Farewell find comfort in the Clouds
Forum Posts: 17123
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123
Poetry Contest Description
How do you say goodbye to someone or something you love
When do you have to say goodbye to someone or something you love? How do you comfort them?
No collabs
Two entries max per poet
Please title your poem
any length
No collabs
Two entries max per poet
Please title your poem
any length

Related submission no longer exists.

Joined 14th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 596
I'd Rather Not
Standing curbside caught in the endless crashing of rain.
The moon's reflection dances in a pothole turned puddle
Tilting back my head exhaling clouds of mary jane
Moonlight eclipsed by her umbrella, followed by the loud pop of her gum bubble
Hello lost under a mumble, I can feel my heart begin to rumble
Looking for what to say, everything but the truth shrouds my brain
Beginning to piece the puzzle, the words I love you became the shovel
"Its not you it's me " a classic phrase I simply could not refrain
Grasping her chest with one hand and giving my wet face a smack with the other "I'm sorry" was all I could mutter
As she ran off into the arms of her sinister sister, our wonderful pain giver
Mouthing thanks for a secret she also could not give her
The moon's reflection dances in a pothole turned puddle
Tilting back my head exhaling clouds of mary jane
Moonlight eclipsed by her umbrella, followed by the loud pop of her gum bubble
Hello lost under a mumble, I can feel my heart begin to rumble
Looking for what to say, everything but the truth shrouds my brain
Beginning to piece the puzzle, the words I love you became the shovel
"Its not you it's me " a classic phrase I simply could not refrain
Grasping her chest with one hand and giving my wet face a smack with the other "I'm sorry" was all I could mutter
As she ran off into the arms of her sinister sister, our wonderful pain giver
Mouthing thanks for a secret she also could not give her
Written by OctoberArts
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Forum Posts: 17123
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123
OctoberArts and missy, thank you so much for your respective entry.

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Forum Posts: 17123
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123
cloventongue89, thank you for your entry.
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Within the Clouds and Light
I bury your body underneath the dirt.
There you are lying below the lingering
Feelings of sadness, grief, and being hurt.
I am still always left grasping and fingering
This life that you gave me, but I know that
We will finally meet again when the darkness
Stops glowing or when the word is not flat.
Someday we will both be bathed in starkness
Of the light and the freedom we have wanted.
Someday, I know our bodies will be closer to
The sky. It is your smile that has haunted
Me when I close my eyes to sleep as if you
Were still close enough to touch and feel
With my eyes open. I am recollecting
Every moment that I would want to steal
A glance because I want to be correcting
My wrongs and tell you how much I love
You. I want to remember your delicacy
Like a blooming flower and like a dove.
Memories should not come with hesitancy.
There you are lying below the lingering
Feelings of sadness, grief, and being hurt.
I am still always left grasping and fingering
This life that you gave me, but I know that
We will finally meet again when the darkness
Stops glowing or when the word is not flat.
Someday we will both be bathed in starkness
Of the light and the freedom we have wanted.
Someday, I know our bodies will be closer to
The sky. It is your smile that has haunted
Me when I close my eyes to sleep as if you
Were still close enough to touch and feel
With my eyes open. I am recollecting
Every moment that I would want to steal
A glance because I want to be correcting
My wrongs and tell you how much I love
You. I want to remember your delicacy
Like a blooming flower and like a dove.
Memories should not come with hesitancy.
Written by eswaller
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Forum Posts: 17123
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123
Thank you eswaller for your entry.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17588
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17588
Wedding Day
The moment I felt Death
courting you
my rib cage collapsed
splintered into loss
it would take lifetimes
of growth to reform belief
from shattered cartiledge
and bone
I curled into childhood--
that strange little girl
always alone
talking to herself
on the playground
Thinking she was whispered
a safe solitude
of hush-holy clouds
cammoflaging her
from mating rituals
a detached being
seen in shades of rock
beneath surfaced depth
Death itself couldn't touch
From there I grew--
Wherever that courtship
carried you, into a marriage
and honeymoon--
I'd never know
I renounced hope
a solitude of celibate womb
misguided by a Magic Flute
I wanted to know
you'd made it across
See Love embracing you
before surrendering
to my Universal course
So my heart grew talons
gripped the earth where it stood
became obstinate
refused to budge
But, Love is the birth of Truth
that severs the umbilical cord
You were, after all
the first coup de foudre
I climbed aboard
and could've been
the last amour
out of this place
Had it not been
for the Grace destined
to take your place--
lift me from drowning
from lonely demise
But, only when I learned
to finally let you go
and say Goodbye
The moment I felt Death
courting you
my rib cage collapsed
splintered into loss
it would take lifetimes
of growth to reform belief
from shattered cartiledge
and bone
I curled into childhood--
that strange little girl
always alone
talking to herself
on the playground
Thinking she was whispered
a safe solitude
of hush-holy clouds
cammoflaging her
from mating rituals
a detached being
seen in shades of rock
beneath surfaced depth
Death itself couldn't touch
From there I grew--
Wherever that courtship
carried you, into a marriage
and honeymoon--
I'd never know
I renounced hope
a solitude of celibate womb
misguided by a Magic Flute
I wanted to know
you'd made it across
See Love embracing you
before surrendering
to my Universal course
So my heart grew talons
gripped the earth where it stood
became obstinate
refused to budge
But, Love is the birth of Truth
that severs the umbilical cord
You were, after all
the first coup de foudre
I climbed aboard
and could've been
the last amour
out of this place
Had it not been
for the Grace destined
to take your place--
lift me from drowning
from lonely demise
But, only when I learned
to finally let you go
and say Goodbye
Written by Ahavati
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Forum Posts: 17123
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123
Thank you for your entry, Ahavati.
