Poetry competition CLOSED 17th August 2023 5:00am
View Profile Poems by ajay
RUNNERS-UP: Bluevelvete and robert43041

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 30th July 2019
Forum Posts: 2


I was drowning in my miseries
You came to my rescue
Helped me stand on my feet again
Then you signed me in
To this happiness club
You invited me the party
The Happiness party
I gladly showed up
Rolled in the luxury pool
And i blended in this new lifestyle
Always smiling while taking to you
Always laughing at your witty jokes
Walking in the confidence you gave me
The love bites you fed me
Made me glow more
You stuffed butterflies in my tummy
They danced in ecstacy
At your command
You programmed my mind
And placed yourself at the epicentre
I think of you most
Your scent won't leave my nose
The kisses won't leave my lips
The cuddles won't leave my arms
The laughter reverberates in my mind
The love is overflowing in my heart
A reservoir is needed
 For this excess love you bless me with
The wings you plugged in me
Takes me to places i never wish to leave
Dont wake me from this dream
Written by Gayo
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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213


this is what there is, my friend,  
day to day from start to end  
the shit is bound to hit the blade  
and new get old, and brightness fade  
it's joy and woe and bliss and strife  
that we can all expect from life  
endless bliss is just a pitch  
you'll never live to catch that bitch  
the midas touch, the perfect kiss  
they come and go, it's hit and miss  
and always when the seasons change  
these flowers wilt and rearrange  
yet just this truth can get one through  
when things go bad, as things will do  
wise folk keep this promise nigh --  
there is no low without its high --  
and likewise when the blessings flow  
there is no high without its low
Written by javalini
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poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

Lost Thinker
Joined 27th June 2023
Forum Posts: 5

Happier Poetry

i want to write happier poetry
i long for my mind to rest at ease
i need to find the light in life
i yearn to be happy
i thirst for a reason to smile
i crave an airy thought
i hunger for closure
for a while I have sought

i cannot justify writing happier poetry
when in 6, I feel unsure
when in 1, I’ll feel pain
at none, nothing at all

so far yet not really far at all

2 turns to 1, turns to none
8 down the drain,
no certificate of time
I can’t even complain,
when it wasn’t even mine

not mine to hold,
but yours to share
not mine to love,
but yours to care for
not mine to own,
but yours to beat

not mine to stare at, to find comfort in,
to laugh at, to mess about with, to enjoy,
to find any reason not to cry about,
to love, to cherish, to love, to embellish
the minority i have left, to love, to know,
to even get close to knowing

when in 6, I feel pain
when in 1, it won’t go
at none, I’ll feel nothing
but lost, with no hope

i won’t have my consistent
my one reliable source
my one predictable outcome
your one spark of freedom

ill be left
to fend for myself
because at 1
fate has already been dealt.
Written by anonymouszoe
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

A Childlike Muse

- A Childlike Muse -

So many muses some may have, angelic and divine in their faces and forms,
In guises grand, delightful as are the myriad nymphs out of the ancient tales!
But why seek some remote goddess who is haughty or vain, of spiteful way?
Her manner is less pleasing than her face, and in the end she will reign alone.
My heart is stirred by a deeper beauty, one that weathers life's many storms...
Innocence balanced by a precocious sort of zest for life which so never pales,
Because it is something eternal, like the sun when it rises for each fresh day.
Should I describe my ideal of feminine grace, compare it to starlight as shone,
Down from the heavens into my heart, stabbing me with cupid's painful arrow?
With pleasurable agony, which is deeper than flesh or sinew, beyond marrow...
Reaching the core of me, where few eyes see what idolatry I commit for love.
She is not like others, she is not the ideal queen or princess out of old stories,
Her heart is young, her spirit is bright, her mind is filled with vibrant dreams.
She listens to the stories I tell, enraptured and spellbound by deeper magics...
Though I am older in body, she sees the youth within my soul, understanding.
She loves to dance, to sing, to share quiet moments as we confess our worries,
And in her eyes is a sparkle, never dimmed by the river of maturity's streams.
She hears me speak of my childhood, and of the things that made it so tragic...
Whilst she calms the storms within me, with a gaze that is so comprehending!
Her voice is filled with compassion, more of music than any dove or sparrow.
She tells me stories of her own, and I am lost in them, forgetting each sorrow!
She reaches the core of me, where few eyes see my visions of heavens above.

