skies.  A cold wind began to blow and crop failure would quiver before this omens might.  

The ground would quake as ravenous tentacles tore throughout the once peaceful pastures.  Gripping the solemn peoples of this
kingdom.  And pulling them towards the depths of their newly fallen masters.

Lightning would flash so brightly it arc'ed burning ancient lettering into the reaming ruins and walls.  For this would be the day of reckoning an epitaph for those who denied its calls.    

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

Oops. Didn't see the "I" at first.

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1618

so far so good

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

unfortunately i misread as 'THE OLD GODS ARSE'

and i don't think there's any recovering from that but im sure i'd have written a great poem

Guardian of Shadows
United States 87awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5603

anna_grin said:unfortunately i misread as 'THE OLD GODS ARSE'

and i don't think there's any recovering from that but im sure i'd have written a great poem

Do it Anna, and put it in my "First Win" comp!  

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1618

Anna, I think that will be the title of my next comp. THE OLD GOD'S ARSE

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

i know where Annas mind is hahahaamamamama

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1618

Among these poems of Old God's rants
Anna's mind is in Odin's underpants!


poet Anonymous



Achelous, a Greek River God, is sitting by the lake
Singing to the moon about his wedding yet to come

A mother tells her daughter about a dream
That warns the daughter not to go to the lake

The daughter takes the laundry despite her mother's warnings
She is drawn to the lake as if possessed

She sits on the bridge and puts the first garment in the water
The bridge collapses and she is abducted by the River God

She is taken to his underwater castle where he weds her
They are happy and she is pregnant with their first child

When the baby is born, the wife sings the baby a lullaby
For reasons unknown, this enrages the Water God

She calms him down and begs to be let ashore to visit her mother
She must return by evening vespers and leave the baby behind

The mother and daughter have a joyful reunion
The mother does not want her daughter to return

The Water God becomes angry when his wife does not return
He goes to the mother's  house and bangs harshly on the door

He demands that the daughter go fix him his dinner
The mother tells him to go away and find his dinner in his river

The Water God then goes and gets the baby
He eats the baby in front of his wife and her mother

He throws the bones on the doorstep
The devil has eaten his child once more.

Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 143

"Crowned prince of hell"

I saw him, fourth coming in my dreams
His voice was so soft and delicate
An angel for sure
He Told me who he was
But I only thought this to be a dream
He asked me to join his ranks
To join his crusade against the kingdom of light
to be one of his sons
How could I refuse such glorious darkness?
How could I refuse the crowned prince of hell?
The one I so desperately sought to obtain power from
So powerful and elegant
Beyond Satan and leviathan, even Lucifer himself
I could feel his mana flow from his lips
And into my veins, even while sleeping
The feeling better than blood seeping
from broken flesh and skin
He painted a picture for me to see
For me to envision our victory
Our black masses invaded the wicked light
He welcomed me to destroy the sons of light
And become a son of darkness
My dreams are crazy
But this felt so real
This felt like it should have been my calling
I accepted his request
And I felt my body ignite
With the shadows of the night
So this is what glory feels like?

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2799

- Thanatos and Azrael -

Part One – The Wandering Titan

Once there was a time when death was not confined,
To a form knowable by those who know mortality…
Her formless spirit like the wind, no power could bind.
But one there was who loved her, sharing her destiny!
One of the Titan race as once soared the stars of old,
Cast off and alone, since the war with the Olympians.
He could not bear his peoples’ masters or their yoke,
And even his own people oft treated him a bit alien…
For his thoughts were dark and beyond all the wiser.
They called him Thanatos, and he oft was wandering,
From world to world, as his burdens made him tired.
All this was before the coming of man to everything…
When the gods wore fleshly raiment different indeed.
So hear now the tale of how Death took form, why…
And, how it was, she came to love one in such need,
That she took pity on him so that he might never die!

Azrael is the name of Death, unspoken by all mortals.
For none seek her embrace, to pass beyond her portals!

Part Two – For Love, Accursed

When the world of Zeta was made sacred and holy,
The Titans who dwelt there became introspective…
And, many realized they were immortal, for eternity!
Some such as Thanatos, held a different perspective.
They thought to move Death, to grant them her kiss,
So that they might die and know an end to suffering!
Their order was dark, severe, and without any bliss.
Old wars made them morbid, for they held a sting…
But for a love Thanatos pined, forbidden, accursed.
For if Death could be moved by love, then glorious!
Would she not grant peace for one special beloved?
So rather than be cold, he let himself grow joyous…
Incurring the wrath of his brothers and sisters therein.
They attempted to seal him away and exile him thus,
But Death had chosen one, and she has chosen him.
Their doom sealed, their dark order would be dust!

Azrael is the name of Death, unspoken by all the wise.
For none seek her embrace, lest it become their demise!

Part Three – Death’s Dark Affection

Death chooses no favorites, seeking no paramour…
But champions she calls, when she needs to display,
That her power is absolute as beyond even red war!
And she called Thanatos, showing him a secret way.
For her, he sacrificed his fellow Titans on old Zeta…
All who followed the order he had once joined well.
Worse than the fate that befell the children of Theta,
When the Wall of Fire so came upon them like Hell.
It is not given, how he claimed all their errant souls,
Only that they perished within the span of ten hours.
Even the children, with no mother there to console…
Lay without graves, without any wreaths of flowers.
Their temple was silent, its’ halls watched by Death,
Who manifested in the form of a fallen Titan queen…
To claim Thantos and part him of his labored breath.
He had earned her dark affection, aloof and serene!

Azrael is the name of Death, unspoken by all who live.
For none seek her embrace, lest unto her their souls give!

Part Four – One Becomes Death

But terrible was his ego, and his will to survive on…
And so her kiss only changed him, and they merged.
Neither male nor female, androgynous far beyond…
They transcended, their old bodies that they purged.
This being walks the dark places of the cosmos, oft,
Hooded and robed, bearing a candle in its’ claws…
Beautiful, and terrible, like a bird freed from its’ loft!
It searches, for those once like itself, without pause.
Those who seek the embrace of Death to free them,
From the shackles of the universe that confines all…
And so some loves can, the immortal soul condemn.
For such as this, did an ancient Titan in this way fall!
So be not anxious for the end of all things, my friend.
All things come to Death in their time, as ordained…
Hasten not, to rush into her arms and meet your end.
For there are far worse things than she to be gained!

Azrael and Thanatos are the names of Death unspoken.
For none seek Death’s embrace, lest their souls be broken!

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1618

Three more days, let's see some monsters!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

Hmm let me see what I can do.

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