Poetry competition CLOSED 13th December 2024 2:48pm
RUNNER-UP: Anne-Ri999


A temple in my palms

Fire of Insight
Canada 7awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 89

Poetry Contest

Write me a poem about resilience. I want to be inspired by your strength.

New writes only
Length doesn’t matter (no novels though)
I will choose the winner after 3 weeks

Here’s an example:

“A temple in my palms”

I’ve ended it. I am no longer distracted by these sensations of upset. These reverberations watching the pain ripple west of my doorway, puddling ‘neath the dark words of melancholia. Resilience has risen a temple in my palms.    
This frown that is coercive no longer wilts my face.    
These tears that are unbidden evanescence into salt.    
I will slather whatever salve I can dip my fingers into  
to soothe this bruised body.    
I propel; flattening these wrinkles beneath my feet.  
My footsteps are priming a pathway before me.    
I tread with a heat that chars the cobblestone; chaperoning restoration as a tonic to be drank at each checkpoint. To reconnect the mind with the spirit. To shake loose the crust that binds the hardened layers of miscellaneous regret. Swept into a pile of debris to classify my verbs.  
We, resilient, are inclined to imprint wisdom upon sailors. To sail as the crow flies. Stream north and carve deep, even though some nights it is far too easy to circle back to linger in the ache.    
Under the moon, the glimmer of ire may feather our shoulders.    
Under the moon, the aroma of stagnancy may perfume our vigour.    
But the sun will rise to kiln the gloom that blackens our ivory— and polish our stone into gems.    
As if endeavour we’re a tome to be filled in by the sages. Only then would I allow the immersion of knowledge to prick my eye.

Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Nov 2024
Forum Posts: 3


Close your eyes
Forget the smoke
Breathe in fresh air
Girl tell me
How did we get there?

Rain dancing over your hood
Bricks scrape your back
Got your music on blast
They forgot your name
But your words are not mud

Your strength is gilded by blood
You’re seeking guidance in stars
But those stars explode
Believe me when I speak
It’s the beauty in the aftermath

That shapes your bones
Those stars are just one in a million
Destined to end
When there’s nothing left to grasp
When the day is frigid and opaque

Lean back and think
Cunning never got you so far
And empathy burned your gold to dust
You’ll know then that it is time
To pull that dagger out your back

Let intuition guide every blow
The bridges falling
Place pieces to the puzzle
And remember even silent dogs

The wind guides you softly for now
Slash your way through
But do not to stain the dust
Least the stones are jagged against your soul
When you reach the fountain

Bow before you dip your bowl
Heed your warning
Find God along your journey
And respect them
Thank the spirits that light your torch

And when you’re an old lady rocking on our porch
We will reunite
Gray hair but the same colour eyes
Together under the same moon at last
I’ll lean against the rail

And as we discuss youth
Our heart will swell
The phone finally rings
The sound a kind reminder
Our heart awaits the final journey

And as we set out
Crows call softly now
The horizon echoes with laughter
One last match is struck
However, no blade is drawn

Guided by the galaxy we find peace
And among love we rest
Written by RubysGhost
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Fire of Insight
Nigeria 4awards
Joined 12th Dec 2020
Forum Posts: 96

Pay Day

I pray let me just fall asleep
I beg, let me dream when I sleep  
The sun rises on top of my head and set on my feet
For pay day..

Am surely not too late
Am just roaming around the most strangest of a place
Holding in my both right and left palms an empty silver plate
I called this my fate  
My deeds I have to pay
Take this to be what I wanna lay
On pay day..
Walk around run around always looking sideways  
Even if I set my sight forward, I can clearly see both the sideways  
Lord show me the way  
I've started counting the rest of my days  
In paradise I beg save me a place..  
On pay day!  
Eh, eh!  
I got some big big dreams in my sleep  
I licked and tasted the sweetest creams in my dreams.. Of pay days..
Stopping me is highly unlikely..
Am blindly walking and talking brazenly
Seeking to be the most committed of men..  
Oh Amigo! This turns out to be the worst omen..  
Stand still all day long as the sun rises and set
See, am lonelier than loneliness for decades I live along with my pet..  
For many years at night, I won't sleep
On my knees, kneeling down until at dawn  
Feeling am the most committed of men
Believe I am not insane
It's just that I need to find my way
On pay day.  
I also witnessed the scariest things in my dreams..  
No cream applies to me can resuscitate  me or muffle my pain screams
A farewell!  
I pray let me just fall asleep
I beg, let me dream when I sleep  
The sun rises on top of my head and set on my feet
For pay day..

Written by Numer90 (Numer0-un0)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Strength Beyond Strength

I pray that…  
You discover your vigor and courage coming from within  
That resilience and heart carry you in their eternal wings  
That they give you the driving force in those darkest times  
And light will shine and steer you pulling at the heartstrings  
I pray that…  
You find solace in knowing you are worthy of love and respect  
That no matter how hard the punches have been you can still stand  
Even when the pain has been much to bear something is there  
And that the fighting spirit will be near giving you a guiding hand  
I pray that…  
You feel something in the deepest recesses of your mind and soul  
A strength beyond strength like you’ve never seen or felt before  
That the voice of enlightenment becomes a true insightful friend  
Giving you advice like a moral compass that gets you to a safe shore  
I pray that  
Your mind becomes a fortress of power and remarkable resiliency  
That no matter how harsh life may be, you have inner tranquility  
But most of all, I hope that no matter where you are you wlll find…  
A safe haven, where you have balance, wisdom, focus and stability  
That I pray
Written by wallyroo92
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poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Oliver Cocks
Lost Thinker
Joined 15th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 17

Tony's Horror

On the day of horror,
Tony was teaching at MIT.

