Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd January 2012 7:28pm
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
View Profile Poems by Page_Writer
RUNNERS-UP: beautiful_accident and Grace

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Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 1369

Hell (Holding it all inside)

Hell is having teenage chemically dependent parents                
Mother emotionally abusing me on a regular basis                
Father wants me to be the object of his desire    
Hell is watching man after man entertain your mom                
Being sent to church on Sunday, what did I learn? Nothing                
Being put out of the hypocritical establishment because I asked too many questions. Good Riddens                
Hell are supposed friends who claim they got your back and care            
Woken up in the middle of the night by a friend's uncle almost attacked                
Hell is not knowing if you are loved and then search for it in every detestable place known to man                
Not knowing or feeling secure enough to feel if a damn soul understands                
Hell is when you trust no one because everyone has taken your kindness as weakness; which now results in pushing everyone away to avoid the obvious stress of betrayal    
At some point you can count on it.            
Hell is witnessing a man fall to the ground from being stabbed and you duck very low and take cover so no one ever knows you witnessed it                
Hell is watching your father die because the drugs were his only true love                
After living life with all this stress, where is this GOD above                
Hell is being so selfish I aborted my son when he was 6 months the nightmare of his kicks haunts me 19 years later oh GOD I wish        
You would free me from this recurring nightmare                
Hell is when you try to commit suicide twice and come up short, DAMN                
Waking up one more day with all its madness and all sorts    
People actually say it is great to be alive another day.                
My friend was heartbroken one time too many and took the hiatus and alas she succeeded leaving me here in hell to grieve, and further perceive                
What in the world is going on in this life                
Having no family to talk with or turn to
You get a call only when it is something I can do
Always criticized, forget my feelings they never matter
Because I will not conform to their ideals, often subjected to their negative chatter
Receive awards of all sorts and look around for signs of a familiar face, reality kicks in and my optimism is a waste              
Hell is when you held your heart within so long and finally give it to someone who tossed it like yesterday's garbage. It is more hell when you withold information from him in an effort to protect his interest, but the information he has in front of him truly looks like my betrayal, what hurts worst is the years we dealt, my actions showed him my love, honor and respect. I realized I lost and will never win in that situation. KEEP IT MOVING              
While the world sleeps, I am wide awake wondering if the floor boards are clean, if I scrubbed the walls for the 20th time, grocery list completed, overactive schedule at the gym                
When your man leaves you for a relative and they have kids and expect you to be happy for them. You bums deserve each other        
Having libido that no one can control, damn I thought men wanted a woman that was a freak in the sheets
With exquisite P**** that can't be beat.    
My favorite one, GOD is trying to get your attention and punishing you for all the wrong you have done.  
Ok GOD I hear you, point taken you have truly won        
There is more hell that I will continue to retain
Although there are times I feel I am going insane  
Do not tell me about a fiery place after I die, because I am living in and through hell right now

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17160

kymkym65 said:  
Do not tell me about a fiery place after I die, because I am living in and through hell right now


Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

O.o why do you guys always make this so hard. Amazing poems so far preety unsure at who set the bar.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122

Hell exists amongst the living

You can't handle my hell.
It's way too quite yet
enduring and vulnerable.
You won't handle
19 years of solitude and silence
sucking every bit of what's
left of you.
You can't handle
mirrors that refuse to reflect
back of what's left to

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17160


Hell to a mother
..Is to watch her child
Gasping for breath
Fighting death
In extreme illness

Hell to a father
…is watch his son
Fight addiction
Become aids bed ridden
Waiting for the end

Hell to a sister
…is watch her sister
Raped and sold
In the market of prostitution
Waiting for a distress phone call

Hell to a brother
…is watch his brother
Gunned down by unknown
People, for mistakes
He could avoid

Hell to a lover
…is watch his beloved
In another man’s arms
Hips swaying in rhythm
To the other’s internal music

There are many forms of Hell
All lived by individuals
In this beautiful world
The next Hell
Is an extension of this Hell.

Rachel O.
Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 17th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 1590

Grace said:Hell

Hell to a mother
..Is to watch her child
Gasping for breath
Fighting death
In extreme illness

Hell to a father
…is watch his son
Fight addiction
Become aids bed ridden
Waiting for the end

Hell to a sister
…is watch her sister
Raped and sold
In the market of prostitution
Waiting for a distress phone call

Hell to a brother
…is watch his brother
Gunned down by unknown
People, for mistakes
He could avoid

Hell to a lover
…is watch his beloved
In another man’s arms
Hips swaying in rhythm
To the other’s internal music

There are many forms of Hell
All lived by individuals
In this beautiful world
The next Hell
Is an extension of this Hell.

