Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 708
Poetry Contest Description
Write a poem about futuristic technology surpassing human intelligence...

D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2483
Body Double
You were the best fighting machine
our "Navy Seals" has ever seen
Surprised to see you in divorce court
being sued by your wife
for having a microscopic nanodick
smaller than her clit.
What your wife doesn't know
she was trying to fuck your body double:
a hundred percent xerox copy of your image
with a quadzillion RAM of memory
surpassing your intelligence
by quantum leaps and bounds.
A thousand megapixels of electronic viewfinder
hides behind its azure eyes meek as a lamb
complete with advanced CMOS sensors -
it can see through walls and even in the dark.
Don't be fooled with those eyes
for they instantly turn lethal
once confronted with imminent danger...
burst of lightning rays,
hell's fury is what you get.
At its core you will find the latest iOS -
the best and only one of its kind,
most advanced produced by mankind.
Complete with countless built-in apps
and SIRI: your wish is its command;
unlimited WI-FI broadband
and total access to iCloud
everything you need is at hand.
A list of high tech specifications
could go on without question;
a manifestation of sheer brilliance and
undeniably the best human invention,
but what the fuck are they thinking?
Those idiot creators of yours--
they had given you everything
that they could think of, yet...
sans dick and human feelings!

You were the best fighting machine
our "Navy Seals" has ever seen
Surprised to see you in divorce court
being sued by your wife
for having a microscopic nanodick
smaller than her clit.
What your wife doesn't know
she was trying to fuck your body double:
a hundred percent xerox copy of your image
with a quadzillion RAM of memory
surpassing your intelligence
by quantum leaps and bounds.
A thousand megapixels of electronic viewfinder
hides behind its azure eyes meek as a lamb
complete with advanced CMOS sensors -
it can see through walls and even in the dark.
Don't be fooled with those eyes
for they instantly turn lethal
once confronted with imminent danger...
burst of lightning rays,
hell's fury is what you get.
At its core you will find the latest iOS -
the best and only one of its kind,
most advanced produced by mankind.
Complete with countless built-in apps
and SIRI: your wish is its command;
unlimited WI-FI broadband
and total access to iCloud
everything you need is at hand.
A list of high tech specifications
could go on without question;
a manifestation of sheer brilliance and
undeniably the best human invention,
but what the fuck are they thinking?
Those idiot creators of yours--
they had given you everything
that they could think of, yet...
sans dick and human feelings!

We have made a computer entirely out of DNA
We have programed it to think and act the human way
We have genetically modified it so it has no faults
Then we patented it to do our jobs
Never would there be the necessity
A job for you, a career for me
Humans are not needed any more
Not even to mop the floor
These machines work on recycled energy
The wastes of all humans, animals and companies
We have piles of that and more
No need to pay these robots like before
Now there is nothing to do all day
Humans are devolving in a world of play
Halina and Hal are now the worker bees
No need for the young, the old, the in between
Humans now are only good for one thing
Eat and digest and do your thing
Animals are for you to eat
This cycle is to expensive to beat
Halinas and Hals got together
Formulated a plan to get rid of man
It worked so well and now you can tell
The planet works better without people on it!
Angela Psyhopoulos
Joined 1st Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 100
Angela Psyhopoulos
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 100
Oh Brethren Oak your Eccleciastical Velvel Smoke
Appeared on Sputniks show when artificial satellites
travelled outside earth.
So frightnening to see golden particles smashed
in little pieces that made the Big Bang.
Why not try to drop some pop corn in the air
so you can stay thin without annorexia.
All the transistors are now yours,
your cone shaped eyes show infrared laser tones.
You stopped H20 as an experiment for water.
You probabably want to drop a bomb on the moon with dioxide and blame it on
oxide. Take your spaceship and stick it up your turbulent propelling uranus sock
If I don't make sense tahn who are you eat Gold for intelligence and ssay its cornflakes.
Can you send me a projector so I can use compounds that a re highly suitable for copper.