“Can anyone tell me the answer?
No? How astonishing!

Will any of you ever do any work?”
Tony said to his first years

(well, tried not to shout-
they should have done it).

They gaped at him, mostly.

Some scowled.
A couple looked away.

“You don’t get a Fields Medal
from doing nothing.

If you want to achieve what I have,
you’ll need to work.

Not play online chess.
Looking at you, Tia.”

Tia frowned, closed her laptop.

Tony sighed, adjusted his
red and white bowtie.

Forty-five years.
He was forty-five years old.

Forty-five years devoted to
mastery of mathematics.

And this was his thanks?

He should have started
his own YouTube channel after all.

“If you want to grasp greatness,”
Tony continued, trying, mostly successfully,

to keep his voice even,
“you’ll need to sweat for it!

When I won the medal, well,
do you think it happened overnight?

No! Of course not.

No, it came after years of effort.
After building a life.

With a beautiful wife.
Two small children.

A nice house.
And a Fields Medal.

Don’t you all want that?

Don’t you want to tell
your children you tried?

That you did the work,
didn’t waste your brains on Tetris?”

More of the class were
frowning and scowling, now.

He hadn’t driven his point enough.

“I think that’s the problem
with your generation,” Tony sighed,

more loudly than he meant.
“You don’t know the value-”

A knock on the classroom door.

“Saved by the bell,” Tony muttered,
then wandered to the door.

The University Dean.
Who didn’t seem his usual.

Almost seemed… Sad.

Tony frowned.
Opened the door.

“Well?” he said.

“I have some bad news,”
the Dean said softly.

“About your wife.”

A few weeks after the accident,
Tony clasped Jemima’s hand

in the hospital.

“Honey, hold on,”
he whispered, softly,

maybe it was softly.

“Honey, keep fighting.
We need you too much.”

He spent his days at home.
Never working.

He just waited for news
from the hospital,

the news that Jemima
was back, even stronger.

He would sit in his office,
in his three-storey house.

Glance at the phone.
Not pick it up.

Open a book.
Usually, one on math theory.

Look at it.
Wonder what it was saying.

Glance at the phone.

beep beep beep

It had happened.
It had finally happened.

Had only been a matter of time.

Was a mercy.
In a way.

Tony stared at her green eyes.
Eyes that had always gleamed.

Up to now.

Three nights later, he sat with
his kids, Bessie, and Layla.

They ate dinner.
In theory.

More accurately,
they stared at it.

Finally, Bessie said:
“Do you think…”

Then stopped.
And gasped.

And started to softly sob.
And wept, and wept, and wept.

She wept in shudders.
Layla started too.

Without knowing he was,
Tony started to hug them.

And enclosed them in an embrace,
unlike any he would have before.

“I know, I know,” he murmured.

He would later be stunned
at how gentle his voice was.

“But there’s nothing we can do.
Now, we only have each other.”

And he began to weep, too.
Soft at first.

Then, like his children,
his two companion survivors,

long and shoulder-shattering.
Written by olliec (Oliver Cocks)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 11th Aug 2016
Forum Posts: 262

My American Tale

Income dipped then credit tripped over obstacles
Got bold in survival mode and learned to hurdle
I'm not Fievel but this reveals my American tale
The pursuit of higher levels has retail shops in HELL

Determined to prevail and excel by any means
A Soldier and lifelong learner staying on my dean
Fiend for knowledge, knowing the best college is life
Where the admission toll is toils of turmoil and strife

An institution rife with barrels & shovels deferring degrees
Instead of conferring,  it's offering nights on our knees
Praying Lord please help me to grind outta these binds
Refusing to allow anything to cause me to lose my mind
Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
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Thought Provoker
Palestine 2awards
Joined 24th Feb 2021
Forum Posts: 110

The Cruel Vessel

All aboard the steamer to the midnight sea
On waves of lightning we set sail
All baggage thrown over board
To make space for barrels of brandy and rum
Sanity runs through fingers like sand
Love awaits us on dry Land
Written by James_A_Knight
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359


Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

Tyrant of Words
United States 16awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 167

When the Day Arrives

 “My jaw shatters as I receive a right hook
Straight to the core I’m shaken and shook,
 “Legs wobbly as my knees become weak
As overdosed vertigo makes it hard to stay on my feet,

 “A knee to the ribs causes them to crack
Now I’m on my back, but that does not stop the attack,
 “Curb stomped as my face read his Timberland
Causing me to cuss the word ‘goddamn’,

 “Images flash through my mind of pieces of my past
Having me wonder how long this beat down will last,
 “Resistance and defense is fucking worthless
Because a unconscious motherfucka always fight less,

 “But before I pass out cold
My adversary has me in a choke hold,
 “A strong grip as I’m stripped
And penetrated without mercy with raw dick,

 “With each devastating push
My adversary gets pussy deep like medicated douche,
 “I’m not even female-let alone gay
Regardless I’m getting hardcore fucked every which way,

 “During the process my head is held low
Until I feel the hot embarrassing flow,
 “The violated action consume me with shame
As once again I’m the loser of the game,

 “Like a champ I refuse to give up the fight
But my adversary whoops ass day and fucking night,
 “Survival is my everyday hustle
That always comes up short in my everyday struggle,

 “My adversary consider it unconditional love
Without feeling with payment in pain and blood,
 “Because through my heart is always left a knife
While on my knees, looking up at my adversary known as LIFE".
Written by CasketSharpe
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Fire of Insight
Norway 7awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 283

Thank you EverAvalon for gracing me with a runner up placement and congrats Cloven!

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