Poetry competition CLOSED 20th March 2018 2:22am
RUNNERS-UP: Jade-Pandora and nightbirdblue

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Dangerous Mind
United States 9awards
Joined 24th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 171

Sorrow’s Companion

She’s a liar with a mask  
And every time that you ask  
She replies, “I’m okay,  
Never one to complain”  
But every night can’t close her eyes  
Collapsing over all her lies  
And every morning her cheeks are wet  
The salty sting of her regrets  
Can’t find the strength to voice her sickness  
Less she get in line with all the victims  
Countless times she stifles pain  
Her lifeless efforts go in vain  
Quiet tears pour from her eyes  
Each tear a voice to match her lies  
Tortured nightmare that she breathes  
In a world sick with disease  
For now she’ll wear her mask of lies  
Along with an unconvincing smile  
Postpone the callings of her heart  
One day soon, she will fall apart  

Written by nightbirdblue
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Dangerous Mind
United States 9awards
Joined 24th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 171


by Borderline
Personality Disorder
and confined
carving creations
out of darkness

specified dynamics
deviates intention
delineates compulsion

uncontrolled emotions
curling up inside
only folded

like little pieces
of paper
valiant in nature
but suppressed


I am the darkness

Written by nightbirdblue
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Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84




fill in the boxes with pen or pencil to mark your answers
over the last two weeks how often can you count your pain
its multiple choice, so easy for fuckups and romancers
we add it all up at the end and decide if you are needy or insane

little interest or pleasure in doing things number one
or are you feeling far too down, depressed and hopeless to tick a box
insomniac, walking asleep half of all days, some times non
ticking energy levels like a 16 bit hero 0 1 2 3 cheat unlocks

nearly every day a poor appetite and then overeating
more than half the days paranoid like an NHS conspiracy
ticking boxes in an exam fuckup, constantly repeating
total score plus plus plus equals question B


if you have been bothered by any problems listed above
please answer how difficult is it in your social interactions
one of four boxes ticked, so when push comes to shove
we can prescribe our latest meds and social interventions

we can give you pills today with no guarantees
your high blood pressure may make you collateral %
long wait on CBT and psychodynamic talking therapies
please just pause your self destruct, its something we can prevent (?)

distract yourself by ticking boxes, pop plastic bubbles
this format not repackaged under cold utilitarian stares
just accept each box that gets ticked will alleviate your troubles
PHQ-9 foremost checklist that quantifies who is well or truly despairs
Written by composedWITHrazors (Blade Artist)
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poet Anonymous

poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

The diagnosis
is not good
when the patient
refuses to see
that the fear
of what
Other people Say
if they let
Their mind
Run free
to all the Possibilities
to all
what could be
if the patient
opens their mind
and makes their eyes
the medicine
that they need
to show the herd
there is no fear
when you are Free
to Think
the thoughts
to form
the words
to gather a group
to Demand the Things
that Should be

Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 20th Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 46

The Enemy

The Chill
Seems to be ever consuming at times
Enemy of the cold nights
Tranquil in the silence
But the sun sometimes swallows me too
I wasn’t running
I didn’t know I should have been
I wasn’t running

And sometimes you’re like a rubix cube
And I am just like anything else that dances in the wind
I’ve started holding onto things again
The things I’m in fact trying to throw somewhere else;

Do you ever wonder
What it would have been like
If we weren’t so sure
If we met any later would we have grown together?

I see you in my dreams the way I used to before we met
And it is almost more real than seeing you in person
Delusions on overdrive
How foolish of me
What we didn’t know didn’t hurt us;

Sometimes the enemy is sly
It tiptoes so beautifully on the leaves and sticks and acorns
The sounds almost blend into the trees
And I close my eyes
And it closes its eyes
And the sound is gone
I have lost to the way the river looks back at me
I am ashamed
But not enough
Maybe nothing will ever be enough
Looming colors
I must learn so much

And there is so much to say to you
Yet when I finally look at you all I can muster are tears
And I will never be good for you
The way I want to be
I don’t know if anyone will

I want to be gone again

Written by usernames_r_lame
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1875

Imaginary Lovers

Of all the imaginary lovers and scenarios he ever had
No matter how good or bad, he always came back to her
She had the perfect form that wouldn’t change or age with time
But something had gone awry somewhere along the way
That day he thought he was beginning to lose his mind
When physical signs and evidence started manifesting

Although he tried to abstain from her, he couldn’t contain it
He couldn’t restrain his need and yearning for the prohibited
He exhibited quiet and normal behavior but with false pretenses
As his senses schemed more elaborate sets and arrangements
He was always patiently looking to indulge in his urges and whims

But in the mornings when he woke up, she was always gone
He felt withdrawn but excited she left hints and clues behind
All kinds of things, casual things random things, were moved
And the aroma of her perfume seemed to stay in the room
Until she would come to him in his dream the next night

She seemed like an apparition, always timely and punctual
Their intellectual conversation always started very innocent
She was very diligent with every word that poured from her lips
Like a lullaby, he thought, that seemed to turned into seduction 
But somewhere in the function, in the midst of their dialogue
A mist, a fog, a haze would come over and infiltrate his mind
There were times he thought she was some kind of enchantress
Dressed in white like a deviant angel that came to ease him

But it was one specific night when his fantasy had gone bizarre
As far as wanting to strangle her in the midst of her climax
Not to kill her but so as to enhance her orgasm even more
And to his horror when he finally woke up the next morning
His face had been bandaged up
She left scratches all over his face

She didn’t come back to him after that particular night
No matter how hard he tried to close his eyes and see her
He couldn’t
But it was about six months later
When the treatments had taken effect
He became lucid for a day

Then he remembered…
How every night at the same hour she came into his room
To pick up his dinner tray then sat at the edge of his bed
How sometimes they’d chat as she administered his meds
How somewhere between the drugs taking their effect
And she cleaned his room, he dozed off into his illusions
How that night he remembered the look of terror in her face
How she screamed, loud enough for the entire ward to hear
How the male nurses strapped him in as he smiled ear to ear

He looked at his reflection in the window and saw a much older man
Not the youth he thought he was, or is or used to be
But it seemed that time and imagination had slipped away from him

Blade Artist
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 6awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 84

Thanks to everyone who got involved. Every write was honest and brutal. Thanks for sharing and connecting over such a difficult subject. Takes guts to expose yourself this way.

You guys are cool as fuck.

peace, B

poet Anonymous

To come first against NightBirdBlue’s little piece of awesomeness was a real honour.

Thanks for this comp and giving mental health a bit of a voice.

Dangerous Mind
United States 9awards
Joined 24th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 171

Your work is beautiful Missy! I’m honored to be a runner-up on this comp. Everyone expressed some tenderness here, so to all- may you find peace within <3

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

My deep thanks to you, our host B, for giving all of us the opportunity when it comes to expression of what the poet and the reader both seek to find.


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