Poetry competition CLOSED 5th June 2018 10:21pm
View Profile Poems by eswaller
RUNNER-UP: MsRockyJackson

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OH... Tainted Love!

Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 363

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 31st May 2017
Forum Posts: 13

Failed Love

A damaged soul
uses the strength of its rib
to anchor through lifeless tears
of a failed love

Lies breathless against turbulent winds
Lies pulseless beneath the open sky
A wet grave to rest a mournful soul
No longer searching for an answer to why
Written by PoetryOnPurpose
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Chris Pleasures
Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 25th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 31

Love don't exists,  Forever don't last

Love dont exist and forever don't last

My heart is numb because of my past. Correcting the wrongs will be a long task.
A dead end streak setting me up for misfortune. Yea a relationship sounds good but is it really worth it?

Love is said to be something special but it seems to be only given to the undeserving. Why must I care?. Why must I be the only person hurting? "Nice guys finish last"
Isn't that the truth?  Its sad you'll love me better if I disrespected you. Oh that's not what it is? I just call it how I see it. Arguments and miscommunication, the two main ingredients.
She gets a thrill repeating it.

Obviously born in the wrong generation because love these days is more like lets meet up at this location. Have sex and play with our bodies. I mean that's cool but where's the connection? Where's the bond?  Why are these things now frowned upon.
Thought she wanted something different , they all say they want something different. Kind of hard to notice any difference messing with the same kind of ni**as.

Love don't exist and Forever don't last.
At least for me that is. Want to know why? It's funny you asked. Look around and tell me what you see. "If it's meant to be then it will be." Sounds like a lot of bullshit to me.
Written by Chris_Pleasures (Chris Pleasures)
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 23rd Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 45

Hard to Love

Broken glass shattered all around
empty spaces no one to be found
Tears of laughter tears of pain
and beyond them there's nothing to gain.
I've felt your hidden emotions
Dried your tears
Showed you that your greater than your fears.
Placed you in the center of my world
showing you there was no other girl
to take the place of you...
Left with hollowness and doubt
Because every mutha fucking thing going south!
No matter how hard i try to fit into your box
covering my personality with a glove or sock.
i can never be right for you
Baby i'll be suffocating with the non existence of us two
So i'm stuck between a ROCK and a HARD place
Every time i seek comfort in your face.
i'm going crazy...just out of my mind
Because your actions towards me is purblind.
Read this poem dedicated to you
response was "nice" and you return to what you do...
Written by ThaSeductress (Daii_Cevyn_Belladon)
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Twisted Dreamer
Canada 3awards
Joined 17th Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 60

Sweet Dreams

There’s a deep ache in my soul    
As if someone has died      
But the person who plagues my thoughts      
Is still alive      
Almost every night I dream of you      
Your voice my lullaby      
You tried to wake me from my dreams      
But I’d rather die      
Your cruel words sliced into me      
Like a million razors      
Screaming through my veins      
The pain a memory I savour      
What is it about you that’s so hypnotizing?     
You’re a drug      
And I’m an addict      
Begging for my hit of love      
You were volatile and unpredictable      
So I took note of your words      
But failed to memorize you      
So now on these pages I purge      
There’s a dull thud in my brain      
That sounds like your name      
No one can replace you      
It’s just not the same      
Picture perfect memories
Soft kisses    
Interwinding hugs     
All the little things I miss        
I toss and turn      
I hope I never wake      
I’ll see you in my dreams      
That’s something no one can take         
My eyes are red and raw      
My hearts empty and sore      
My bones are trembling      
My pain just pours      
It pours down my cheek      
It soaks into my hair      
I can barely move      
My body is too weak      
I can barely breathe      
I can barely think      
I can barely see      
You haunt me every night  
I’ll grip my pillow tightly      
Everything isn’t as it seems      
Wherever you are baby      
I’m always wishing you sweet dreams
Written by Heart_symphony
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william swann
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 22


