Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd July 2012 11:57pm
siphondarkness (Levi)
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A light in dark world

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 70

Poetry Contest

Write a poem about a light in a dark world.
The "light" can be anything that you consider good or beautiful in this world.

-one week
-two poems per person
-title your poem
-new or old
-try to keep it under 300 words but if you dont I probably won't mind.

I wish you all good luck :)

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

“The Answer”
by:  Eric L. Boddie

Even though it is nearing the end of day number seven
There is still time to find the Stairway to Heaven
Because I Am………………God

I am able to heal you with my strength
And break the chain with the missing links
Because I Am………………God

Through the courage it takes to be humble as myself
I have the Power to truly conquer death
Because I Am………………God

In times of doubt, and when hope is lost
I have no fear, I don’t have to pay the cost
Because I Am………………God

When death is near, and you don’t know what to do
The Power of my Prayer can see you through
Because I Am………………God

When your load is heavy and you need the back of a man
It is my duty to extend to you my hand
Because I Am………………God

When everywhere you look, there is hate, and everyone wants to push and shove
Come and find me, I won’t show you anything but Love
Because I Am………………God

And when it is time for us to see our Father and His Son
All any one of us can say is “this is what I’ve done”
Because I Am………………God

His Name is I Am, but you may know Him as God
Is He in you?

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

“Power over Adversity”
by: Eric L.Boddie

Thank You for the victory that only You could conceive
Thank You for the air You allow each of us to breathe
Thank You for the food that keeps us going strong
Thank You for the Church, the place we all belong
Thank You for the rain that falls from above
Thank You for the struggle, it makes us worthy of Your Love
Thank You for the water, the maintainer of life
Thank You for the woman, only she can be a wife
Thank You for the children, the only form of man which is totally true
Thank You for the devil, only his test can prove our loyalty to You
Thank You for the saints who are not afraid to call upon Your Name
Thank You for the sacrifice given the last time You came
Thank You for Your Word, the greatest power ever
Thank You for Your Guidance through the stormiest weather
Thank You for listening every time I want to talk
Thank You for following me, no matter where I walk
Thank You for Your Mercy, It has been given so many times
Thank You for Your Forgiveness, even for the things which only occur in my mind
Thank You for my soul, the place where the costs of my sins will be paid
Thank You for Job, the greatest example ever made
Thank You for my brothers and sisters, just them, not the things they do
Thank You for my mother, she gave me directions to where I could find You
Thank You, Heavenly Father, because only in You can we place all of our trust
Thank You for Your Holy Son, He cleared a path for us

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 70

Thank you for your participation great poems by the way

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

i appreciate that julian....great competition idea....

J. Payan
Twisted Dreamer
United States 3awards
Joined 11th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 69

My Light

The days have ended and,
darkness has taken over.
Everyday I struggle to move on.
To fight against myself,
but there it lay in the distance so bright.
My only hope to survive,
to end the days of death, and pain.
Falling down so many times
I manage to get up
just to get there and see it all.
The closer I get the more it drags me in.
Hypnotizing me and resetting my mind.
Filling me up with good and joy.
I know happiness is coming so soon.
so i keep going on,
towards the light,
no matter what i go through
because i know that's
where i know I'll find you.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 5

Hope In A Hopeless World

The passing bodies look down at him
Their gaze so dark and grim,
Holding his weathered hands palms up
Waiting for the coins to rattle his cup,
The ocassional rattle is heard
Lifting his head "thanks" his one spoken word,
Looking to the ground in shame
Others pass as though he is playing a game,
A soft voice pierces into his ear
"Hey Mister? may I sit here?",
With a look of shame he looks to move
Not making eye contact he scoots,
"No" Speaks this soft thundering voice
"Tell me, are you here by choice? ",
The weather beaten man looks up slowly
"A child asks him this honestly?",
Gulping for words gazing into ocean blue eyes
Watching those pass wearing neckties,
"It may not look like it but I dont mind where I am"
"I do what I do, when and how I can",

The child smiles ear to ear holding his hand
"Mister, you are always welcome on my land",
The child puts the mans hand against his chest
"Keep it here and never astray, in bequest"
The man chokes up, tears rolling down his face
"Thank you my son" the man speaks with grace
A mother shouts "Get away from him"
Standing and giving a hug to him,
"Thanks for the chat Mister"

Looking into his hand tightly against his chest
A letter to Dad?
Tears flood down his face and a smile grows
He is and that was?
His only son, and his son now knows

By, eternal_darkness

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 70

Thank you guys for entering my first competition I'm really enjoying reading these

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 27th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 5152

Bodies were collapsing everywhere
The plague sweeped our air
Blood coated my hair
I no longer cared
The sky was black with smoke
Ashes and rain melted our flesh
I ran for what seemed like an eternity
My bones were showing true colors of the darkness within
I found you, nearly gone
And kissed the last piece of my life into you
To see you light up and rise above this
Was the best thing I had left before I died

Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 31st May 2012
Forum Posts: 282

~~~~ Lightless ~~~

Light does not shine thru her window
it does not beat upon her skin
light runs from her kind of darkness
stars refuse to twinkle if she looks to them

never born, yet she lives

shadows at night
her only friends
yet the light,
which runs from her threatens to remove them

crepuscular, active only in the twilight
daylight teases her from afar
she blinks
and its gone again

dragging herself thru this nightmare
she is complete

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 16th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 70

Thanks guys great writes!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Angelic Tears -

Lift up thy gaze unto the heavens above,
Where the light of the brightest star ascends!
Striking with fury the very mountaintops,
The force of an angel’s will: driven by love…
Upon whom a mighty host eternally attends!
Her tears are chill as a winter’s raindrops.
Her name is in the hearts of her own kindred,
Nestled so amongst the living and the dead.

If you find in life the pleasures most beloved,
And in the works of poets take great delight…
Do not fail to give praise where it is wanted,
To mortals and gods who need praises alike!

Swiftly, the age is nigh for her to so return,
Unto the earth where grow the roses crimson!
They bloom at her pleasure, at her very will,
And they perish with the hot sun’s fiery burn…
All at her whim, and the change of a season!
Her tears water the land, and make it so still.
Her fame is in the pride of all creation’s heart,
Grown mighty from each soul doing its’ part.

If you find in life the seasons most enjoyable,
And view the glories of nature with your sight…
Do not fail to give thanks where it is needed,
To mortals and gods who keep us from blight!

The winds of the world beat of her six wings,
Which carry the seeds of life to all the corners!
Raising up the forests that teem with new life,
Embodying her children in all the living things…
Drying the tears of even the saddest mourners!
Her tears wash away all our sins and our strife.
Her flame burns so hotly in each faithful breast,
Nurtured for ages by the wine that calms best.

If you find in life the arts to be most astounding,
And hold the finer things to be worthy of joy…
Do not fail to give glory to Heaven undoubting,
To mortals and gods more faithful than any toy!

The enemies of life become as dust before she,
Until restored unto her is the light that is forever!
The wars of the ages bear nothing, fading away,
Until at last only the divine remains all in beauty…
Easing the wrath of angels and gods such as her!
Until the promised kingdom shines: bright as day.
Until the magic comes again, before her throne,
Bestowing its’ power unto all flesh and all bone.

If you find in life the time to seek perfect bliss,
And try to find enlightenment in passing verse…
Do not fail to give one moment to consider this,
The mortals and gods who shape this universe!

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Wisdom of the Lost World -

''The beginning of knowledge is the discovery
of something we do not understand.''

Prelude: Before the Beginning

She was with me when all else was void,
Before the beginnings of this world entire.
She was with me before the oceans wide,
When no spring flowed, nor burned a fire.
She was with me when mountains arose,
Before the first hills crowned the old land.
She was with me before the first ice froze,
Before the first paradise became hot sand.
She was with me before I was in exile cast,
And before me, she was one with Heaven.
Ere the bodiless came to flesh in the past,
She reigned on high, over domains seven.
And I reigned in her imperious name,
Before the loosing of the Wall of Flame!

Part One: As It Was, It Shall Be

If one day the sun should cease its’ light…
You will be the beacon that parts the night.
If one day my arms should tire so weary…
You will be the strength I carry, so clearly.
If one day my feet should stray, very far…
Your glory will draw me back, bright star!
As it was in the beginning, it shall ever be,
I have looked in your eyes and our destiny.

Wisdom, thou art a fair and gracious lady!
Lady of the lost world, hear you my praise.
Blessed is he, who shares your company…
Blessed are your children for all their days.

Part Two: From Death to Ecstasy

In the fires of the mountains death reigned,
When the pride of the ancients was pained.
As the souls of generations, knew a rebirth,
The mettle of mankind tested all its’ worth.
In the hour of tribulation you were noblest,
Even when I faced my most terrifying test!
The guilt of a people, you eased within me,
When I looked in your face in pure ecstasy.

Wisdom, thou art a passing glorious queen!
Lady of the lost world, hear you my rhyme.
Blessed am I, whose eyes have thus seen…
Blessed are you, who exist beyond all time.

Part Three: From Light to Love

From the light that cannot be fathomed full,
You radiate as the cycles of creation turn…
Whilst all things feel towards you their pull!
Galaxies are born whilst still do others burn.
You endure, changeless, ageless and pure…
And though I have worn many faces, forms,
Still you know me with a comfort most sure.
You are so constant amidst so many storms!

Wisdom, thy names shall not stay forgotten!
Lady of the lost world, hear you my song…
Sophia, Zoe, thou goddess on high begotten,
Those who keep your truths never go wrong.

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th June 2012
Forum Posts: 13

Root Beauty

There is beauty in me.
A beauty that is loving, truth-seeing, and reaching.
I say “I love you” because you are beautiful,
And I want to behold your beauty  

There are eyes that can see
Beauty in the roots;
Flip it, turn it – as in a game of chess.
It does not have to be
Exactly as it was, is, or appears -
That is not reality.
It is much deeper under the surface
Than what we have so far believed.

I want these eyes,
I want them for my own.
I cry and weep; I am overcome
By the eyes that see this beauty
Deep in the ground; in the simplest things.
I am overcome by your beauty; ever new.
I say “I love you” because you are beautiful,
I say “I love you” because I love beauty,
I love you and want to behold you.    

Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th June 2012
Forum Posts: 13

The brightest blue sky,
The trees topped with green.
The different peoples: their colors, shapes, and sizes.
The occupations, interests and understandings
And the cultures that have created these minds.  
All this moves me, fills me, and leaves me with wonder of the world.
Yet for all this, how can sorrow still stay with me?
My main guide, my surest motivation  
With a turn of my head I burst into tears; there is no warning.
I hear a sound, see a reminder, and everything is lost.
There is beauty, but is it for me?  Is it large enough
To engulf the hole, the emptiness I feel in my chest?
Why can I not take the glorious music I hear and fill this hole?
Why does this beauty only serve as an illumination and reminder that I am alone?  

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