ODE - DU Poet
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Moon Child
Each night of overcast protection
When the air is filled with coastal haze,
Light of fair orb’s rising reflection
Is seeking while hidden from my gaze.
She graces each day, ev’ry ev’ning,
Hoping notes of my love she will find.
Sending tears of stars while believing,
Praying for my words the sweet’st kind.
I peer in the mist for my ember,
As my thoughts tell her listen be still.
On nights you think I won’t remember,
But of course, dear child, I always will.
My love, Moon’s affection, I’ve missed you
As the tides in me still ebb & flow.
How can I cease doing what’s nat’ural
While your Mother’s embrace tells me so?
For until there’s nothing left to scribe,
Till the restless tides give in, and die.
The preview image is original art entitled “Nocturnal”, by Jade Pandora.
NaPo Prompt Comp 2018
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367
i feel it like the bone spur on a phantom toe
space reserved
space reserved

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Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
Dedication Poeticus .
One For Him.
The wireless toots a concoction
of symphonic abortion, through
a four Ohm mid-range loudspeaker
you sit there mining
through scraps of paper and board
remembering your phonetics
to tweak her
Bashfully dripping the last drop
of cheap scotch down your throat
in the hope it'll tidy the red pop
in your eyes, when it reminds you
what you wanted to write yesterday
or last night or the early morning
The haze of second hand cigarette smoke
is but an illusion of a burning mind
truth be told
it's hardly a poetic joke
All you needed was to walk the damn dog
there you would find
some lass, you could use
new words for
prove you were a god.
And One For Her.
arched backs
beautiful feet
and perfect courage
like three blind mice
you'll be the butchers wife
smash the roller out the ball
and inscribe your
torrent deep
in the denial of
who you are
and the strength
of just one ego
truer than the rest
I wouldn't need to
tattoo my emotions
across the cover
of my book. But for you
just this once
in this psychopathic moment
I will[.]
I did repeatedly
write every fantasy
about you
your talent
and misgivings
but I collared them
Written by RevolutionAL
(Alistair Plint)
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Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 171
No More, No Less
Morning comes
these eyes too heavy to wake
not knowing did they even sleep
all night writing
of those lips
brushing gently across my cheeks
rough drafts no longer remembered
after the twenty-fourth toast to your kiss
this mind's amiss
the well's gone dry
and I'm parched
silence echos thru the stillness
as I keep on mouthing your name
too many days are wasted
waiting for the right one to come
let me be your moon
a reflection of you and your sun
what is, what was, what's done
no more, no less
nothing to expect
these eyes too heavy to wake
not knowing did they even sleep
all night writing
of those lips
brushing gently across my cheeks
rough drafts no longer remembered
after the twenty-fourth toast to your kiss
this mind's amiss
the well's gone dry
and I'm parched
silence echos thru the stillness
as I keep on mouthing your name
too many days are wasted
waiting for the right one to come
let me be your moon
a reflection of you and your sun
what is, what was, what's done
no more, no less
nothing to expect
Written by JusTim_
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My apologies
for being such a bitch
and not paying
homage to all the Poets
who enter ... I guess
I just don`t like cluttering
my own comps with comments
kind of like the way
I don`t like Hosting long comps.
I think many Poets know
that I don`t say or express
much on anything
unless you PM me or I leave a comment
on Poems I have read.
So ... to all the POETS
who have entered thus far
for being such a bitch
and not paying
homage to all the Poets
who enter ... I guess
I just don`t like cluttering
my own comps with comments
kind of like the way
I don`t like Hosting long comps.
I think many Poets know
that I don`t say or express
much on anything
unless you PM me or I leave a comment
on Poems I have read.