She does not wear jeans or sloppy shirts, those are not for a girl such as her,
Preferring as she does a dress more Victorian, with ribbons and lace pretty...
Shoes fit for a doll, adorn her feet, or sandals or slippers when she chooses.
Cute pigtails frame her sweet face, with its' smile to put any cherub to shame!
Her eyelashes long, batting innocently when she looks at me as we do confer,
To whisper, of things only we understand, of what fills us with joy aplenty...
I see the rainbows and the sparkle in her spirit, in that dearest of any muses.
She hides within, the darker dreams, of Gothic glories and forbidden flame!
Perfect is her darkness, because it is balanced by her childlike sense of self.
Ideal to me is she, because like her my shadows are filled with bright wealth,
Which keep me dreaming of flowery gardens and unicorns, and also faeries.
Some may think her peculiar, but to me such a girl is of a spirit I find right,
Fair and wondrous, even in her occasional madness, which all of us possess.
She puts on her pale makeup, black lipstick or blood red, eyeliner to match...
When in contrast to her childlike nature, she so indulges in her darkest side!
Sweet child of the darkness, the moon is less than you despite its' pale light.
You are divine in your perfection, and inspired in your every choice of dress.
Though adult be your age, you still look like the child you remain, as such...
Never losing what others cast aside, within your soul where love does abide.
Let them call you mad, as in our mutual insanity we will drink to our health,
To me you are the ideal muse, more perfect than any faerie lady or noble elf!
Such as this to me is bliss Elysian, as she embraces an eternal child's dignity.

Let them call it wicked what we do, or strange in ways not oft in fashion,
Claiming it be born of an inherent aberration or some kind of perversity...
That makes you see yourself as still a little girl, in need of deepest caring!
Inside I am a child also, adult in body only, and so we will play together.
I will care for you and love you, all of you, the adult with all my passion,
And, the child that you also are, with a reverence as one has for divinity...
For such is the greatest gift I can grant to one I do find beyond endearing!
And when you seek such, I shall be to you as needed a mother and father.
People cannot understand our condition, they claim it is all in our heads,
But it comes from our spirits, our souls, and dispels in us so much dread!
If this be lunacy, then madness we shall embrace as a part of our destiny.
I see you with your dolls, and I remember when I used to play with mine,
We sit on the floor together, you look so happy as you laugh and giggle...
It makes me love you all the more, because this is what I always wanted!
A childhood that never needs to end, even when we embrace as lovers do.
You are better than any princess to me, a child goddess so fairly sublime,
And, whenever I am with you, I can let go of past hurts and old struggles.
Let us fully indulge in the childhood we never had, new dreams invented,
By our boundless imagination, which can make all our desires come true.
So many dead eyes exist in the faces of many who grow up in this world,
But ours are filled with myriad delights more pure than a precious pearl!
So, now you know how I define what I consider to be the truest beauty...

One that is free to be itself, to act as its' dreams inspire it to ever follow,
Such a one is, even in its' imperfections, the most flawless girl who lives.
I would never change a thing about her, never tell her to grow up either...
We are as we are meant to be, and so I see in her the face of my paradise.
If we choose to play through our weekend days, dancing till the morrow,
Laughing freely, loving deeply, singing with a zeal for being truly alive...
Then I am content at day's end, and in our life together find real pleasure.
No goddess could grant me such a gift, only this child so sweet and nice!
Is her adult side seducing me with promises of forbidden lusty evenings?
I am happy to be seduced, by her starlit eyes and their secret gleamings...
Carried away in dark fantasies, woven of shadows and the stuff of night.
As fair are these, of her design, as any sunlit meadows or pixie palaces,
More delicious than gingerbread at Christmastime, or the first snowfall.
Every holiday is her delight, each star in the sky is to her an angel's eye,
And in this we are alike, and with such as she I can be as I was intended.
Not perfect, but perfectly happy and content to know all of love's graces,
To join in her dancing and singing, to skip about with her and never fall.
There is so much that adults forsake, so many joys that they may deny...
But with my childlike muse I am content, with her my pains so mended.
No bards have sung of such a one as she, and so I raise my voice herein,
To celebrate my muse and so immortalize her, if only to make her grin!
Her happiness is to me infectious and welcome, the source of all delight.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

Happiness Q.E.D.

illusive; a prospector panning in a Klondike stream
setting up camp in the baren hills
with riches, his expectations.

Its fickle capriciousness, a mirage
that evaporates, the realisation of it
 slipping through your fingers.
It hides in public view, like an unpolished jewel
an ambiguity, it sings in tune, but distorted notes fill our ears.
Its there in the bustle and clatter.
As the artist sketches, capturing an essence
with a few strokes, relationships the colours
friendships the outline

The opportunity to plant our own wildflower meadow
industry of ants, work ethic of a bee, calming hum of insects,
a twitteration of birds, the beautiful randomness of butterflies.

