Poetry competition CLOSED 26th October 2023 6:46pm
View Profile Poems by wallyroo92

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Halloween fun

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Poetry Contest

Poem should be funny, sad, tragic, full of horror etc etc etc.
Just have fun writing one.  To your taste.     Up to 50 lines preferred.  Two poems per person max.

Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Witching Hour

Beware the chiming of the Grandfather clock
For the witching hour has come
Yet there is one dark figure that comes out and walks
Underneath the dim light of the midnight sun.

Mothers hide their children indoors
And even drunkards know to clear the streets
This peaceful village isn’t quite the same as before
On this chilly All Hallow’s Eve.

The hooded lithe figure continues undisturbed
Her haunting voice echoes in the still air
All around her, the dead start to emerge
Her features are hidden, aside from her auburn hair.

Only the foolish or the brave would seek her out
Eager to satisfy their greed with a spell
Yet even their courageous hearts are filled with doubt
As to why the witch smiles, no one can tell.

She offers a vast selection of herbs and potions
Or perhaps you’d fancy a reading into your future
Yet the ones that seek her out are fewer and fewer
Don’t eat the apples bubbling in the black cauldron.

Such an angelic face hiding the evil inside
Her blackened soul is rotten to the core
Yet her many victims were all blinded by pride
Where angels desire peace, the witch thrives in war.

Her golden eyes pierce through the soul
Her medallion clings to her bosom
Through a simple kiss, she’ll have you under her control
At her feet, only black roses blossom.

At last, the sun begins to rise
In the darkness, you can see a splash of red
The auburn witch has left with her earned prize
And will return to celebrate the Day of the dead.
Written by LunasChild8
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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

Dark Shadows

My wings carry me to her open window beneath the glowing moon
As full as the sky casting my shadow across her flowing curtains
I ride the breeze between them entering her inviting room
The scent of her warm flow entices my thirst to take her innocence
To enslave her body with my eternal curse as I drain her mortal will
And she will, oh yes she will look so deeply in my fiery eyes
Then she will fulfill my hungry need to devour her quite passionately
The kiss I place upon her neck makes her shiver in burning ecstasy
Carnally carnivorous my desire overwhelms the nightmare of this undead life
As I am filled with the warmth of her sweet red nectar as it enters me
My wanton seed filling her with the gift of endless nights of immortality
While she offers me her last heartbeat, I rob her of her soul
Written by Poetryman
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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1541

It Wore a Red Leather Dress

In my peripheral vision I saw a vision  
The waving in the breeze of a red leather dress  
Skin tight around the hips open all the way to those red leather boots  
The temptation to peek made me nervous at first  
Somehow her legs blended in so well I could barely see them.  
Each step opened the slit down the back  
Exposing two shadowy shapes of what I thought might be legs  
But I just couldn't see below the knee  
Until her red leather boots glowed underneath  
I walk around but somehow her back stayed facing me  
"Her" indeed, it was hard to tell  
The shape of those hips said she must be a she  
But I could never get around to see it's face  
From the side her chest appeared to have curved breasts  
But the arms always were raised with a drink in each hand  
I just couldn't make out who this person might be  
I got closer to ask her if she wanted to dance  
She answered with a long drawn out yessssss  
In front of me she walked onto the dance floor  
Suddenly stopping it bumped into me  
Then swiveled those hips grinding against me  
Never turning to face me or speak any words  
In time with the beat she moved like the breeze  
Then whispered gently, "come follow me"  
To the back room she lead me  
Where darkness was all I could see  
Except when she turned I could finally see  
Two sparkling objects shining on me  
At first I thought they were her eyes  
As she grew closer I thought she was coming in for a kiss  
Something wet I thought must be her tongue  
When my neck went completely numb  
Her saliva I felt drip onto my chest  
I thought, what a wet kisser, I bet she'll do more  
Across the room I saw two lights reflecting in a distant mirror  
But in the reflection there was only me  
My chest covered in red like her red leather dress  
But she was not there, yet she was standing in front of me  
All of the sudden I could clearly see  
The two lights were not eyes but sharp pointed teeth  
Dripping with droplets of crimson tea  
I realized then she had sucked out of me  
As I fell to my knees she looked down at me  
And now I was hers, eternally
Written by Poetryman
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

