Poetry competition CLOSED 12th June 2012 11:55pm
SmilesandPretenses (Trevin Michael)
View Profile Poems by SmilesandPretenses
RUNNERS-UP: Indie and kriticool

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That's my society

Pretty Normal
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 76

Poetry Contest

A viewpoint or idea about modern society or even past societies, just a reaction to what's happened or happening in the world.
Recently read loads of poems based on people's views of society and find them hugely interesting, especially the cynical ones- although it'd be nice to see a change to that, if it exists.
Just a couple of rules-
Only 2 entries per person.
Please no commenting on poems in the thread as it all gets jumbled then!
It doesn't matter if the poem's old or new either- all welcome!

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596


poet Anonymous


Sex to repopulate the planet
Objectively trying to make the world a better place
Citizens attempting to get their views heard by politicians
Irate countries at war with one another
Emptiness amongst the poor; longing for more
Technology coming to the forefront
Year after year, adding to history

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

pretty_normal said:
Please no commenting on poems in the thread as it all gets jumbled then!...

Hey, no fair, that's part of the fun.

Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

f e e d b a c k      


She sits across in the room on a custom made Durian sofa    
with burnished tiger print          
her three diamond pendants shine softly  
in the dim riot        
-thrusts herself once          
-toys with her silken curls          
-snaps her manicured fingers      
-puckers her glossy lips      
-takes out the small mirror        
 that reads DKNY in black        
-shifts her weight      
-pulls her top and shakes        
-pretends pretending to        
 read Women's era-        
Probably bored beyond return she crosses her leg again-        
checks her Tablet and goes on to stare in my direction      
cause every other table is occupied and there is a couple      
everywhere else        
The whole place looks like a rotten-god-forsaken scam        
from behind my dark glasses        
I must not have blinked in five minutes cause she starts        
to form a halo-steams up and I close my eyes finally as        
two warm drops of tear fill in ancient billabongs-  
succumbing to gravity and in that moment I want to
write a love poem    
but it wont come to me which is just bad-almost a cliche        
the waiter brings my bill and hands me a tissue paper  
which says-in-translucent-bright-pink-the-words-in-caps-
f a g g o t-may be maybelline.


Dangerous Mind
India 16awards
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251

           Nightmare on Alm Street

As the pariah dog  
of unknown pedigree  
limps down at the end  
of the deserted road and  
the half eaten moon emerges  
from it's hiding of sailing-saturnine    
clouds under the beautiful abode of the  
little boy's beautiful god in the smudged sky  
the cardboard city materializes like a photograph  
slow the edges sharpen-the squalor silenced to a stupor  
the desolate heaps of yesterdays’ urban waste stare-crawl-  
reach-itch at you like a lower-extremity arterial skin ulcer on  
a cold night and the stench assaults you like a frenzied piece of  
senseless sub-urban folklore-only if you could tell the difference  
a skeletal baby whimpers-intermittent-its head mocking at the body-  
malnourished- worm-infested-diseased, with an artsy protruding ribcage-  
countable-like an intricate tapestry of dark brown skin over hollowed bones  
and the mother stares in darkness and soft grudge, her brazen eyes averting  
your gaze-whatever it takes-that could be any of these-curiosity, pity, empathy,  
revulsion, indifference, actualization,  blank, existential ennui or search for meaning.  
probably as a warm drop of tear runs down the cheeks, getting up she pulls the rug that  
serves as a door or a cover-from the light, eyes, reach of the world-down with an alacrity  
that makes you want to compose the next status update on facebook, but then something  
else takes over and you move on to the next train of thought or rather afterthought-may be  
something set in the middle ground as unmindful you walk along-elated at your day's success-  
1. Your next street art exhibition 2. Possible mention in the gallery for the monochrome series  
3. Number of ‘Likes’ and ‘Comments’ and the surrounding continuum of awe for future-  
All of a sudden a momentary afterthought arrests the fluid flow with the  
starkness, darkness your eyes encountered thru out the day and tackle-  
immediate block of a defense mechanism-a phoenix rises and tells  
‘accolades come with a price, so often which is an excess.’  
A voice-a noise-the ADULT within your psyche-rationale  
A lady-may be her, may be not* what are the odds?-  
screams in the distance with muffled voices diluting  
the overall drama as you rev your car, filling the air  
with blaring pop music and the rubber screeches  
along tar leaving symmetric pneumatic trails  
(full stop.)  

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 18th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2


Carcases rush to cities
They hide from the sun in dreams of architects,
then play gods with the masses.
They in turn wander aimlessly like lost souls,
trying to make sense of the chaos created by the skies.
Just a building, a shell, underneath an inner strength; 
powered by machines and spewing red tape.
The tape winds its way around the neck of the metro
and cuts off its air supply and continues to grow.
Thus blocking out the sun.
To bring on the evil of the night. 