So ... to all the POETS
who have entered thus far
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
For a Jade That Sparkles
Those words that bring up feelings of nostalgia for a place
I have never been to before. Those words that I always trace
With my fingers. With my eyes closed they bring familiarity
And warmness that washes over me like the crystal clarity
Of summer ocean waves. It is like I am right there with you
Experiencing every laugh and every smile. Even the accrue
Of tears are fading away. I find my way back home as we
Are not meant to stay in the past for too long. We fully see
The way we paint and sculpt pictures with the stroke of our
Pens like a painter with her muse having extra horsepower.
I have never been to before. Those words that I always trace
With my fingers. With my eyes closed they bring familiarity
And warmness that washes over me like the crystal clarity
Of summer ocean waves. It is like I am right there with you
Experiencing every laugh and every smile. Even the accrue
Of tears are fading away. I find my way back home as we
Are not meant to stay in the past for too long. We fully see
The way we paint and sculpt pictures with the stroke of our
Pens like a painter with her muse having extra horsepower.
Written by eswaller
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Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257
Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1257
Dead Poet, Society?
In the quarter moon
an entire
in cyber-village
In appreciation for ten years of
I present
Journal Entry 1018
silver linings
golden ends
Christ spare
a moment
to apreciate
a nomad
(they call it
mobile living)
It's spacious
Untill she fills the
well, then
[and only then]
it drives
a Twincam
with a
Fuck You
to the
hold down
to the
slicing tar
a bar,
closing time
- a 180
and ME!
We took
of that
[we drove through]
When the
the woman
And the morning
saw no -
Written by RevolutionAL
(Alistair Plint)
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
Guess what I’m doing NOW?
(Jade Tiger visits RevolutionAL in South Africa!)
I roar & romp right up to Al’s front door
And pose w’ paws on hips growlin’ his name.
He peeks a crack & blinks then hits the floor,
I push aside the plants and grab his frame!
I pounce upon Al’s bod' as he cries "OW!”,
There's no use to object, the signs are clear.
I'm hungry for some cow, I want it now,
You can't deny the fact Ms Tiger’s HERE.
Go throw some veggies on the bar-b-que.
I'll eat the steak half raw, then I'll have you!
But after conversation with my friend
I knew for Al this wouldn’t be th’ end.
I never knew you had a flair to cook!
You should compose your food like poetry.
I’ll help to sponsor your first gourmet book,
Then everything you’ll write by recipe!
So what brought you here to th’ southern most,
The continent ain’t big enough for you?
That’s why the Africans all tend to boast,
When you “arrive” then they’ll be famous too!
I guess I can’t eat you after my steak
With all the topics that I love to push.
I need someone to conversation make,
Your family are all hiding in th’ bush!
Well do I get the job? I’ll start right now.
I’m worth my weight in hamburger of cow!
I roar & romp right up to Al’s front door
And pose w’ paws on hips growlin’ his name.
He peeks a crack & blinks then hits the floor,
I push aside the plants and grab his frame!
I pounce upon Al’s bod' as he cries "OW!”,
There's no use to object, the signs are clear.
I'm hungry for some cow, I want it now,
You can't deny the fact Ms Tiger’s HERE.
Go throw some veggies on the bar-b-que.
I'll eat the steak half raw, then I'll have you!
But after conversation with my friend
I knew for Al this wouldn’t be th’ end.
I never knew you had a flair to cook!
You should compose your food like poetry.
I’ll help to sponsor your first gourmet book,
Then everything you’ll write by recipe!
So what brought you here to th’ southern most,
The continent ain’t big enough for you?
That’s why the Africans all tend to boast,
When you “arrive” then they’ll be famous too!
I guess I can’t eat you after my steak
With all the topics that I love to push.
I need someone to conversation make,
Your family are all hiding in th’ bush!
Well do I get the job? I’ll start right now.
I’m worth my weight in hamburger of cow!
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
OLD TOM & the TIGER (with Hepcat61)
(a nursery sonnet)
The tiger knew no cage but “habitat”
The time that I have spent away from home
She was the queen of her half-block domain
Has never been like there and yet the same.