This One Naked Chick At A Halloween Rave

When I saw this one naked chick
at a Halloween rave, my dick
suddenly became so stiff and
I felt like having such good luck
to go outside and have a fuck.
Once there, she made me strip and stand
with... sticking out... my hard pecker
which made that chick kneel and use her
fangs to suck blood from my kickstand.
Written by Green_Arrow
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Old Forsaken Wood

- The Old Forsaken Wood -

In the forests of the northlands, where oaken groves grow wild,
There was a place in one such wood, a place as yet undefiled.
Amidst the ancient stones hewn mightily of old, of carven rock…
By the men now lying all in barrows cold, whom every age forgot:
There was a place of gatherings, where dark faeries oft did play.
A tomb was there, of another era past; it ne’er saw light or day!
A man once came upon the gray site, wandering far from home,
Following the mad guidance of some lost and antiquated tome.

He lingered long at the gathering place, but nary a spirit came,
Soon the night’s cold air did necessitate the making of a flame.
And at the fire by his plain tent, the man looked about in fear…
For midnight’s hour was falling fast, and something drew near.
A shape was moving, black against darkness and velvet mists,
Until at last he heard a weird sound, like when a serpent hissed.
It did cease, and in its’ place a woman’s voice thereafter cried:
Come away with me, ye lonely man, sadness cannot be denied!

I have neither loved ones nor family, ‘tis true, but what be ye?
The man pursued his sad inquiry, but kept by light so watchfully.
Am I daft, he wondered, for no answer issued forth to so hear!
Until she so cried, again: lonely man, come to me, draw ye near.
He kept to his fire, looking at the shadowy form fast coming to,
Coming yet closer, ever closer: still indistinct of a definitive hue.
I am that in which all sorrow and solitude end, for I am bliss…
Come unto me, dear lonely man, and feel the tingle of my kiss.

Why do I not see thee, thou seem black and faded as all about!
The man felt a chill beyond that in the air, as he thusly did shout.
Leave the glow of the firelight, and my form ye shall swiftly see,
Leave ye the warmth of the flame, and join ye in my company.
Near the mouth of the tomb, I wait for thee, to by me so stand…
Near the yawning mouth of the tomb, that lies so close at hand.
Lo, there the fair folk sing, and dance to their ease in a revelry!
Know ye where the ravens take wing, and sprites flit peacefully.

The man followed the wraith unto the tomb, so darkly wrapped,
In greater obscurity than before: here, wherein the dead so slept.
Other shapes were with him now, men and women it did seem…
More clear than their surroundings, aglow with an ethereal gleam.
Will o’ the wisps as well abounded, and then he turned to look…
To behold his guide unto this wonder, whose advice he just took.
The boy with a woman’s voice was pale of skin and red of eye…
But lovely, oh so lovely, as the man drew on closer, only to die.
The next morning, villagers found him, drained of all his blood…
Ne’er again did a man alone set foot in that old forsaken wood!
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Puritan and The Maiden

-~{ The Puritan and The Maiden }~-

A Puritan of Salem town, a swordsman of high renown,
Went riding out of the gates, of the ancient stockade…
Oh fare ye well to town, said the swordsman of renown,
For I have been a militiaman, and I shall not be afraid!
And so he spurred his horse along a trail little traveled…
Through Indian country and beyond, in places so dark,
That any lesser man would feel all his nerves unraveled…
But steely was that Puritan’s resolve, and so on a lark,
He journeyed beyond lands called civilized by mankind,
Saying fare ye well to the place of his birth and family.
He was always a man so different in spirit and in mind,
Unafraid: of the things that oft haunted the wild country.
But oft a snow-white owl watched him on his journeys,
Seeming to mock him, when he did only as he pleased.

Whilst riding along an autumn trail covered with leaves,
From high oak trees: of fiery orange and yellow colors…
Seeking after the kind of adventure as nobody believes,
The Puritan saw a gray landscape, cold and dolorous…
Where the mists of a recent rain made wet those roads,
The few of which crossed marshes thick with old toads.
Dying were the woods that grew from out fouler bogs…
Than any the Puritan had seen before in all of his years.
Villages here and there: their fences all of rotting logs…
Empty of life, he passed through and heard loud tears.
Wept by ghosts unseen, and so assuming it the wind…
The Puritan left those villages behind and set out again.
But as evening came, his breath was cold and laboring,
His steed was pushed too far, and both were suffering.