Xanadu is there in reach for each

Rest, let the warm wind brush your hair
feel the sandy shore beneath your toes
lapping waves wash up your calves.

epicure to feed your soul

Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

The there's... there.

There's softness  
life giving warmth
of heated smooth curves  
where desire flickers and sparks  
There's wit  
intertwined with gold  
and silver tongued laughs  
beguiling intrigue in mischievous claps  
There's worldliness  
knowledge begets rapture  
enlightened strikes of wisdom  
piqued arousal doth capture  
There's strength  
rare seeds of palpable brawn  
that carry her through  
from dusk until light breaking dawn  
There's confidence  
belief oozing from each sacred space  
fortified with gumption  
epitomizing a wealthy sensual grace  
There's independence  
forging an elegant path  
sufficient in self trust  
wanting not needing that wrath  
There's compassion  
building up, seeking connections  
cultivating empathic minds  
makes for real and loving affections  
There's sexuality  
basking in all truths  
unafraid to discover  
from blossom to roots  
To sample to taste  
traversing the journey  
exploring these facets  
so many are worthy  
She's much and many  
a force all her own  
intricate and complex  
she grows there ... until grown.  
Written by Bluevelvete
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

A Child’s Song

- A Child’s Song -

A Song about Innocence

Playing on the porch, not a care in the world,
A child knows so little of the pains we endure.
Yet their hearts are open, and they understand!
It’s sad those years don’t last; they run like sand.
Sand in the glass, and time flying by too quick…
I want to slow it down, and make the sand stick.
I’ve lost too much, and I’ve cried far too long,
Yet once I was a child, and I sang a child’s song.

Rainbows and day glows, and nursery tales,
Fighting with pirates on a ship that always sails.
These are the times that we don’t want to lose,
Because once they are gone, we cannot choose.

Dancing in the grass, seeing castles in the clouds,
A child doesn’t care about all the bustling crowds.
Yet their minds are open, and they learn in time…
It’s sad we can’t keep them innocent with a rhyme.
Rhymes in the wind, and the wind blowing fierce…
I wish the wind could take us back to simpler years.
I’ve become so lost, as the wind blew me along,
But within my heart, I’m still singing a child’s song.

Rainbows and cartoon shows; places to see,
Exploring the world, and sharing good company.
These are the times that we don’t want to pass,
Because they are precious, we want them to last.

Wishing on a star, seeing all the universe above,
A child flies there with a spirit as pure as a dove.
Yet their imagination is open, and they fill it all up!
It’s sad if we forget tasting our first ice cream cup.
Memories fade so fast, and new memories arise…
I want to hold on to them all; savor each surprise.
I’ve learned so much; I know right from wrong,
Though I can still go back and sing a child’s song.

Rainbows and hair bows, and rock and roll,
Hanging out ‘till midnight, dancing out of control.
These are the times that we don’t want to end,
Because hearts break so easy: so hard to mend.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

There we go! Since my previous entry "A Childlike Muse" was over the line limit, this one "A Child's Song" is perfect since it meets both the line number requirement and the theme requirement.

Twisted Dreamer
Canada 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2019
Forum Posts: 72

Thank you!

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1719

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213


all that money gone  
for 286 ibm compatible  
with four megabytes  
of random access memory  
polaroid square shooter  
freakin' eight track  
boom box  
olympus OM1  
ford goddamn fiesta,  
escort, ranger  
smith corona with    
self correcting ribbon  
black & white analog TV  
a thousand rolls of kodachrome  
cassette tapes  
answering machines  
and dream on dream on dream  
and then this woman    
and that one  
and houses  
and goddamn apartments  
and this job  
and that  
and bosses  
all egos and attitudes  
and the whole thing  
an endless goddamned    
treadmill marathon  
and failure like some dark angel    
on your heels  
but then you're old  
and, thank the gods,  
still here,  
digging the garden,  
pruning the apple tree  
in the early wet shoe    
the sun bright enough  
to blind you  
and you're seeing  
maybe for the first time  
in your puny little life  
and, jesus
if it ain't all just good
Written by javalini
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Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1719

Dangerous Mind
India 6awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 134

a precious dry rose

of redroses
was smiling
in front of me,
but I loved only
the red rose that
died and was
hidden in

But for me it was priceless
as it was somehow alive as
a memory in the dilapidated pages..
n  I am very happy about..!
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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