It feels so wrong.    
Then, it feels perfect.    
My mind is split.      
I can't tell the difference.      
My bed the snake pit--      
Her head is worth it.      
Those eyes are toxic.      
I can't shake the feeling.      
I can't take the pleading.      
The sex is the reason.      
I may never leave my room--    
Not so long as she stays.      
This may spell out doom.      
She is not the type to date.      
Lies lying all around us--    
Lust is all it is with us.      
Drugs are a must for us.      
I can't pretend.      
She is no best friend.    
I'm on my own in the end.      
Every time I touch her skin,      
I'm falling for the wind.      
This is another dead end--      
Just castles made of sand.
Written by rainy_day13 (william swann)
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william swann
Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 19th Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 22


I give her a bump and .        
Soon, she is mine.    
She dims the lights and    
Tries not to look into my eyes.    
I feel no shame—    
Not tonight.    
She starts to strip as    
I chop up a few lines.    
The exchange is understood.      
She craves the drugs and      
I’m addicted to her beauty.    
My nose starts to bleed and      
My body begins to feel weak.  
We take drugs to stay numb and    
Our ability to feel is soon lost.    
We have sex rather than talk and      
The door always remains locked.    
This hotel room becomes our home and      
For the night, our regrets are long gone.

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 171

I Don't Want To Love You

Burning desire wanes
I'm drained but something remains
I don't want to love you anymore
but don't think I can stop

I feel your delicate hair cascading
across the empty lesions of my trust
I taste the sugar dipped kisses you
draped upon my tongue
I hear your whispers that held me
close to each frantic clutch

My eyes shut but you only come to life
the birds sing and I know they sing to you
my heart pangs, it pounds and it pains
thoughts crash and burn in rain

Your scent has crept into my soul
keeping you ever near
I don't want to love you anymore
but I doubt you'll disappear
Written by JusTim_
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Queen of Hearts

Here comes that feeling once again, the one I thought was real
With patterns of symbolic senses, I still can touch but cannot feel
Every aching phone call made, a pleasure point that starts to fade
The Queen of hearts, the King of spades, a virgin girl, never laid
A relationship that smells of hate
Exploring girls, I'd never date
What was once so unbelievably kind
A perfect angel she is not, but she's the closest thing you'll find...

Years slip away and I get older, but never wise beyond my years
I woke up and my eyes were swollen shut, from all those late night tears
Displaying symptoms that would make you cringe
Hold tight to that blankets worn out fringe
Yesterday's and yesteryears
An angry youthful, women's fears
Nightmares that became too real
Made me miss the way you feel
Blood red Summer's turn to cold
Understanding I'm too fucking old
So here's my encore, my finale, my last song
I've been pushed aside it seems for too damn fucking long
Like a spirit in the night, she came to me inside a dream
I walked on top of life's perpetual highest beam
But I've out smarted you my love, because your ignorance is bliss
I guess you wanted one last face to face, perhaps just one last kiss...

Starry, starry nights, you paint with brushes of guilt
The earth is standing still but now my head's a constant tilt
Hold the wheel while I'm driving, make sure to hold it steady
You see right through me angel, as if I'm dead already
You can't take back the things you've seen, nothing good at all
Yeah you taught me how to stand, when I tried so hard to crawl
You couldn't wait till I was gone, can't you wait till the bed is cold?
As I hold my head up high, and do just what I'm fucking told?
I detest this time of year, like a goddamn sickness
Hoping that this season, will just pass with the quickness
There's nothing left for me to do, to hold, to feel, to say
Waking with the thought of ending all of this today
I force a wakened smile, and pick myself up just to go outside
With a broken soul, and a wounded, soulless pride
The phone just will not ring, and if it does I'm just not here
I don't know how to make it anymore abundantly clear
Stranded in my head, I somehow make my way down the stairs
I'll face the world, once again, avoiding all the stares...
Written by Chimaera76
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