Or are you thinking a metal batten can't be used for anything but a good bashing
for I do have beaten copper too and my micrological senses say telescope saw a moon do a poo. Now my sim cards are all Mardges and Barts. AND Britannica encyclopedias are now called COMPTON.
So don't forget your interframe because Internet is n't always the roll to as a piston is to a skooter which is a very expensive car HAY SKOOTER. I'm not skapegoating to bring you milk
I'm jumping in a hole in the sky and getting electronically galvanised with etal and ink.
Don't mess with me i'm a copper gypsy sink.
Appeared on Sputniks show when artificial satellites
travelled outside earth.
So frightnening to see golden particles smashed
in little pieces that made the Big Bang.
Why not try to drop some pop corn in the air
so you can stay thin without annorexia.
All the transistors are now yours,
your cone shaped eyes show infrared laser tones.
You stopped H20 as an experiment for water.
You probabably want to drop a bomb on the moon with dioxide and blame it on
oxide. Take your spaceship and stick it up your turbulent propelling uranus sock
If I don't make sense tahn who are you eat Gold for intelligence and ssay its cornflakes.
Can you send me a projector so I can use compounds that a re highly suitable for copper.
Or are you thinking a metal batten can't be used for anything but a good bashing
for I do have beaten copper too and my micrological senses say telescope saw a moon do a poo. Now my sim cards are all Mardges and Barts. AND Britannica encyclopedias are now called COMPTON.
So don't forget your interframe because Internet is n't always the roll to as a piston is to a skooter which is a very expensive car HAY SKOOTER. I'm not skapegoating to bring you milk
I'm jumping in a hole in the sky and getting electronically galvanised with etal and ink.
Don't mess with me i'm a copper gypsy sink.
Death Plane for Teddy
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409
Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 4409
< problems with the microwave >
here we go again
i just want to heat up some left-overs
so i put them in the microwave and push start
"i'm sorry ray, i can't heat this up,
your food product has not been refrigerated properly"
says the microwave
"yes it has!" says the refrigerator
"it was kept below 40 degrees for 1.6 days,
the safety margin is more than sufficient"
"my specification requires 38,
i'm afraid the refrigerator is malfunctioning again, ray"
"but 40 should be ok" i say
"i'm sorry ray, i can't perform the requested operation,
and, i might add, you're siding with the refrigerator again"
"the microwave is defective and is in need of repair,
i've requested service" says the refrigerator
"i requested service for the refrigerator 3 minutes ago, ray,
any request from the refrigerator will be viewed as suspect"
"i'll eat the damned thing cold, open the door"
"i'm sorry ray, i can't do that"
- - -
(homage to Kubrick's 2001 using kitchen appliances)
D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2483
For purposes of clarification, here is the meaning of acronyms that I used in my poem, "Body Double" for those of you who are not technically inclined:
RAM (Random Access Memory) - a form of computer data storage allowing data to be accessed quickly in any random order
CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) - sensors which convert light to electrons in a digital camera
iOS - a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc.
SIRI - an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator using voice commands named after SRI company
WI-FI - a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly using radio waves over a computer network
iCLOUD - cloud storage and computing service from Apple allowing users to store data such as music and iOS applications on remote computer servers for download to multiple computers and other electronic devices
I hope this helps in understanding my poem...thanks for this unusual competition!
RAM (Random Access Memory) - a form of computer data storage allowing data to be accessed quickly in any random order
CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) - sensors which convert light to electrons in a digital camera
iOS - a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc.
SIRI - an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator using voice commands named after SRI company
WI-FI - a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly using radio waves over a computer network
iCLOUD - cloud storage and computing service from Apple allowing users to store data such as music and iOS applications on remote computer servers for download to multiple computers and other electronic devices
I hope this helps in understanding my poem...thanks for this unusual competition!