Finally, he came unto a graveyard perched upon hills,
Surrounded by a low stone wall broken with neglect…
He passed the wall, as his horse shook with foul chills,
Dying beneath him, and so he had not time to reflect…
Only to leave the beast behind him: and journey along.
But all about him the sound of a violin playing a song…
Familiar and haunting: that called the dead from sleep!
And so, the dead of ages did from the evil soil creep…
To the tune of a white-dressed figure by some old oak,
Who sat upon a log playing the tune, but never spoke.
The Puritan saw the dead begin to join in a dire waltz,
As he thought he heard a voice recalling his old faults.
The pale one with the violin, a raven-haired maid she,
Stopped only to light candles all around, for all to see.

The dance of the dead continued long for it was night,
And long were the hours, before the break of dawn…
With those grim dancers: the Puritan’s long-dead wife,
Did plead for him to join her upon the graveyard lawn.
And thence, the dead encircled the Puritan all about…
He could not fight them, for his sword but only metal.
No silver had he to ward off death; only cruel doubt…
And that was not enough to postpone his death rattle.
He danced with his wife, and upon the break of morn,
When the pale one’s violin had played its’ final note…
The Puritan lay lifeless, his finery all tattered and torn,
And of his tragic tale: nothing more, the tellers wrote.
But on cold nights in autumn, a pale white maid plays,
A lonely violin: until the coming of the sun's gold rays.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Get a knife

Get a better knife,
cut a throat, get a wetter life.
Get a butter knife
cut a soul and get a gutter life.
Get  broken knife,
cut a tongue, get an unspoken life.
Get a dull knife
cut a heart and get a full life.
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 29th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 84


Do you enter of your own free will
The darkness within is where I choose to chill
Does the smell of black mold and dead blood draw you in  
Does that taste of vomit in your mouth remind you of your sins
Do you enter of your own free will
As I slowly approach you from behind and with a small nick blood is spill
As we all dine on the feast that you’re providing us
After this suckling fest you will become one of us
Do you enter of your own free will
Do you dare to participate and feed from this kill
To savagely tear at it’s flesh and feed off of it’s screams
Extending your fangs and nails as you enter their dreams
Do you enter of your own free will
Entering and adding to the darkness is how you pay your bills
Yes tearing through throats in a blood frenzied lust
Feeding and squeezing their throats until every blood vessel bust
Do you enter of your own free will
Hahaha, tear open that fucking chest, I mean really feel the thrill
Rip out that heart and squeeze it by it’s body and neck
Grab a straw or us your tongue down in the cavity where the blood collects
Again I ask, do you enter of your own free will
The things that I will teach you are so far beyond a red or blue pill
But you must give me your consent, you must agree to be release
You must be lead into the darkness while holding hands with the beast    
Written by I_IS_ME
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Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 29th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 84