She’d rest in summer shade like any cat
To take me back, but limit where I'd roam,
But then would come the cold mid-winter rain
That brought me down each time the winter came.
Old Tom, would lounge as well and watch her stalk
Most times while deep in thought while I would tread
As she would pace and watch the humans stare
Ignoring humans even though I'd see,
Old Tom would stride and match her walk for walk
From shadow's movement when I'd raise my head,
And she would smile to watch his strutting there
For there you'd be, Old Tom, amusing me.
But with the rain his queen would barely stir
The bitter cold of rain would have me think
These frigid rains that made her feel so sick,
About the trees and grasslands of my birth,
So lost, then came a rustle in her fur
Before my mother's lessons were extinct,
It was Old Tom with nip and tug and lick
And since, companionship of your full worth.
Old Tom would stay and play with her awhile,
You always knew just when the time was right
He always seemed to prod his tiger’s smile.
To visit with your queen to her delight.
With my gratitude for Geoff's permission to collaborate with his original write, as a call-and-response.
The tiger knew no cage but “habitat”
The time that I have spent away from home
She was the queen of her half-block domain
Has never been like there and yet the same.
She’d rest in summer shade like any cat
To take me back, but limit where I'd roam,
But then would come the cold mid-winter rain
That brought me down each time the winter came.
Old Tom, would lounge as well and watch her stalk
Most times while deep in thought while I would tread
As she would pace and watch the humans stare
Ignoring humans even though I'd see,
Old Tom would stride and match her walk for walk
From shadow's movement when I'd raise my head,
And she would smile to watch his strutting there
For there you'd be, Old Tom, amusing me.
But with the rain his queen would barely stir
The bitter cold of rain would have me think
These frigid rains that made her feel so sick,
About the trees and grasslands of my birth,
So lost, then came a rustle in her fur
Before my mother's lessons were extinct,
It was Old Tom with nip and tug and lick
And since, companionship of your full worth.
Old Tom would stay and play with her awhile,
You always knew just when the time was right
He always seemed to prod his tiger’s smile.
To visit with your queen to her delight.
With my gratitude for Geoff's permission to collaborate with his original write, as a call-and-response.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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In honor of Hepcat61, who inspired me to finally try my hand at sonnets after months of reading his.
Forum Posts: 3367
Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367
i feel it like a bone spur in a phantom toe
he wanted nothing
except a midas touch
a book deal
and immortality
you gathered up spit for your words like there was water in your lungs. fkn idiot. chaos magic in your dna: death-defying but only because you had a falling out with her. you were always going to go back. i don't care where you are. we've forgotten you; how does that feel? you're not important here. when i leave, it'll be the same. i know you saw the darkness. the gravitational collapse i thought that i could handle. but you knew different. and its not over yet. it's not fucking over.
shouldn't have left you hanging
but its who i am;
you know that.
Written by anna_grin
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Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2709
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2709
I love you Poet and here's why
you are a man of honor
you don't take no shit
when I lie on the page you know it
because bullshit doesn't fly
it stinks
my best hasn't hit a nerve in you in a long time
maybe I've gone soft
but don't count me out mister
I haven't given up yet
I will arouse your passion
get you fired up
why because it's so sexy
to see you lay it down hard
I will get you fully erect
with a raging boner
suck you as long as it takes
while your favorite porno queen is playing
till you have me lapping at your cum
no spitting always swallow kind of whore
your dirty little hell slut
shooting it straight is your way
you don't play games
if people were wondering now they know
real talk from a true New Yorker
you asked me what I love about you
how about I don't get no ass kissing from you
if I don't get your full attention
you skip over me
I respect that
I respect you
your hard where a man should be
you piss nails
then melt me with prose
how do you do it?
all wrapped in that sexy package
you got me turned on just thinking about you
so there it is
truth be told
I am in love with a man I can never have
but damn it that's hot
Written by crimsin
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