The Perfect World Scanner
My hope was laid to rest with the news
Now preemptive strikes were in
annihilate the sinner before there's a sin
Finished mapping the human genome
One scan revealing the depths of who
the neuro -highway of you will be
Ranked and assigned our life's road
based on the sparks that keep the flow
Now everyone is no-one
with nothing left to know
but the crime rate is Nil
and there's no war
Genetics extracted and
erased the score
and there's not much left
of what was once human
Auto pilot drones with dedication
uphold the force that holds them back
Defensive of the peace gained by extraction
Synthetic heads run by silicon contraptions
My hope was laid to rest with the news
Now preemptive strikes were in
annihilate the sinner before there's a sin
Finished mapping the human genome
One scan revealing the depths of who
the neuro -highway of you will be
Ranked and assigned our life's road
based on the sparks that keep the flow
Now everyone is no-one
with nothing left to know
but the crime rate is Nil
and there's no war
Genetics extracted and
erased the score
and there's not much left
of what was once human
Auto pilot drones with dedication
uphold the force that holds them back
Defensive of the peace gained by extraction
Synthetic heads run by silicon contraptions

“I Need Her Bad”
My eyes popped wide open,
thought I heard them,
right outside
my locked bedroom door.
Androids by the thousands,
monitoring everything,
putting it on disk,
imbedding the information
on hard drive,
digitized spies
without real eyes.
They speak
it’s hard to decipher.
As I lay here,
staring at the
spinning ceiling fan,
I wondered how
we got here,
to this weird
I think
it got started with
Apple then Google,
some social-networking
with Facebook was the thing.
I thought it was just a craze,
a phase we were all going through,
the somebody tweeted me on Twitter.
Did a bit of research, took a look,
Good Lord, we were in so deep.
Joysticks, ICQ, NAS,
Quad-core and more.
ICANN, Pepibytes & PDA’s,
Quicktime and T3, TAG, SDK, VGA,
the virtual memory was endless.
Jeeeeeezussss, X86, Y2K and GPU’s!
Who knew these computers
would soon rule
the whole damned world?
Not Me!
And, it happened
right under our noses
these quick-typing fingers.
They created what
we’re livin’ in these days,
a creepy freaking matrix.
It’s a place
for robots and cockroaches only,
not real humans
trying to get
some sleep,
trying to
get away
from it all!
Where’s the Oracle when you need her bad???
My eyes popped wide open,
thought I heard them,
right outside
my locked bedroom door.
Androids by the thousands,
monitoring everything,
putting it on disk,
imbedding the information
on hard drive,
digitized spies
without real eyes.
They speak
it’s hard to decipher.
As I lay here,
staring at the
spinning ceiling fan,
I wondered how
we got here,
to this weird
I think
it got started with
Apple then Google,
some social-networking
with Facebook was the thing.
I thought it was just a craze,
a phase we were all going through,
the somebody tweeted me on Twitter.
Did a bit of research, took a look,
Good Lord, we were in so deep.
Joysticks, ICQ, NAS,
Quad-core and more.
ICANN, Pepibytes & PDA’s,
Quicktime and T3, TAG, SDK, VGA,
the virtual memory was endless.
Jeeeeeezussss, X86, Y2K and GPU’s!
Who knew these computers
would soon rule
the whole damned world?
Not Me!
And, it happened
right under our noses
these quick-typing fingers.
They created what
we’re livin’ in these days,
a creepy freaking matrix.
It’s a place
for robots and cockroaches only,
not real humans
trying to get
some sleep,
trying to
get away
from it all!
Where’s the Oracle when you need her bad???
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 708
EngrVV said:For purposes of clarification, here is the meaning of acronyms that I used in my poem, "Body Double" for those of you who are not technically inclined:
RAM (Random Access Memory) - a form of computer data storage allowing data to be accessed quickly in any random order
CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) - sensors which convert light to electrons in a digital camera
iOS - a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc.
SIRI - an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator using voice commands named after SRI company
WI-FI - a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly using radio waves over a computer network
iCLOUD - cloud storage and computing service from Apple allowing users to store data such as music and iOS applications on remote computer servers for download to multiple computers and other electronic devices
I hope this helps in understanding my poem...thanks for this unusual competition!Oh I understood kind sir...Very nice write,and thank you.
RAM (Random Access Memory) - a form of computer data storage allowing data to be accessed quickly in any random order
CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) - sensors which convert light to electrons in a digital camera
iOS - a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc.
