Avatars Amok!
Joined 24th Mar 2019
Forum Posts: 483
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 483
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
I cast around and see strange shapes
Cutouts of our writing hopes
Of plastic surgery applied
To be seen from our best side
Interpretations with strange names
I see a long and tapered shadow
an arm thats waving a hello
who is this underhanded fellow
appologies SLIP
Cutouts of our writing hopes
Of plastic surgery applied
To be seen from our best side
Interpretations with strange names
I see a long and tapered shadow
an arm thats waving a hello
who is this underhanded fellow
appologies SLIP
Written by slipalong
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
Late Night Automat
Too many years to count
Had passed
But there she was
In a late night automat
(isn’t that how it always starts)
Looking like a painting
Cracked by too much light
As she sipped her coffee
We talked all night
In the ways of strangers
Reacquainting, each hoping
The other understood
What they missed before.
She was a late-night loner
Too caffeinated to see
Beyond her lipstick-stained mug
And me, I needed to feel warm
“So, what do you do now”
She asked nonchalantly
I couldn’t say unemployed
Down and out between jobs
I could barely afford the coffee
We shared
I couldn’t take the pity
Look on her face, again
“Sales”, I explained
Like it was an affliction
A bane in my soul
She was gracious
But knew I was lying
Also knew deep down
I would be gone by morning
She was still single—
We walked to her place
Around the corner
And for a time, I was warm
Until light shredded the illusion
Her eyes didn’t sting
Morning mist and dew
She’d been here before
Knew the routine
Fed me good before I left
“Don’t work too hard” she said
Looking like an old painting
Cracked by too much light
As she sipped her coffee
Never saw her again after that-
But heard years later
She’d married pretty good
I hoped she'd finally found that thing
I could never give her
We were just too different
And yet wanted so badly to love
the other
highlyfunctional is one of the more unique poets on DU. His poetry springs from a reservoir of personal experience combined with human discovery and recognition of the human spirit when affected by unrequited love and carnal desire. While many of his pieces are erotic, many more shadow noir, reflecting those black and white films of mystery, intrigue, and perils of love. Yet the underlying essence is desire for truth, the real deal of a relationship.
Had passed
But there she was
In a late night automat
(isn’t that how it always starts)
Looking like a painting
Cracked by too much light
As she sipped her coffee
We talked all night
In the ways of strangers
Reacquainting, each hoping
The other understood
What they missed before.
She was a late-night loner
Too caffeinated to see
Beyond her lipstick-stained mug
And me, I needed to feel warm
“So, what do you do now”
She asked nonchalantly
I couldn’t say unemployed
Down and out between jobs
I could barely afford the coffee
We shared
I couldn’t take the pity
Look on her face, again
“Sales”, I explained
Like it was an affliction
A bane in my soul
She was gracious
But knew I was lying
Also knew deep down
I would be gone by morning
She was still single—
We walked to her place
Around the corner
And for a time, I was warm
Until light shredded the illusion
Her eyes didn’t sting
Morning mist and dew
She’d been here before
Knew the routine
Fed me good before I left
“Don’t work too hard” she said
Looking like an old painting
Cracked by too much light
As she sipped her coffee
Never saw her again after that-
But heard years later
She’d married pretty good
I hoped she'd finally found that thing
I could never give her
We were just too different
And yet wanted so badly to love
the other
highlyfunctional is one of the more unique poets on DU. His poetry springs from a reservoir of personal experience combined with human discovery and recognition of the human spirit when affected by unrequited love and carnal desire. While many of his pieces are erotic, many more shadow noir, reflecting those black and white films of mystery, intrigue, and perils of love. Yet the underlying essence is desire for truth, the real deal of a relationship.