Machete Mentality

I only remember coming back to my senses in a strange house
My heart is racing and there is a scream trapped in my mouth
I feel eyes upon Me, my enemies are to my right and my left
There is a machete dripping blood in my hand to protect myself
As I secretly stepped over body parts trying to make my way out  
The need to escape from the eyes and voices all about
I fumbled all about and finally found my way out back
Hahaha, of course, the way out is always through the back
Now feeling the freedom of the darkness closing in like a stranger
My self defenses flew up warning Me of danger danger
My grip tightened about the machete until the handle went numb
The blade began screaming for all taker to come and get some
Mentality stepped from the shadows of what should be Me
He is cut from a different cloth, this is his destiny
He ran his finger along the blade as if it was a trigger
Then he sat off on the prowl as my panic turned into a sickened giggle
Like a lumberjack, he was cutting down humans like fucking trees
Dissecting screaming limbs like Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees
Dick hard as steel, heart again racing, while seeping precum
Their eyes like a deer’s caught in a headlight, panicked and to scared to run
The blade is coated from my elbow to the tip it’s coated and slick
He cut one bitches tits and ass off, because she was so fucking thick  
Halves of heads loped off just to get at their mental
Chest opened and hearts ripped out, because Mentality’s so sentimental  
A fucking pussy was hack out and that shit fell on the floor
Mentality bowed down to it, licking and fucking it until his dick was sore
He took the machete and opened her mouth and lips, oh so sick
Tongued her severed head and then made her ass suck his dick
I really have no control over what or who runs through his mind
Even I was jolted when he caught you masturbating while watching online
Hahaha, breathing increased, fully extended, and all lubed up
Fucking real women begging for dick and you’re in here imagining a fuck
I watched as he took each and every step with stealth
As you laid back in the recliner, eyes closed, jacking with a labored breath
I watched him standing by your shoulder as the machete is heft
Swinging with such a force downward that of your hand and dick there is nothing left
You spring from the recliner with a severed dick and hand
Your screams piercing his ears and the machete’s whining making demands
I see black as Mentality and Pain blocks my view
But I can feel as the machete hacks through what was once you
The darkened pain travels up the blade and we feed with a greed
We share everything evenly to give us what we need
I come back to my mind in a bloodied recliner reclined
Your severed remains all about, machete and dick in hand as I watched porn online
Written by I_IS_ME
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Dangerous Mind
Canada 21awards
Joined 27th Dec 2017
Forum Posts: 540

Blood Lust

Allow me to introduce this young maiden
A dark-haired prime example of beauty
All bewitched by her have no idea of the nightmare that has just begun
Sit down and enjoy a cup of tea.

There’s more than meets the eye to this quiet maiden
Yet most men don’t mind joining her in bed
She drinks the blood of unsuspecting virgins
Permanently staining her lips red.

A line of copper trails down her chin
As she teasingly licks it off while staring at you
Adding some color to her bone-white skin
There’s no escape from her, no matter what you do.

Behold this vampire: a daughter of hell
With the face of an angel, yet with no soul
It ran away from her cold-hard shell
Drinking the blood of the living to have some sense of control.

She enjoys making love to ladies and gentlemen
Just before their deaths, their final moments are spent in pleasure
She teases them with kisses, and then…
She sinks her fangs into their flesh; the warm, red blood is her ultimate treasure.

Her stunning green eyes will lure you in
And you can’t help but fall for her
She may look innocent, but she’s the personification of sin
The devil sends you a gift in the form of his daughter.

Her love bite brings both pleasure and pain
Yet your heart weakens until it stops beating
Immortality is now what you’ve gained
Her red-stained grin greets you while you’re still bleeding.

Behold this vampire: a daughter of hell
With the face of an angel, yet with no soul
She nearly entered heaven before she fell
Vainly trying to make herself feel whole.
Written by LunasChild8
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

The Strange Thing That Happened On Halloween Night

When we saw this hot brunette
wearing the costume of a
circus ringmaster, my best
friend decided to walk up
and try to hit on that chick.

Who would've thought that she would make
that dumb prick strip down in front of
the other costumed party guests?
Written by Green_Arrow
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Hemophobic Vamp

She always had the desire to become a vampire
Until her wish came true on one October night
She was quite smitten when she was first bitten
But at the sight of blood she passed out in fright

Now she’s pretty ill-content with this predicament
A vampire with an irrational phobia of blood?
She cries tears of shame because her fear is lame
When she tries to drink but falls with a hard thud

She has hunger pangs as she exposes her fangs
Scared to see the red life matter in liquid form
Stuck with this bad luck the vamp just won’t suck
As other night creatures say “this is not the norm”

She puts on a blindfold trying to break the mold
Thinking if she doesn’t see it she will be alright
But the taste of blood from veins is all just in vain
Her head spins so badly she can’t finish a bite

Even when she tries to take sips she just ups and dips
But she’s so weak she passes out in mid-escape
Friends feed her with a syringe so she won’t cringe
Even donors are like “this poor girl is in bad shape”

So she’s fed while asleep through a needle skin-deep
Every night for centuries, she just finds it quaint
She a hemophobic vamp who can’t hunt or tramp
The sight of blood from a victim makes her faint
Written by wallyroo92
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