You amaze me.

Fire of Insight
United States 20awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330

Hell for Sarah Smith

No one read the obituaries today
If they had, they'd see
Sarah Smith, mother of none
Not one accomplishment
lived, but did nothing else.

No generic words spill over her corpse
nothing touches her soul
no one talks about how she smiled
walked with such grace
how she helped feed those who hungered
gave to those who needed

no one talked
becase no one was there.

Her parents were long dead
no brothers, no sisters,
just the Donna Karan suit that fit so well
Tiffany earrings glittering wildly

Sarah Smith died today
she fell off the side of the world
and didn't make a sound.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 10th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 5

W O R D  ..
I'm new in the field of poetry and poems .. But .. I feel better with words ..
Understood the meaning .. The word ((word)) ..
The word ((word)) is the energy ..
Or .. Tool ..
Or .. Weapon ..
Or .. Verily ..
Or .. You are ..
But are the means ..
Life ..
Life is a word .. Words .. Interview .. Meanings ..
Be understood ..
Be understood ..
But ..
Word ..
Is ..
The task ..
And maybe ..
Be a blessing ..
And sometimes the other ..
Be a curse ..
But is life ..
Yes ..
Without the words ..
I think ..
The planet ..
It was something else ..
Words ..
Word ..
Character ..
Give the inter ..
Be possible
Or be
I do not know
But I'm glad I am a blessing to speak with me ..
                            Thank you ..
                            Akhenaten, Egypt
                           On 12 January 2012 after Birth

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
The Gardener
Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 28awards
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347

beautiful_accident said:Hell for Sarah Smith

No one read the obituaries today
If they had, they'd see
Sarah Smith, mother of none
Not one accomplishment
lived, but did nothing else.

No generic words spill over her corpse
nothing touches her soul
no one talks about how she smiled
walked with such grace
how she helped feed those who hungered
gave to those who needed

no one talked
becase no one was there.

Her parents were long dead
no brothers, no sisters,
just the Donna Karan suit that fit so well
Tiffany earrings glittering wildly

Sarah Smith died today
she fell off the side of the world
and didn't make a sound.

This is endlessly beautiful. If you post it, or have posted it I'd like it on my reading list.

Fire of Insight
United States 20awards
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330

Thanks LA- I just posted it under my 'submits.' I'm glad you liked it-- can't think of anything sadder than falling off the world without a sound.

Annabelle RHCJ
Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 199

6096 Hell 3 :
Written 17 January 2012

Lucifer from heaven sent to Hell
He played the part very well
Where Hell came to be
The directions he forgot to see
There was no google maps to guide the way
There was no compass back in the day
So he found a place to rest and put others to the task
They sought o find direction from the shiny flask
They grew the the herbs and made the pills to help them see
Not knowing to whom others they would come to be
As they stood on there on the corners seeking others to point the way
Forgetting where they would go or what they did that day
Wondering if only for a moment Heaven would show
Still they didn't know the Hell they come to give
From all the life they couldn't live
They buried the knives and the guns
But still it all had been done
Heartaches filled the streets and Hell was complete.

Annabelle RHCJ
Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 199

They sought o find direction from the shiny flask
They grew the the herbs and made the pills to help them see
Not knowing to whom others they would come to be
As they stood on there on the corners seeking others to point the way


Should be "to find direction"  and "they stood on the corners"

Please forgive errors my computer is lacking a keyboard and sometimes the letters don't want to type properly - apologies

poet Anonymous

SH-SH......Go to sleep

The smell of bourbon in the air

Mama crying in her chair

life is so unfair

on nights like this it's best not to make a peep

pillow over my head I was fast asleep  

2am when the smell of bourbon entered

fingers crawled right to my center

tossed my body on it's side

he pushed himself in between my thighs

no one will ever hear my cry's

finally it's over he's says good bye

Mama walks in to wipe my tears

sh-sh she whispered you had a nightmare

go back to sleep no need to fear

arms around my pillow I cuddled

making sure not to touch the puddle

poet Anonymous

beautiful_accident said:Hell for Sarah Smith

No one read the obituaries today
If they had, they'd see
Sarah Smith, mother of none
Not one accomplishment
lived, but did nothing else.

No generic words spill over her corpse
nothing touches her soul
no one talks about how she smiled
walked with such grace
how she helped feed those who hungered
gave to those who needed

no one talked
becase no one was there.

Her parents were long dead
no brothers, no sisters,
just the Donna Karan suit that fit so well
Tiffany earrings glittering wildly

Sarah Smith died today
she fell off the side of the world
and didn't make a sound.

I am a fan!

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