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3280

I Don’t (On the institution of marriage)

I never really understood why I’d need a piece of paper
To document my love like it’s proof that married love is greater
Than the love two people share without one financial blow out of a day
Swapping names and sharing assets, the merging of two identities to one
Ceasing to be individual entities, now bound by contractual obligations  

And as it turns out, I’m not entitled to such a legal “binding” of love anyway
When the government and church class me as a lesser being
Like we’re living in a much earlier century, where prejudice could be cloaked
In religion and ignorance, hate propaganda filling minds that homosexuality is a sickness
Though it’s no business of the state if two consenting adults
Of the same gender happen to fall in love

And I’ve never wanted to give myself away like I’m paying my way into slavery
My partner flashing me around as though I’m a fashion accessory going “OMG… meet my wife”
When I loathe to feel like a possession in the arsenal of societal clauses
That states that I need to be just like everyone else… whoever everyone else might happen to be
Though there is no guarantee that contractual love will last forever anyway. So contracts
And financial debts be damned, I believe in love, though not in the trend of papering it
And signing away my life to another person, when true love should be free

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

They are profoundly mental:
The believers of gods,
the right wingers
and the left.
Those in search of a reputable career.
The racists,
the homophobes.
the gays and the blacks.
The so-called leaders of this world.
The followers of the monarchy,
the drivers of cars,
the adrenaline junkies,
the coke fiends,
and the alcoholics.
The happily married,
the monophobic love hunters
and the speed daters.
Those who raise their country's flag
and those who burn the flags of other countries.
The ranters and the ravers,
the pet owners,
the pregnant,
the football followers,
the hooligans,
the inbred and their breeders,
the prostitutes,
the mothers and fathers.
The depressed,
the therapists,
the barmen,
the rapists,
the psychopaths,
the thieves,
the nursery school teachers
and me.

Pretty Normal
Twisted Dreamer
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 76

Thank you all! These are really good! It's gonna be a tough choice;)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123

My society

Darkness before dawn
There is impending storm
The fisherman whispers
To his sleeping wife
Bye my love
See you later
High waves
The sound of screams
The silent mourns

A kiss a hug
a wave
the truck driver
looks back at his family
and drive off
to a wage ever meagre
thinking mortgage
All perish
His screaming sobs

Smiles, kiss babies
Promises the mountain
Garden of Eden
Votes casted
He rests
Counting his kick-backs
Sunshine-y villages
All forgotten.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

No Awa Tae Bide Awa ( A collaboration with Mikimoondancer )

We are surrounded by zombies
they may be walking and talking
some seemingly even evolving
around escape .

Staggered in mis-haps
each day they lack some make-up
a one percent
is so not them
a life of rigid in some hell  .

Seemingly mistaken
altogether un-shaken
un-levelled , revealing
emptiness black voids
where souls did exist .

Societies mass production
new mice a much induction
a drone a day
does pass my way
ignorance in suction
humanities reduction
eyes to see
see nothing .  

Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

Boy Uninterrupted

Eyes watching my every move
Like everyday I have something to prove
In search of finding my very own groove
Unfortunately the road isn't quite so smooth
The life I live isn't really the safest
I constantly have to deal with homophobes and racists
A gay minority but that's my choice
The freedom to be me it gets me real moist
So plump, juicy, and filled with pride
Too bad society can't see the contents inside
I try to be as transparent as possible
But it seems like understanding me is an obstacle
It isn't that hard just give it a try
Simply because I refuse to live a lie
Why should I have to? Who died and made you God?
Who gave you the authority to label what's odd?
Make me an outcast like I'm some kind of curse
Being called Nigger or Faggot I don't know what's worse
But it isn't what I'm called it's what I answer to
I'm not defined by society's point of view
The concrete jungle and I'm young fresh meat
I may be sweet but I'm nobody's treat
I'm young, black, gay, and poor
On the front lines of society's war

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14617

Beware the five card trickster!

Here comes Moses? with a fist full of scented roses and a mouth
full of spoken poses to put you at your ease,eager to please the
foul and crooked mind concealed behind the fake smile and steely
eyes that strip your clothes off in an instant

It's a game of two hands
dealt within a less than exclusive smokey room  

He lets loose a wide grin "let the games begin" he speaks in husked tones
his breath a mix of heavy malt and tobacco smoke
inhaled deep within the very lungs he'll use to blow a screen
when the cards go down

you'll see your hand and smile "a royal flush " will take the pot more times than not
so you'll stake it all, you'll stack it up and make the call to see his hand
but no matter how the cards were dealt, no matter what you think you've won

no one beats the five card trickster
when he throws his cards down on the table you'll begin to understand
the calculated cold deception that'll come
before the grave reception when you leave
with no thing at all

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 21

I have to reply to this!!!
I love this poem so much ...
It's a work of fucking art
Keep up the good work Hun <3

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