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So, how are we all?

Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

Enjoying the Arctic summer… polar bears… walruses… tons of seabirds…

Daniel Long
Thought Provoker
United States 10awards
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 183

Nice where are ya in the world??

Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

gothicsurrealism said:Nice where are ya in the world??

Spitsbergen Norway…

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16198

SonderNinja said:Not one to overly complain but it was hotter than a hellhound's ass today. Especially when ya got to work out in the shit. Let's just skip to Fall and put the goddamn football back on the TV already. Like Berryman says in song 77:

Henry likes Fall.
Hé would be prepared to líve in a world of Fáll
for ever, impenitent Henry.
But the snows and summers grieve & dream;

Hope all you poets are well and enjoying the beginning of what appears to be another savage summer. Stay hydrated and don't these high temps lay you low!

I have a novella's worth of cat drama going on. I intended to regale everyone with all the twists and turns and threads but right now it's a perfect cocktail of not knowing where to start and overall laziness at getting my thoughts organized enough to relate and make sense. It's all very sad & entertaining and riddled with synchronicities. Seriously, enough with the fkn synchronicities already. Anyway, before I get sidetracked again....I rescued some more ferals, a mother and three kittens. I found a home for the kittens and adopted the mother. And she's not entirely civilized.

Burning some more annual time before the end of June, so I'll be creeping about the DUP some this week. See you around. Stay cool!  


Summer: "I'm here, BITCHES!"

( Been wondering about your cat drama. . . )

EDIT: I'll just edit this since no one's responded: BLOODY HELL! This heat/humidity is suffocating! I let my cat out and she only stayed about 5 minutes then came back in! HELL to NO! she said! LOL! I've been watering morning and night. It's crazy!

Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

Ahavati said:


Summer: "I'm here, BITCHES!"

( Been wondering about your cat drama. . . )

EDIT: I'll just edit this since no one's responded: BLOODY HELL! This heat/humidity is suffocating! I let my cat out and she only stayed about 5 minutes then came back in! HELL to NO! she said! LOL! I've been watering morning and night. It's crazy!

I loooooovvvvveeeee it. I’m an actual reptile.

The cold and I are not friends. I have seen snow once. (A friend’s funeral).

I don’t feel alive unless the sun is out. I live for the days the back of my neck is damp and the sweat trickles between my boobs on the way to the car. I love the whoosh of convection-style heat when I exit an air conditioned place.

I love that it’s light at 9 pm. I love that it’s hot enough to burn in 10 minutes and everything smells like cocoa butter and freedom

Mmmmmmm. Sun.

Spent yesterday and today day-drinking at a pool.

I’m at the age I have to decide if I want dermaplaning and Botox or if I want dark skin and slow nights and tan lines.

Tan lines feel pretty nice with a smutty book and a seltzer.

Life is good.

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16198

Gurl, I remember those days! I was a fish ( water baby ). No one ever taught me to swim, it's like I had a natural propensity and became a lifeguard at 16. I considered moving to the beach at 18. One of my father's military buddies had a nice little house ( tiny house by today's standards ) on his property I could've lived in for free - but I am too afraid of dark water to ever lifeguard at the beach.

I used to worship the sun! NOTHING like a COLD ASS Corona w/a dash of salt and wedge of lime! I had my worst asthma flareup in my late 40's and it took years to get it under control. After that, I could never really breathe in the humidity when it hit a certain point. I still go outside to feel the heat on these old bones, but only for brief amounts of time.

Tan lines all the way! Coca butter and freedom!

Are you too young to remember baby oil and iodine?! We must've been fucking crazy! LOL!

Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

Last full day in the arctic… tomorrow flying back to Paris… then an overnight in Paris before returning to 98 degrees F…

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16198

It's been four days since the first day of summer and the heat wave has already killed the grass. What is normally a beautiful time of the year with green grass from spring rains and flowers, is bizarre paradox of brown grass against lush and beautifully blooming flowers.

Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

Sad my arctic adventure ends today… made some new friends… did a poetry reading… now have down them at both extreme ends of the world…

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16198

. . .

