Poem of 2024
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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You'll Know When You Get There
I've roamed the plains of sunny Spain,
I've felt the coldest Swedish rain,
I've been to Greece, come back again,
I've known Italian joys and pain.
In foreign climates everywhere,
I've walked the mountains, fields of green,
and all the places inbetween;
there's not a country I've not seen
and breathed in deep its different air;
but all those places just felt wrong,
the snow too cold, the sun too strong,
in foreign lands I don't belong,
I much prefer old England's song;
and so at last no more I'll roam,
no more around the world I'll play,
content at last, I'm here to stay
with drizzling rain and skies of grey.
I'm happy in my English home. 🏴
The wind was sighing softly through the trees
and sharing secrets with their rustling leaves
as, high above, the Moon with light so pale
began to listen as she told her tale,
and side by side they walked along their track,
forever moving forward looking back.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=va6nPu-1auE&pp=ygUNdmluZGFsb28gc29uZw%3D%3D 🏴
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
Highway and Crossroads
...how interesting your meanders were...
I thought he was my last sanctuary
but he wasn't
I would have sacrificed everything
but I found out too early
It wasn't meant to be
I was sad
but not surprised
I wrote all about my love
and with me his memory stays
within me his poetry lives
it was and is a promise to keep
My Heart his Soul ❤️
she smiles at her ethereal companion across the thoroughfare
the gazebo of dreams fading
the moon light dimmed
hidden by the clouds
she waves her hand
her face towards the blush of dawn....
...how interesting your meanders were...
I thought he was my last sanctuary
but he wasn't
I would have sacrificed everything
but I found out too early
It wasn't meant to be
I was sad
but not surprised
I wrote all about my love
and with me his memory stays
within me his poetry lives
it was and is a promise to keep
My Heart his Soul ❤️
she smiles at her ethereal companion across the thoroughfare
the gazebo of dreams fading
the moon light dimmed
hidden by the clouds
she waves her hand
her face towards the blush of dawn....
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2285

Moon Coda🌛: One For The Maiden 🙃
... and as we wind on down this rolling road
we walk awhile with those who share our way,
but then we find that those who with us strode
have sadly gone, one unexpected day,
and for a while our road's a lonely place,
our friend, companion, lover, left behind;
we long and yearn to see again their face
beside us, we lament this Life unkind.
But ever onwards on our road we go,
we have to walk our fated only track;
we have to keep our eyes ahead, we know,
we can't persist in looking only back.
For who can tell what's coming round that bend?
Keep looking forward till your road should end.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

Flower by the Sea
a lone flower blooms by the sea
head up for the blush of dawn
basking in the gentle warmth
a first day light as in first morn
it stands brave and straight
for the sun's blessed warmth
and the moon's yellow cast
breeze coaxed longing whispers

Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

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Moon Dreams 🌛
Our boy in deepest gloom sits by the track,
the forest trees around him bow their leaves;
the starlight palely shows them mourning black,
as lonely wind among their branches grieves:
'She's gone. She's gone,' it moans and sadly sighs,
'She's left you broken-hearted in the night.
You'll never see again her moonlit eyes,
you'll never see her moonlight twinkling bright.'
Our boy replies: 'Too good she was for me.
I knew that lovely girl would one day go.
Another heart has hers, regretfully,
but never I'll forget her, that I know.'
Now, every time he gazes into space,
reflected in the Moon he sees her face. 🙃
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
...awesome song
her horizon is vast and seamless
sea holding up the skies
woven colourful threads tapestry
of her years and her story
the treetops washed with orange
the setting sun over the mountains
lend the surreal to real nature
and she smiles hugging her memories
...awesome song
her horizon is vast and seamless
sea holding up the skies
woven colourful threads tapestry
of her years and her story
the treetops washed with orange
the setting sun over the mountains
lend the surreal to real nature
and she smiles hugging her memories

Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2285

The Battle Of Life, Or Another Bloody Monday
Our boy's in the ring and he's boxing away
against an opponent, ferocious today,
who goes by the name of This Everyday Life,
who goes for your goolies, with jabs like a knife;
and right from the bell our poor lad's in trouble,
a hook to the guts soon has him bent double,
then one on the nose, his red blood is spurting
all over his face, and our boy is hurting
as Life with an uppercut, right on the chin,
gets banging away, with a hideous grin,
and our boy collapses and lies in a heap,
the referee's counting, for our boy's asleep,
but rising at nine and just beating that count
he staggers around then his problems just mount
as trapped in the corner and taking the blows
with blood pouring out of his poor battered nose
and eyes that are swollen through which he can't see
the punches and blows, landing so terribly,
hard Life with a flurry then batters his head ... some days it's just better to stay snug in bed. 🛏️
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
...sad what life and living can do to us
the vase of roses on pristine tablecloth
fresh yet just cut from it branch
brilliant red beauty sentenced to death
by misplaced love and adoration
to be beheaded for beauty
crushed for fragrance
dessicated into potpourri
in the name of admiration
and Love
...sad what life and living can do to us
the vase of roses on pristine tablecloth
fresh yet just cut from it branch
brilliant red beauty sentenced to death
by misplaced love and adoration
to be beheaded for beauty
crushed for fragrance
dessicated into potpourri
in the name of admiration
and Love
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2285

It's Tea For Me!
I wrap my hands around that warming cup
and slowly sip the brew restoring life,
that never-failing welcome pick-me-up,
that antidote to daily stress and strife.
No matter what the day may throw at me,
those slings and hurtful arrows great or small,
I find that once I've had my cup of tea
their painful stings affect me not at all.
But should disaster strike, my caddy bare
and not I have my faithful friend to hand,
I'm full, indeed, of every woe and care –
those slings and arrows I can not withstand!
So when my life is going on the blink.
I have to have my lovely tea to drink.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
Pain sharply exquisite
falling on the ground
tangled legs on creepers
growing around the drain
silly cat had to be chased
off a bush surrounded by rubbish
where a snake might languish
on such a humid hot day
Bed was my companion for the day
headache and pain the constant
lullaby as I tried to sleep
off the pain with ibuprofen
Pain sharply exquisite
falling on the ground
tangled legs on creepers
growing around the drain
silly cat had to be chased
off a bush surrounded by rubbish
where a snake might languish
on such a humid hot day
Bed was my companion for the day
headache and pain the constant
lullaby as I tried to sleep
off the pain with ibuprofen
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2285

Rolling It 🌛
Our boy is looking at the Moon tonight
and thinking that, just like a giant pill,
he'll roll it now to her, to put her right,
to make her better, stop her feeling ill.
And then he tries, and, like a shooting star,
he makes a mighty spring to heaven's sky,
to reach that shining Moon so distant, far –
but fails, of course, collapses with a sigh.
And so, instead, because our boy knows care,
because there's nothing else that he can do,
he sends this verse of white and blue to her
to show that his concern for her is true.
From where he dreams, he gazes at the Moon
and hopes our Poem's Girl is better soon. 🙃
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 2285
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2285

The deer is wandering in the trees
in early morning sun.
Too late he scents upon the breeze
the hunter with his gun.
Forum Posts: 17128
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128
Hearing Things
eerie noises in the night
a chirping and keening
sounds like a plane in flight
almost like bees crying
the pain went to my head
a massage relaxed for a while
but a couple of hours it went bad
it woke up a cacophony of sound

eerie noises in the night
a chirping and keening
sounds like a plane in flight
almost like bees crying
the pain went to my head
a massage relaxed for a while
but a couple of hours it went bad
it woke up a cacophony of sound