Spiritual Spills of a Supernatural nature
Forum Posts: 17138
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17138
Something Evil
Sweet cherub the angel face
so handsome
so happy and full of grace
holds you in gentle embrace
the sweet cherub just aged twelve
Something flashes in his large brown eyes
face frozen
In a smile
his hands clenched into fists
A knife he welds in abandon
to cut to strike to maim
children smaller than him
joy in the splashes of magenta
revel in screams of pain and fear
something evil is within
grasping out with evil hands
dominate the angelic frame
to smear evil on countenance
that should belong to heaven.
so handsome
so happy and full of grace
holds you in gentle embrace
the sweet cherub just aged twelve
Something flashes in his large brown eyes
face frozen
In a smile
his hands clenched into fists
A knife he welds in abandon
to cut to strike to maim
children smaller than him
joy in the splashes of magenta
revel in screams of pain and fear
something evil is within
grasping out with evil hands
dominate the angelic frame
to smear evil on countenance
that should belong to heaven.
Written by Grace
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
Prophet, Prophecy, and Gift
- Prophet, Prophecy, and Gift -
Vision I – The Storm
So many are constrained, in every land and nation,
Knowing not of freedom, nor of love's sweet elation.
Look on within thy heart, and the root of it appears,
We are the authors of all our woes and all our fears.
But a new dawn is coming, and from the land to sea,
Love will have its' blessed hour, and all shall be free!
Man can be a prideful beast, assuming many things…
Appointing himself above his station, in virtue’s name!
But we were there when man had yet no mortal kings,
And I beheld, all that brings man so very much shame.
Preach not to me, oh children, lest you walk as I do…
Sing not the songs of those who revere dogma and lie.
What cometh soon is not of man; oh what shall ensue,
As when the Elder Gods awoke the Ancients to deny!
Many signs have come to pass, and many still will fall,
Before the gate is opened wide and the hidden shown.
Our masks shall be cast off, and heard will be the call,
In the storm’s midst, when loudest a wind must moan!
Some have heard already, and awoken to their spirits,
Whilst others slumber in hope to hear not the sound…
But when the breeze reaches where complacency sits,
Everyone will awaken as if all risen from underground.
No more illusions then, shall separate men and gods…
And all who walk unseen shall be revealed, as by light.
For but a space, many will put down sword and rods!
The toll of mortal pride will be exacted by gift of sight.
Vision II – The Judgment
So many are constrained, in every land and nation,
Knowing not of freedom, nor of love's sweet elation.
Look on within thy heart, and the root of it appears,
We are the authors of all our woes and all our fears.
But a new dawn is coming, and from the land to sea,
Love will have its' blessed hour, and all shall be free!
A judgment hath been passed and not by any judge…
Whilst those who govern mislead: and are also misled.
But those who judge not shall be freed of any grudge,
Even when the most sacred land’s water hath run red.
The stains of intolerance shall fade away in new rain…
When naked eyes, see that which lies in hidden hearts.
Those looking down on others will know others’ pain,
And the secrets of angels will be seen, in earthly parts.
Some will try to blind themselves as when Atlantis fell,
Proclaiming safety for the wicked, and salvation dead.
Believing to know the worth of Heaven, and of Hell…
Those who preached damnation will suffer their dread.
The signs that came, that come, and that are imminent,
Will be revealed in all the works and arts of this age…
Even as the leaders of men, offer a false enlightenment!
Seek ye after truths hid deep in fictions clever to stage.
In the company of angels, I heard of what is to pass…
And saw the androgynous nature of pure love, set free.
The flesh of man is a thin disguise, transparent as glass,
But souls wither not as grass, being sturdy as any tree.
Vision III – The Season
So many are constrained, in every land and nation,
Knowing not of freedom, nor of love's sweet elation.
Look on within thy heart, and the root of it appears,
We are the authors of all our woes and all our fears.
But a new dawn is coming, and from the land to sea,
Love will have its' blessed hour, and all shall be free!
Words are merely tools to communicate higher ideas…
But some concepts cannot be spoken of in such a way.
Just as the most profound wisdom, is deep as the seas,
The truths behind my words will shine as bright as day.
But not for those who seek to understand with the eye,
Save that eye which is gifted to all, but only some use…
That same: which only wise mystics, would never deny.
With such perception, any sight can pierce flesh’s ruse!
Similarly, the limitations of words can be transcended…
And so I speak plainly, knowing I shall be understood.
Dark is prophecy, prophet, and gift when commanded,
To show what lies hid beneath a divine cowl and hood.
A winter snow must fall ere spring’s seeds bear the life,
Which gives birth to the new summer of future cycles…
And soon shall come such a time, an end to bitter strife.
Fill thy heart with hope, for the melting of colder icicles!
The season of blood red flowers passes like sad dream,
Whilst the seeds of peace, are planted in kindly souls…
Soon cometh new flowers that are more than they seem.
Love finds its’ way, when compassion’s hour consoles!
Vision I – The Storm
So many are constrained, in every land and nation,
Knowing not of freedom, nor of love's sweet elation.
Look on within thy heart, and the root of it appears,
We are the authors of all our woes and all our fears.
But a new dawn is coming, and from the land to sea,
Love will have its' blessed hour, and all shall be free!
