Poetry competition CLOSED 27th March 2022 1:07pm
Viddax (Lord Viddax)
View Profile Poems by Viddax
RUNNERS-UP: Indie and Northern_Soul

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Self Not Me

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Weak4hissmile said:We isn't aloud    but  we're  is a different word there for it is ok right? I got a message from a user  advising to remove it.   But isn't finding a loop hole in a word ok lol

Hey hey...

I hear the debate in both directions here.
Both have valid points.

But as ever we'll err on the side of fair play. Therefore if the word is not listed, we'll allow it -- however not recomended.

So in your case of your question.
We is listed
We're is not and therefore accepted.

Judges decision shall be final in this matter

Thank you to you guys!
Thank you for putting so much energy into this that the query even comes up. I appreciate you both!

Blue Skies at You.

Lost Thinker
Joined 14th Feb 2022
Forum Posts: 18

I want to make record there is no augment b simplely someone kind enough to message me to help  
I've decided to edit

They are good people to have done so.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 29th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 84


Worn stairs trapped and encased in a particular way
Tired of all the Pain, the deep thoughts of dismay
Hauntings of arguments that stained the risers and the treads
The walls cradling the Pain are for both feet and head
Without a handrail it has prayers of stretching out in graves
If only to reach the landing and possibly being saved
But it’s so hard to see beyond the comforts of these stairs and walls
Trapped behind Pain’s baluster dragging a chain and ball
Isn't it relief upon the roof tops of life
Is it brighter as the stairs climb above the strife
Up out of the darkness shedding the weight of a depressing existence
An existence that teaches those that live, the penalty for resistance
The darkness never goes out, the stains are never washed away
The hurt is forever recycled, it’s in the stairs and walls DNA
The life and death of pain can at times appear to be a sexy escalator
Hahaha, a sultry flash of light and a quick ride in an elevator�
Written by I_IS_ME
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Thank you I
It's fantastic to see you!

Thank you for an awesome entry!

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

The art of translucency and how thin skin learns skilled illumination

(words not used)    
Memories weigh      
of weary skin      
plum-violet plumes      
easily find a harsh yellowish      
single moments solidly afix      
so reflective- gathering    
strength finds solace      
upon a stair rest      
Simple, it seemed—then      
youth aglow in heels    
teetering the very cusp      
beautifully new      
life in full ready    
all was forefront      
future ahead      
in bliss-like asway      
daring future winds      
Places retain and those walls    
they knew of secrets      
they held dear the tales      
secrets only cement and stone      
can last long      
with such heavy burden;     
rushing words      
harder and hardening      
a center      
using up virgin magic      
turning flesh monolithic      
building upon      
her forgotten wonder-      
 a sort of cradling    
that precious fortitude      
needing it at hand    
as steep steps tumble      
falling away,      
into and through      
like life,      
lessons learned    
from the very epicenter      
of all that    
once potential      
Written by Bluevelvete
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Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

John Smith Worries...

John Smith lately

- even though
well aware of time's relativity,
he stresses "lately" -

has no worries
no stress whatsoever
not a care in the world.

But, a thought crosses his mind

- as occasionally did
his evenly distributed past -

he has no ambition
no purpose in life, at all
nothing to look forward to.

John Smith worries

- admittedly
he, never, entered into turbulence
his risks, always, moderate and calculated -

unless he climbs a step, any step,
it will, never, be said
that he tragically fell...
Written by takis1917
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Fire of Insight
Joined 6th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 133

Maria Evicted

Returning home that morning
she was not surprised...

All she ever owned,
on the sidewalk
in front of the apartment building entrance.

A couch
a table
couple of chairs
some books
some clothes
an old computer
a mattress
a frying pan
a saucepan
a pack of spaghetti #10...

She had received the notices
she knew it, she expected it...

She approached, sat on the couch.
Pulled out a pack of cigs
- one cigarette left -
she lit.

A thought of "what's next?'
crossed in and out of her mind.
She had a few relatives, one or two friends...

Didn't feel considering options
she walked in the drug store
and walked out back to her belongings
with a fresh supply of smokes
and out of her last ten dollars...

Threw the spaghetti #10 pack in her purse
and started away slowly but steadily
soon disappearing within the faster tempo
of the busy, moving crowd...
Written by takis1917
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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Oh how fantastic

Her of Blue Velvet eyes
and the wisdom of Takis

Fantastic entries my peeps!

Much love & Blue Skies

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262


Climbing steep stairs

     That seem to be endless

            Seeking sum sanity

                  In a world full of madness

                        Darkness enveloping

                              Every grain of man’s sand

                                    Suffocating the mustard seed

                                          Of GOD’s command

                                                To withstand

                              Without a break from the despair

                        Adds excess weight

                  To each step of each stair

            Direction unclear

      Ascension or dissension

Transitions’ fare

      Calculations of decisions
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3284

nice girl

Nice girl
sweet, so sweet
everyone says so sweet
so lovely, so kind  
In self reflection  
so fake  
put the mask on
wear the smile
be invisible  
don't let anyone see inside
fear of being known  
fear of being unknown
No risk, no gain
no risk, no loss  
Nice girl
sweet, so sweet
everyone says so sweet
like sugar and spice
and everything nice
(and nothing real)
Written by Indie (Miss Indie)
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Sep 2021
Forum Posts: 14

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Well hello @Indie, @Ruby @ Da

Thank you guys, glad you joined us!
There is some stellar entries going on, I'm loving these!

Blue Skies
& Happy Eyes


Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 29th Aug 2018
Forum Posts: 84


A sensual Mona Lisa contemplating life while on a wall reclined
With the briefest glance the image becomes locked within the mind
Oh to be the stairs on which rest that behind
Cradled in the arms of a stairway with nothing but time
Slight breezes blowing through causing a dress to slightly rise
Breezy kisses traveling up legs and caressing thighs
Tempting thoughts running amuck behind closed eyes
Things that have came to mind since this morning’s kiss and saying good-bye
Thoughts of sensuous dishes, hot and still steaming
Every spoonful bounces about the mouth as if still dreaming
Glasses of a sweet and intoxicating wine to enhance the mood
Now with every detail worked out about the wine and food
It's thoughts of music and dancing about the room
Thoughts of being held and spun about as passions bloom
If only this stairway could talk of bodies pressed and of thoughts thought
Haha, of desires suppressed, yeah so many fiery needs had to be fought
But tonight again so much pent up will be released
As the dancing finally ends in the bedroom for a second steaming feast
Each step of tonight is from tread to tread with need as risers
Seeking the highest landing as the stairway directs increasing desires    
Written by I_IS_ME
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poet Anonymous

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Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

How fantastic!

Thank you for joining us ML! What a wonderful entry!
Appreciate your words on this!

And another entry from I_IS_ME
thanks for popping in again!

Blues Skies My Peeps!

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