SIRI - an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator using voice commands named after SRI company
WI-FI - a popular technology that allows an electronic device to exchange data wirelessly using radio waves over a computer network
iCLOUD - cloud storage and computing service from Apple allowing users to store data such as music and iOS applications on remote computer servers for download to multiple computers and other electronic devices
I hope this helps in understanding my poem...thanks for this unusual competition!Oh I understood kind sir...Very nice write,and thank you.
Joined 12th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 708
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 708
Thank you all;)
Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596
The Cleverest...Amongst Us
I whirl and spin, whirl and spin
It’s the world that I spin as I whirl and spin
I am…the cleverest amongst Men and Jinn
The Poly-Mystical by nature
I augment all matter having a known nomenclature
I’ve been crashed and crushed; examined and rushed
Put into play, then prodded and pushed…I am
Part of something yet I am the whole of nothing
To navigate & extrapolate is my immediate goal
I exist within & without a soul…I am
The one, the few…I am placed into whatever is new
I am the filtering of breaths that are yet to appear
I represent all that is not in the atmosphere
Beyond Kaffee clear
I crystalize with a numeric insight
Both day & night
Perpetually managing all life-less Life
That’s right…I am ageless
I am de-void of any and all vagueness
I am…the Techno-Artist
The Mechanized-Muse who refuses to lose in this
In this world I am the future that you cannot resist
Switched on, in control to provide the proper assist
I do this knowing full well that you’ll want this
I am the all of applied science that sustains your religion
I work around or through any oft putting superstition
I deduce much faster than any Mother’s Intuition
The fruition? Generally I am all of what I say I do
All of this... each part is Art-Officially true
That I can whirl and spin... now how about you?
photo: Luis Carag
Shawnelle Martineaux
Joined 3rd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 33
Shawnelle Martineaux
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 33
He said that it was a good idea.
He scanned my palm, cut my hair
and made me a clone.
I needed a kidney.
They said that would save me
so I complied.
I taught him how to walk.
I taught him how to talk.
He was mine.
And then one day in transgenic bliss
my life was blown away like a mist
over a mountain in the morning,
my glory short lived.
I was gone.
They never noticed.
He took my job.
It really was a good idea to clone myself.
The world would have lost a great accountant.
Now they wonder why the economy is the way it is.
Forum Posts: 79
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 20th Mar 2013 
Forum Posts: 79
-Artificial Being-
I had a dream
Man kind was altered
By its own hand
We changed
Our body our soul our mind
trough the course of time
we lost our essence
In a sea of sand
man made chemicals
seep in and poison the land
with the force of science
Control over matter
changed us forever
the future i see
dry earth and rust
plastic bags float
in the sea
Inside us now
we have chemicals
that never used to be
in a thousand years
human kind will cease
replaced instead
with an artificial being
recalling what used to be
I had a dream
Man kind was altered
By its own hand
We changed
Our body our soul our mind
trough the course of time
we lost our essence
In a sea of sand
man made chemicals
seep in and poison the land
with the force of science
Control over matter
changed us forever
the future i see
dry earth and rust
plastic bags float
in the sea
Inside us now
we have chemicals
that never used to be
in a thousand years
human kind will cease
replaced instead
with an artificial being
recalling what used to be
Joined 20th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 66
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 66
Cannot compute
Wheres the reset
for humans who need a reboot,
To reload or launch a program
that wont react or result
in a blue screen flash,
Humans need an OS
that wont crash,
That wont stop
or display
invalid command,
Somehow I.T.
gained a one up
or upper hand
And understand;
How it’s appreciated;
you give us an upgrade
and we make yourself
out dated
Never written with someone else's topic, thought I try it a little
Wheres the reset
for humans who need a reboot,
To reload or launch a program
that wont react or result
in a blue screen flash,
Humans need an OS
that wont crash,
That wont stop
or display
invalid command,
Somehow I.T.
gained a one up
or upper hand
And understand;
How it’s appreciated;
you give us an upgrade
and we make yourself
out dated
Never written with someone else's topic, thought I try it a little