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
My uncle Henry's funeral
Was on a Sunday afternoon,
Of deepen’d sky's updrafting clouds
With everybody standing 'round
A casket of mahogany
That glisten’d in a patchwork light.
I kept my eyes upon the sight
Till lowered deep into our fate.
He was her third, he always felt
Responsible, his mother's death.
An awful punishment & weight
To think he'd taken her away.
And in his lifetime never knew
The three days that she held him to,
To nurse him, and then sank to earth
So soon after she'd given birth.
I reached out for my hand to place
On edge of polished coffin's face,
And leaning forward, softest call:
"Your mother will explain it all."
My mind a blank the long trip home,
And when I could, I sat alone
Recalling all the jokes and pranks
The fam’ly told of Uncle Hank's
We celebrated at his wake,
The memories we shared with cake.
But now in kitchen where I kept
A silent vigil as I wept
While dialing, calling up his voice,
His message I'd repeat by choice.
To hear him from the afterlife
In hopes to listen one last time,
To quell my grief. No more was said
When service to the line went dead.
Copyright © Jade Pandora 2017-18. All Rights Reserved.
Was on a Sunday afternoon,
Of deepen’d sky's updrafting clouds
With everybody standing 'round
A casket of mahogany
That glisten’d in a patchwork light.
I kept my eyes upon the sight
Till lowered deep into our fate.
He was her third, he always felt
Responsible, his mother's death.
An awful punishment & weight
To think he'd taken her away.
And in his lifetime never knew
The three days that she held him to,
To nurse him, and then sank to earth
So soon after she'd given birth.
I reached out for my hand to place
On edge of polished coffin's face,
And leaning forward, softest call:
"Your mother will explain it all."
My mind a blank the long trip home,
And when I could, I sat alone
Recalling all the jokes and pranks
The fam’ly told of Uncle Hank's
We celebrated at his wake,
The memories we shared with cake.
But now in kitchen where I kept
A silent vigil as I wept
While dialing, calling up his voice,
His message I'd repeat by choice.
To hear him from the afterlife
In hopes to listen one last time,
To quell my grief. No more was said
When service to the line went dead.
Copyright © Jade Pandora 2017-18. All Rights Reserved.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 194
Jealous Of Heaven
Jealous Of Heaven
Earth was blessed the day you were born
Though it didn't treat you right & had you torn
We saw you fight the good fight
And never lose sight
Of the God you fervently serve
Who is good even when we don't deserve
By your bedside, us your three
Day in and day out watching you be set free
Body decomposing and in need
As your soul growing tired as Jesus takes the lead
To your Withering soul we selfishly hang on
Not wanting to cut loose our tight daughterly bond
You hang on to life for our sake
As we hold on to you as your life is at stake
We hate to see you suffering and in pain
But we pray for a miracle from your feet to your brain
You have heard the heavens call you by name
You said your goodbyes convinced it was not a game
You break our hearts as we see you slipping away
A little bit more each passing day
We can't help but leave things in God's hands
As He demands
We see your willingness to go to a better place
Leaving us in God's sweet grace
And we can't help but watch you go
And after all the suffering endured by your soul
We watch you strive to enter through the pearly gates
Leaving behind all kinds of earth-binding baits
And As I sit helplessly watching you fade away to the other side
To become Jesus' beautiful Bride
I cannot help but be jealous of heaven
Knowing that though this is a battle of Earth & Heaven
Of Earth wanting to keep you
Just as much as Heaven wants you
I know that soon or later, regardless the forces of Earth, it is heaven
That holds the Lucky seven
And by all means
Heaven always wins regardless of what I deem.