Tyrant of Words
United States 75awards
Joined 22nd July 2017
Forum Posts: 117

First one in the Air France lounge… last chance for croissants… et cafe au lait… long flight back to Atlanta… lots of memories and poetry prompts…

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 22nd May 2022
Forum Posts: 157

I learned from the people at the park that on the night of May 2, my tux cat Buddy had been hit by a car near the park's entrance and I was too late at retrieving the remains. Here is a photo of when I found Buddy, circa February 2020, in the public dumpster where I work (at the landfill). I suppose someone dumped him in there on a Saturday and he was stuck with a pack of raccoons for the rest of the weekend. This photo was taken literally seconds after I first saw him. I couldn't take him home right away, he was small but still very wild (and capable of breaking skin with bite or claw). In the photo, you can see Buddy sitting on the floor of the bin by a white bucket, just beyond the raccoon climbing on the plank in the bin. He was sitting on top of one of the raccoons when I first looked in there, but I didn't get a chance to take a photo of that. It took about 2 weeks, but I eventually caught him and took him home, where he was one of my closest pals for 4 years until the unfortunate incident this past May.

I tried to get the body from the people at the park, but they had already disposed of him, and this park disposes of their trash through the county, so that means he ended up going to .... yep, back to the landfill where I found him! Just another synchronicity. He's buried somewhere out there in our new landfill cell, and I see it nearly every day. It all feels like fate (amor fati) and yet deep inside it still makes me angry. Not as angry as I was before, but the anger is still there, and I'm still dealing with it. Like I'm accepting the fate but still kinda pissed about it. When Buddy had been gone for about a fortnight, I noticed all the birds in my yard chirping louder and happier and with more frequency than before. It's like they were relieved to be out from under the constant threat of Buddy's iron paw (he was the best hunter of all my cats) and I felt a surge of anger toward the birds, and absurdly thought of how if my Buddy was still here, they'd all be too afraid to so boldly draw attention to themselves! Swiftly, I talked myself down from that ledge. Cursing nature's happiness, however it was achieved, is the realm of ingrates and possibly, the genesis of supervillainy. It's important we don't let our grief take us to these dark places! At least not for too long. The month of May 2024 was a very cruel month indeed. Still looking for a light in the tunnel, wary of oncoming trains, of course lol. The gods speak to me sometimes, and, in spite of my griping and grumbling back at THEM, they keep on saying shit to me.

I finally got my latest rescue spayed yesterday, so I've got another feral in recovery right now (like Buddy, she is also an abandoned feral from the landfill, a Birman/lynx point mix named Gigi). It's too bad they never got to meet. Gigi is an expert hunter. And the mother of my other boy cat, Billy. That's another long and synchronicity-filled tale.

Hope everyone here is doing great and keep the poems and contests coming! And thanks for letting me vent!!

Tyrant of Words
United States 121awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16198

God bless you for what you do for animals, SN. A society is judged by such, and I am afraid ours would fail miserably with the exception some really good people such as yourself.

I've finally turned a corner post-op! Pain meds make me deathly sick, so it was four days of alternating between ibuprofen 800 and Tylenol 1000 every four hours for the pain on top of no decent sleep. Good times! But I'm turning a corner now.

Thanks to all who reached out to wish me well and send good juju! xo

Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

Ahavati said:God bless you for what you do for animals, SN. A society is judged by such, and I am afraid ours would fail miserably with the exception some really good people such as yourself.

I've finally turned a corner post-op! Pain meds make me deathly sick, so it was four days of alternating between ibuprofen 800 and Tylenol 1000 every four hours for the pain on top of no decent sleep. Good times! But I'm turning a corner now.

Thanks to all who reached out to wish me well and send good juju! xo

Go you! I’m so happy you’re recovering!

I came home. Saw my  therapist. Left home.

I’m on my annual beach week with my favorite babes and ballsacks. Life is so fucking beautiful when I get out of my head and look around.

(Being a grad student means that I’m an indentured servant for the university’s research team… but ah, to be this free in the summer. Totally worth the vow of poverty I took when I sold them my soul.)

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