Man can be a prideful beast, assuming many things…
Appointing himself above his station, in virtue’s name!
But we were there when man had yet no mortal kings,
And I beheld, all that brings man so very much shame.
Preach not to me, oh children, lest you walk as I do…
Sing not the songs of those who revere dogma and lie.
What cometh soon is not of man; oh what shall ensue,
As when the Elder Gods awoke the Ancients to deny!
Many signs have come to pass, and many still will fall,
Before the gate is opened wide and the hidden shown.
Our masks shall be cast off, and heard will be the call,
In the storm’s midst, when loudest a wind must moan!
Some have heard already, and awoken to their spirits,
Whilst others slumber in hope to hear not the sound…
But when the breeze reaches where complacency sits,
Everyone will awaken as if all risen from underground.
No more illusions then, shall separate men and gods…
And all who walk unseen shall be revealed, as by light.
For but a space, many will put down sword and rods!
The toll of mortal pride will be exacted by gift of sight.
Vision II – The Judgment
So many are constrained, in every land and nation,
Knowing not of freedom, nor of love's sweet elation.
Look on within thy heart, and the root of it appears,
We are the authors of all our woes and all our fears.
But a new dawn is coming, and from the land to sea,
Love will have its' blessed hour, and all shall be free!
A judgment hath been passed and not by any judge…
Whilst those who govern mislead: and are also misled.
But those who judge not shall be freed of any grudge,
Even when the most sacred land’s water hath run red.
The stains of intolerance shall fade away in new rain…
When naked eyes, see that which lies in hidden hearts.
Those looking down on others will know others’ pain,
And the secrets of angels will be seen, in earthly parts.
Some will try to blind themselves as when Atlantis fell,
Proclaiming safety for the wicked, and salvation dead.
Believing to know the worth of Heaven, and of Hell…
Those who preached damnation will suffer their dread.
The signs that came, that come, and that are imminent,
Will be revealed in all the works and arts of this age…
Even as the leaders of men, offer a false enlightenment!
Seek ye after truths hid deep in fictions clever to stage.
In the company of angels, I heard of what is to pass…
And saw the androgynous nature of pure love, set free.
The flesh of man is a thin disguise, transparent as glass,
But souls wither not as grass, being sturdy as any tree.
Vision III – The Season
So many are constrained, in every land and nation,
Knowing not of freedom, nor of love's sweet elation.
Look on within thy heart, and the root of it appears,
We are the authors of all our woes and all our fears.
But a new dawn is coming, and from the land to sea,
Love will have its' blessed hour, and all shall be free!
Words are merely tools to communicate higher ideas…
But some concepts cannot be spoken of in such a way.
Just as the most profound wisdom, is deep as the seas,
The truths behind my words will shine as bright as day.
But not for those who seek to understand with the eye,
Save that eye which is gifted to all, but only some use…
That same: which only wise mystics, would never deny.
With such perception, any sight can pierce flesh’s ruse!
Similarly, the limitations of words can be transcended…
And so I speak plainly, knowing I shall be understood.
Dark is prophecy, prophet, and gift when commanded,
To show what lies hid beneath a divine cowl and hood.
A winter snow must fall ere spring’s seeds bear the life,
Which gives birth to the new summer of future cycles…
And soon shall come such a time, an end to bitter strife.
Fill thy heart with hope, for the melting of colder icicles!
The season of blood red flowers passes like sad dream,
Whilst the seeds of peace, are planted in kindly souls…
Soon cometh new flowers that are more than they seem.
Love finds its’ way, when compassion’s hour consoles!
Written by Kou_Indigo
(Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1883
Through Love and Kindness
We humans tend to think highly of ourselves
By saying we were made in God’s image
We think we’re intelligent beings when in fact
I believe we may still be a primitive race
God is something beyond our comprehension
The universe, all inclusive living inside of us
We are stardust, part of that original creation
Bound not to a physical body
But to mind and soul
The teachings from the Good Book
Are simplified so that we can understand
After all, what’s a day to a God than to a man?
Muhammed, Christ, Confucius
And other prophets who walked this earth
Were enlightened enough to know
That there is a greater conscience
And the path to achieving it
Is through love and kindness
I may call myself a Christian
But I know religion won’t save my soul
If I practice what J.C. said
Then perhaps I have a better chance
Maybe picturing a bearded man in a throne
With lightening bolts coming out of his hands
Works for some
Who knows
I don’t imagine it
I rather feel God and the Universe in my heart
Knowing I’ve been kind
Written by wallyroo92
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Forum Posts: 2159
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2159
I would first like to give thanks to my Creator for making this special, and then to the host, Tallen for hosting such a beautiful and an enriching competition. All the poet/poetess' entries were simply amazing, I must admit, you learn about society and its people by the doctrine of their faith, their beliefs, of by the creed of their nature. From what I've read, you are all spiritually attuned and divinely unique in the most beautiful way possible, whereas, it echoes so true. And congratulations to the runner ups as well
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1883
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1883
Congrants to Kinkpoet on runner up and to Miss SKC on an intriguing piece. Thank you to our host for this most awesome comp and giving me an honorable mention. It's always great to named along with talented folks here at DUP.
Hope everyone is well.
Hope everyone is well.