The Albatross

Stumbled blindly through my 30’s but I always end up numb  
It seems I fell asleep and then woke up 41
I offer you a seat but now it’s really close we lay
As you speak I’m tripping slowly over everything you say
I bite my tongue until it bleeds, here’s my shoulder for your tears
I’ve gathered up all your needs, here’s a closet for your fears  
I’m following an albatross and the water is so clean  
But I fell lost inside her waves so I will come back now as steam
I’ll take these sea ridden legs right onto solid ground  
And search this whole damn island till I find a simpler sound
I can’t be certain but I’m pretty sure I sat engulfed in frozen fear
And I can’t for the life of me recall the drive from there to here  
I took the path that was laid out for me by the stars  
And came away from this with no visible scars
You asked me for a hand but my handshake you refused  
I can see now it was your superego that was bruised
I never could resist when you asked, “Stay with me tonight?”
For I don’t want to be alone, I’m much too haunted by the light
The days never get shorter and the nights they last forever  
Putting everything off until the next side of never
I must have been mistaken, you were just here but now you’re gone
As I lay awake, still, as the day cracks into dawn
Have you ever heard silence? It sounds just like your own voice
I choose not to remember (as if I had a choice)
I picked up all my things and then myself off the floor
Heading out to walk astray, and perhaps I’ll find the cure
There’s been no one to check in with for a few years as it seems
But it don’t matter to me much, I never sleep…but only dream
Written by Chimaera76
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 28th May 2018
Forum Posts: 29

Confessional @ 1am

I'd have you in for tea, but you've seen just how I live
So I ask you, “Night, tell me, is that really all you've got to give?”
Spastic inclinations formed by drastic elations
You’ve got me talking in quotations as I lay in exudation
I can’t pinpoint just when it was that I lost power
But this once bittersweet has all but turned to sour
I swallowed up my dignity and glanced upon your shadow
Then I woke up in France inside a rundown chateau
As she twisted her head to the side with a quirk
"How have you been?" she said with a smirk
I can see right through your eyes as if they’re made of glass
That award winning grin, she angles with class
I've left it, as they say, inside the hands of fate
So the next time I choose teams I'll be sure you participate
This difficult climb, not for the faint of heart
Let me stop you right there before you even start
I've run away again, till I’m lost out of sight
Holding on for one more day, and maybe one more night…
So here is my confessional, I’m well aware it’s 1 A.M.
But my eyes just will not close and my thoughts refuse to mend…
Written by Chimaera76
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Strange Creature
Joined 26th Apr 2018
Forum Posts: 1

Gaping holes

I tried to untangle you from my soul,
but your roots are deep.
The constant nagging and aching in
my chest does not want to leave

Do you know what it feels like to drown?

It feels like a hug
the one that compresses your chest
it makes it difficult to breathe
the only feeling that an empty soul would feel like

I eventually got you out


You left big gaping holes .
You left me with scars
which only made it harder for me to love

You left bruises on my heart
bigger than the ones around my neck

Then He came
The peace
The gentle touch
with no expectations

Chaos met structure
in the most beautiful way
Written by EmoPixi13
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Forgive Me

We were together all of these years, but you did not seem
To understand why I would throw it all away just like that.
Through our conversation that night you did not redeem
Or own up to your mistakes. I would never hurt or flatten
You on purpose because as cruel and as harsh as the world
Is, I would never do that. The truth never came through.
The words of I loved you and I cared about you, all curled
Around your tongue, but it is too late because I gave you
Every chance to say them when we had everything. The one
Person who had such a huge role and part in my life turned
The other way when things got tough. There is no point to run
Away when you will not stop me. In the end you got burned
Because you lost me, the person who may have just become
Your biggest heartbreak and biggest lesson in life. Never give
In to doubt or external forces. Never give in to what might numb
The internal feelings. Find it in your heart to learn and forgive.
Written by eswaller
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