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
she dreams
in pane-glass reflections
between here and now
lounging in the middle
of how
summer heat warms
her memories, nights
wrapped in his safe arms
but of hospital echos
and emptiness, too
she burgeons
from experience
shadows life's lead
garners meaning
she desires a repeat
so thick in dreamery
the future appears oblique
a vertigo sense of being
If any balance exists
it lies not beneath
nor above her-
but, in the second hand
of each breath she exhales
between life and death
lies footfalls
she plants each with grace
and ineffable beauty of spirit
an example to us all
of how to carry on
'JeJe' is a quite, graceful writer sharing her hopes, desires, fears, and dreams from the tragedy of past experience. Despite the pain of life, she walks in beauty and grace, sharing each footfall through poetry.
in pane-glass reflections
between here and now
lounging in the middle
of how
summer heat warms
her memories, nights
wrapped in his safe arms
but of hospital echos
and emptiness, too
she burgeons
from experience
shadows life's lead
garners meaning
she desires a repeat
so thick in dreamery
the future appears oblique
a vertigo sense of being
If any balance exists
it lies not beneath
nor above her-
but, in the second hand
of each breath she exhales
between life and death
lies footfalls
she plants each with grace
and ineffable beauty of spirit
an example to us all
of how to carry on
'JeJe' is a quite, graceful writer sharing her hopes, desires, fears, and dreams from the tragedy of past experience. Despite the pain of life, she walks in beauty and grace, sharing each footfall through poetry.
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 29
All I can see is fading brake lights as I swerve throughout the cars
It’s time for late night pleasure seeking in some seedy run down bars
Right now I am unchaperoned, but will commit before this night is through
Thinking if I close my eyes real tight then I’ll be sleeping next to you
It's only entertainment, as pretty girls lift up their skirts
When she lays herself across me, I'm quite uneasy as she flirts
It's just another pair of tits, these aren’t her lips, these aren't her thighs
And I’m undoubtedly aware that for sure these aren't her eyes
With a quick spark the fire starts and the smoke fills up the room
Watching as her face turns now intriguing to gloom
I know that using her, only makes it seem more crummy
But I slowly kiss her neck and make my way down to her tummy
I touch her very softly and she says, “You know just what to do…”
But the night was closing in so, “It might as well be you…?”
With pinned out eyes I wonder could you bring these tears to laughter?
Is this who I’ve become, is this really what I’m after?
Emotional brick walls help me stay out of the light
Sanity; a full time job but...
I’m done with this crude night
It’s time for late night pleasure seeking in some seedy run down bars
Right now I am unchaperoned, but will commit before this night is through
Thinking if I close my eyes real tight then I’ll be sleeping next to you
It's only entertainment, as pretty girls lift up their skirts
When she lays herself across me, I'm quite uneasy as she flirts
It's just another pair of tits, these aren’t her lips, these aren't her thighs
And I’m undoubtedly aware that for sure these aren't her eyes
With a quick spark the fire starts and the smoke fills up the room
Watching as her face turns now intriguing to gloom
I know that using her, only makes it seem more crummy
But I slowly kiss her neck and make my way down to her tummy
I touch her very softly and she says, “You know just what to do…”
But the night was closing in so, “It might as well be you…?”
With pinned out eyes I wonder could you bring these tears to laughter?
Is this who I’ve become, is this really what I’m after?
Emotional brick walls help me stay out of the light
Sanity; a full time job but...
I’m done with this crude night
Written by Chimaera76
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
Chimaera76, unfortunately this competition requires new writes only; therefore, yours doesn't qualify.
Reading competition guidelines would benefit you.
Reading competition guidelines would benefit you.
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1878

Whose eyes are those watching over this domain?
The creator of a realm where the poetry flows?
Who is the poet that doesn’t give out a name?
The overseer of this place, does anybody know?
Whose glance stares in other writers souls?
Running the site and with great anonymity,
Is there another persona she secretly holds?
Like a superhero not wanting any publicity.
Dare I ask, who is the dreamer of this dream?
Where we publish and share emotions in verse,
Bringing all together, a subconscious livestream,
She rules the deep underground poetry universe.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
A very special thank you to all who have honored another DU member with a tribute poem. Judging this is not going to be easy.
You have less than 24 hours to participate if you've been planning to!
You have less than 24 hours to participate if you've been planning to!