Earth was blessed the day you were born
Though it didn't treat you right & had you torn
We saw you fight the good fight
And never lose sight
Of the God you fervently serve
Who is good even when we don't deserve
By your bedside, us your three
Day in and day out watching you be set free
Body decomposing and in need
As your soul growing tired as Jesus takes the lead
To your Withering soul we selfishly hang on
Not wanting to cut loose our tight daughterly bond
You hang on to life for our sake
As we hold on to you as your life is at stake
We hate to see you suffering and in pain
But we pray for a miracle from your feet to your brain
You have heard the heavens call you by name
You said your goodbyes convinced it was not a game
You break our hearts as we see you slipping away
A little bit more each passing day
We can't help but leave things in God's hands
As He demands
We see your willingness to go to a better place
Leaving us in God's sweet grace
And we can't help but watch you go
And after all the suffering endured by your soul
We watch you strive to enter through the pearly gates
Leaving behind all kinds of earth-binding baits
And As I sit helplessly watching you fade away to the other side
To become Jesus' beautiful Bride
I cannot help but be jealous of heaven
Knowing that though this is a battle of Earth & Heaven
Of Earth wanting to keep you
Just as much as Heaven wants you
I know that soon or later, regardless the forces of Earth, it is heaven
That holds the Lucky seven
And by all means
Heaven always wins regardless of what I deem.
Written by Cyndi_Moone
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Joined 13th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 194
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 194
Your burden is heavy and does not get lighter.
With the passing of years, you are a fighter.
You’ve fought through a tough life and now struggle with health.
I’d give anything to restore you back and make you well.
I’d turn back the hands of time and bring back the better days
Where you independently had things done your way.
I stand speechless before you at times
Without a word, a phrase, or a rhyme
As I see your health slowly declining
And your once-independence now reclining.
Your journey through illness scares me
It does not allow me to let you be.
Every move you make and take
Rattles my soul as if your life is at stake.
To think of you fading away like a flower
Makes me want to hold you every hour
To ensure that you don’t slip away.
Though it’s not my call anyway.
I don’t look at you like a weak victim of your circumstance
I look at you like a SURVIVOR who stands in a circle of chance
To LIVE and MOVE and RECLAIM your life
As you stride on to be my mom, a friend, and perfect wife.
I see the strength of God working in your soul
As you hold on to your faith in your awful lows.
You thank God for giving you just one more day
When others would be praying to be taken away.
I fear great many things not just because you’re sick
But many more things make my nerves tick
The chords of my heart and the essence of my soul.
Make war within me and there I explode.
I fear that, one day, you will grow too tired
And no longer see you fight as I have always admired.
Which will indicate you are ready to wrap from this life.
Instead of adding more blank pages to your storyline.
Even if you were to render your struggle and your fight
A survivor and a fighter is how you shine in my sight.
Selfishly, I would NEVER want to let you go
Even if you stop fighting and go with the flow.
But, if you ever do decide to fold the battle
Please let us know though our hearts will rattle.
That we may prepare our heavy hearts and souls
When it’s time to cut the final string to let you go.
You’ve never been selfish; now don’t hold back
From telling us the boxing gloves are put in the sack.
Don’t break our hearts by not letting us know
Should you be ready for angels to carry your soul
Into God's loving arms, (strongly discerned)
Up the Narrow Highway of No Return...
With the passing of years, you are a fighter.
You’ve fought through a tough life and now struggle with health.
I’d give anything to restore you back and make you well.
I’d turn back the hands of time and bring back the better days
Where you independently had things done your way.
I stand speechless before you at times
Without a word, a phrase, or a rhyme
As I see your health slowly declining
And your once-independence now reclining.
Your journey through illness scares me
It does not allow me to let you be.
Every move you make and take
Rattles my soul as if your life is at stake.
To think of you fading away like a flower
Makes me want to hold you every hour
To ensure that you don’t slip away.
Though it’s not my call anyway.
I don’t look at you like a weak victim of your circumstance
I look at you like a SURVIVOR who stands in a circle of chance
To LIVE and MOVE and RECLAIM your life
As you stride on to be my mom, a friend, and perfect wife.
I see the strength of God working in your soul
As you hold on to your faith in your awful lows.
You thank God for giving you just one more day
When others would be praying to be taken away.
I fear great many things not just because you’re sick
But many more things make my nerves tick
The chords of my heart and the essence of my soul.
Make war within me and there I explode.
I fear that, one day, you will grow too tired
And no longer see you fight as I have always admired.
Which will indicate you are ready to wrap from this life.
Instead of adding more blank pages to your storyline.
Even if you were to render your struggle and your fight
A survivor and a fighter is how you shine in my sight.
Selfishly, I would NEVER want to let you go
Even if you stop fighting and go with the flow.
But, if you ever do decide to fold the battle
Please let us know though our hearts will rattle.
That we may prepare our heavy hearts and souls
When it’s time to cut the final string to let you go.
You’ve never been selfish; now don’t hold back
From telling us the boxing gloves are put in the sack.
Don’t break our hearts by not letting us know
Should you be ready for angels to carry your soul
Into God's loving arms, (strongly discerned)
Up the Narrow Highway of No Return...
Written by Cyndi_Moone
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