Poetry competition CLOSED 8th May 2010 10:28am
View Profile Poems by okietaoist

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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 151

Poetry Contest

A poem, responding to one (or both) of the following questions... "If you were running for the leading role in your/any country, what would you say to your people?" and/or "If you came face to face with your leader, what would you say to them?"
I know that a fair amount of people on this site aren't from the UK, but on the 6th May this year, there is a British General Election. Therefore nearly every day there is news from one party or another about scandals, taxes, manifestos, spending cuts and national debt.

I'm quite an opinionated person and I believe [read hope] that some of you are to. The competion is simple;
A poem, responding to one (or both) of the following questions...

"If you were running for the leading role in your/any country, what would you say to your people?"
"If you came face to face with your leader, what would you say to them?"

Closing date is 06-05-10. One entry to each question per poet. I anticipate reading what you have to write upon these matters which I hold in high regard.


Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Apr 2010
Forum Posts: 21

i am from the us...and this is what i would say to my leaders, and how i feel...put nicely:)

civil disillusionment

what of the constitution?
where is the adherence
to that hallowed institution?
why bother with appearance?

where is the adherence
to the balances and checks?
why bother with appearance
with a foot upon our necks?

to the balances and checks
the executive gives orders.
with a foot upon our necks,
the masses have no quarter.

the executive gives orders,
the judges legislate.
the masses have no quarter:
congress supplants the states.

the judges legislate,
lip-servicing like whores.
congress supplants the states,
replacing rot for mores.

lip servicing like whores
to that hallowed institution.
replacing rot for mores...
what of the constitution?

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

uh, like the guy before
only the opposite

(u.s. be split 50/50)

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 151

Wow... an amazing first entry =) Hard act to follow.
I especially like how you create an 'endless cycle'
Well done!

Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Apr 2010
Forum Posts: 21

thank you the cycle is innate to the form, the malaysian pantoum.

Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 316

Composing a poem of this magnitude is a challenge for me and I am afraid to be someone to do that. However, I have tried my level best to work-out a plain script from the point of view of me. This one I wrote for a competition to compose such a one for the upcoming British general election slated 06.05.10. The attempt of mine is first of its kind and I have imagined a PM without any promises except his own vision as an individual, a one of its own kind among the countrymen. So this one belongs to any country, any candidate, and has a neutral flavor and maybe one of the reasons that I have never visited UK and know little about the political atmosphere there.


I am no one to say,
“Give me your blood,
And I will give your freedom!”
I am not a revolutionist, hey!
I want confidence for my good-
And will walk ahead of your Edom…

I won’t say that-
“My speech impediment,
is no hindrance!”
I am no Churchill in my hat!
I will prevent un-precedent-
And will be a good leader in consequence…

I am no one to deny,
“My political intensions,
that will be quite different from Lenin’s lane!”
You choose me and rely-
Let me serve for common apprehensions!
“Inside this PM, will be one of you countrymen…”

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 151

An individual response...
I think that your poem is unique, and will remain so purely because of the "neutral flavour" which you have given to it. Thanks for the submission, I really like it =D

Fire of Insight
India 6awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 316

Thanks for the acknowledgement and for the competition...I am much relieved now because you read it without any controversies...believe me it is a flat poem straight from my heart keeping in view of the subject of your competition...I think it is gonna be an interesting competition and I am keen to read the other entries...at the same time keeping my fingers crossed as a contender...nopes!!!don't mind the line...a damn bloody joke:-)

Lost Thinker
Joined 12th Apr 2010
Forum Posts: 21

great submission, sir! the nascently altruistic tone would be a breath of fresh air for ANY countries political system.

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 151

Indeed, even with just the two poems I have here it will be a tough choice, but I would obviously love more entries!

Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words
Canada 32awards
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409

        < reconnaissance >

  (parts stolen from WWII letters)

     so we decided
     i guess it was the right time to decide
     the right time and all
     a face and pictures
     just one step more
     curving over the same cliff
     in the war i flew reconnaissance
     no weapons
     just watching
     and pictures
     taking pictures
     of trees and ammo dumps
     all those trees
     to bomb the ammo dumps
     we lived and died
     for the ammo dumps
     and sometimes
     driving to work
     i see those ammo dumps
     hidden among the trees
     and i call in the co-ordinates
     as the engine
     holds me up
     and then morning
     and breakfast
     and the empty chairs
     (i'm counting by names)
     and then i wake
     (but i'm still counting)
     and there's always a window
     why do they put them there?
     in need of breaking
     of making a sharp edge
     that speaks of blood
     (and falling)
     i can't look
     there's always a window there
     pleading for me
     to end its pain


Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 151

Wow... that's some amazing stuff there rayon... The combination of your own words and those from the WWII letters really brings out the emotion, it feels like I'm there in the mind of your persona

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6706

My people - too cliche
you are not mine
not a mindless meaningless flock
you are people
and worthy of a leader
someone of values
capable of reacting to every disaster
perfect in decision
and with no weakness

I am sorry

Until that day when they appear
I will do my best for you
It won't be pretty
not always easy or in your favour
but it must be done

I am not a god
I am but a mere mortal
but I shall not falter
nor fall to temptation
in order to pave a way
not for a golden age
but for a bearable age

Here is my axiom:

Cleanse the houses!
Maintain principles!
Muster the Knights and Heroes!
Defend against attackers within and without!
Be just in War and not decadent in Peace!
And above all be Good.

Number 16 Bus shelter
Lost Thinker
Joined 28th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 18

I'm an Anarchist (cliched, no?) So to the people, I would tell them to live. Anyway, here's something a little different, written simply because it actually happened, a diary of a friend.

A Pill.

A pill,
left on the bar
"I've had it"
you say,
"With playing it safe"
"Fuck it"
you say
and pop the pill
in the car
way to work
you feel no different
still sick of it
the traffic
   this car...
        pollution and war...

This isn't LSD...

parking your car
clocking in
your boss eyes you with glee
you're late, he says
you're working longer tonight
"NO" you say
the bosses smile freezes
hand over mouth,
"It wasn't what I meant..."
BUT it is what you meant.

No, the word doubts
the integrity of your superiors
as you become a slave
doubts their right to your obedience
and the praise you crave

I can fire...
your boss begins
you laugh, and break his nose.
He's right, you think
as your co-workers stare,
he can set you on fire

Walking out the door
throwing your wallet to the floor
what you want
can not be found
on the shelves of department stores
voting ballots
or the arms of a whore

you want to fall in love
with a stranger on the street
fall in so deep
the world seems asleep

falling to your knees
drown in emotion
as statues pass you by

giving your keys
to a peddler in the gutter
start your heart with a stutter

you set out to find the real world
beyond shopping districts
and suburbs
off the highway
and over fields and oceans

the statues stare as he walks by

could you give it up?
stock options
prime-time programming
cutting edge, digital technology

If you found a pill that woke you up,
would you pop the pill?

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 151

Wow, some amazingly insigtful stuff there, Number 16! An interesting take on the questions

Just a quick reminder - closing date is tomorrow (Friday) for entries

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