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
It’s a “(wh)Y” in place of “I”...Layla Not Laila: in Selfless Search of Self & Love
her metaphorical riot leaves no geometries
& geographies…stands out at peaking ace
in her varifold layering puzzling constructs
of labyrinthing symbolic origamies to oozing
in sensual molasses flown & blown & woven
as thinning hips & swollen lips in twisted
grips & turns of times that she prophetically
freezes at astounding whims in screenshots
of timeless love shimmering as golden dusts
clumping & freefalling in her scaleless scapes
where her poetic kinetics delves deep & fluent
emotional veins she fibrillates & fluoresces
resurface as heavily held lump of vacuuming
lost & pasts in a cherishing album she holds
dear in present's mirroring nearness..densely
mishmashing as reflective junctions..knotted
as hope in her soul’s unceasingly roaring seas
of wisdom & love in search of visioned shores
For Avatars Amok! comp. a small tribute to adored poetess & friend Layla
Written by summultima
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
his mystical ascendance: my love eternal
my love-personified eternal soul warrior
orchestrates as Moz & chants the rebellious Pasolini
in his rigorous warring battlefields with roaring
wins attuned to the majestic Auden & Larkin
& you know..
his lightning arrival
amidst all the brewing trouble
flashes as the spectacle
this awaited earthen girl…
in solidifying
from his eruptive raining absorbance
rewriting forever the classics & definitions
of the inexplicable love…in the clayey moulding
sculpted eternities that we become
in our eternal tryst..
a divine destiny
his silhouetted boundlessness
is in the severities of pasts' ghostly
brokenness …yet his propelling ahead
in faith..firm hold he spells
in love’s eternal labour
treading the whatever spread
rugged risky deceitful terrains--
[by his garlanding syncretic synergies in love pure love
he grows in enormities of a dense metaphorical jungle
as his raw & robust fiery verses in red rimmed glowering
bleed as hung & torn & exploding mortal fleshed rafflesia
with a delicate ornate filled feeling somewhere in there
so subtly nuanced in his deeply stitching verses .. pattern
as slenderly arching finesse mimosa foliage pinnata..
with musically swaying split-skirted butterfly ballerinas
he sprinkles ethereal in a foraying kissing impression
arousing as softly swollen pinkish inflorescence
lipping in drowsy gluing drunkenness]
--each footstep he carves out in loosened sands
and bogging wetlands…seeds with profound chaos
& etched red swords of philosophical questioning
cutting sharp as aligning lasered composure
and whenever forever he drums nomadic in primal
beats of ecstatic love, humming & in holy hymning
“there is always a light in the Indian Ocean”….awakens
this Shakti in ageless devouted worship to him, her
Shiva in thaandav…flaming saffron as the Welsh sun
pervading her still stuck up high thighflowers parting
in rhythmic beats to his sacred bugle thundering
across their mountainous abode in eternal love’s
resonance as timeless days & nights of Oneness
For Avatars Amok! comp.
the essence is all You..my Poet, my Love Eternal-Trouble_Loves_Me
Written by summultima
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1408
Muchly & Mighty Muchly Magdalenian
beware …she seems a softened simple
saint of silence at first sight …growing
intricately exquisite as you gradually crawl
inroads to her tenderly heavyloaded warps
& wefts in a marring incursion inner you
just its when her stuffed in uncontainably
contained emotive-veined concealments
unleash in a precisely scribed welsh assault
deafeningly enlarging as a ticking darkness
in an anytime potentially knocking down
heady thunderstorm in a cup apocalypse
sprawling elegant to be bloody exploded
from a classic castle full of versed roses
that her nuancedly easy skilled blooms
of innate fragrance it bleeds breathes
her drawing in voice as if finely extruded of
patented & elusively hidden n-ingredients
melds on the x-factoring mojo to her legend
For Avatars Amok! Comp.. & a lil tribute to my DU legend ev Poetess- Magdalena
Written by summultima
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17570
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17570
Thank you to all who participated by honoring a fellow DU member. Judging is now in process, and outside of one disqualification ( on the grounds that the member specifically requested a poem NOT be written about her avatar ), this is going to be a tough comp to judge. Please have patience with us!
Again, thank you!
Again, thank you!
Forum Posts: 2399
Dangerous Mind
Joined 6th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 2399
Ahavati said:Thank you to all who participated by honoring a fellow DU member. Judging is now in process, and outside of one disqualification ( on the grounds that the member specifically requested a poem NOT be written about her avatar ), this is going to be a tough comp to judge. Please have patience with us!
Again, thank you!
I know I might not be the person you mentioned, but to avoid any confusion, David asked me if he could use my avi for this comp and I said yes :]
just fyi
Again, thank you!
I know I might not be the person you mentioned, but to avoid any confusion, David asked me if he could use my avi for this comp and I said yes :]
just fyi

Related submission no longer exists.

Non entry
Better late than never