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Poetry competition CLOSED 30th June 2024 11:50pm
dimpy (dimpsmoon)
View Profile Poems by dimpy
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and toniscales



Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 96

Poetry Contest

Write a poem telling me what is behind the door.
I have a key.
It goes in a lock.
I pushed it in.
it did pop.

I took a breath.
Said a prayer.
Once it was open,
Guess what's in there?

Have fun with this. Make me visualize what is behind the door.
(All can enter. Every category)
Good Luck

Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 22nd Jan 2024
Forum Posts: 55

A Hapless Occurence

Who is that knocking at my window
Not real sure
Please don't come in
You can use the front door

Your unappealing
A threat to me
Please don't come near
Let's have a cup of tea

Stay away
How many more times
Please don't come around
Hating you is such a crime

Don't threaten my life
Put away the gun
Please don't approach me
You & I always had such fun

You fatally shot me
Down to one more breath
Please come closer
I'll avoid you through death

Written by Vision_of_insanity
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 88awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5621

The Prairie Son

He strides 'neath billows
of storm clouds 'a comin'
winds 'a stirrin'
grass blades burnin'
waist-high in summer heat.

He stops
takes in the scent
of Earth
of dirt
from which he came
'a twistin' out from below
one day.

Faint smile
plays on his lips
key to the door
'a janglin' at his hip

A wagon in the distance
comes 'a rollin' on
like the others did
before they left the road

He feels his thoughts
'a risin'
swelling, growin'
what this one will hold

So beautiful....
white wagon canvas
sailing it's last
on prairie waves.

He will put them
in the room
behind the door
with all the rest--
lifeless eyes 'a starin'

He touches the key
the Prairie Son's 'a comin'....
Written by MadameLavender
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Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 96

Thank you for entering Vision_of_Insanity and MadameLavender.

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 431

The Key

(For Fia Naturie's Keys Competition)

I walked into the attic room.
The black door stood
with seemingly nothing

behind it.
I felt inside my pocket
for the key I instinctively knew

would be there.
It felt warm and electric
in my pocket.

I fit the key into the lock,
and held my breath,
opening the door.

Inside was me.
But a completely different me.
I was thin and beautiful.

I could walk
without the help
of a walker.

I was normal.
I didn't have bipolar depression
and I didn't feel

sad or lost
or chronically empty and lonely

I had a gorgeous husband
who doted on my every word
and a job I loved.

I wanted to step further inside the door
and lose myself to that unknown paradise
but at that exact instant,

I heard my daughter
moaning from the living room.
“Mama, it's time. Your grandbaby

is coming.”
And I heard my angry son-in-law
barking how if I didn't hurry up

I would make them late.
I stepped back from the door,
closed and locked it.

And I went back downstairs,
knowing as I did
the door would vanish forever.
Written by toniscales (Lost Girl)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 442

But I Heard...

I heard creaking on the floor-boards    
as if a ghost passed through my room,    
and sensed the musty old sash-cords    
and heard the cuckoo's two-tone tune.    
Beyond the city's constant boom    
far back to some forgotten past    
that exists in the mind of this loon    
I heard slick-click, of an iron door-latch,    
Then, breezes shushered in the mown meadow      
and the sound of unknown song birds,  
the scent of cut grass made me mellow      
by that peaceful past, long unheard,    
and memories of lowing herds    
this clattering of arriving milk,    
the whole ensemble, resonant of cellos,    
so smoothly cool as ancient silk...    
But they surrounded my land with city sound    
they bounce it off concrete,    
they've made it reverberate and bound    
as the tore up my peaceful street,    
nigh near made hell on earth complete      
as upwards concrete units soar,    
but I heard the creaking of floor-boards    
so I guess, death, yeah, will seem a treat?
Written by Rew
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Fia Naturie
Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 24th Mar 2024
Forum Posts: 96

Thank you toniscales and Rew for entering the competition.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 146

The Man Behind the Door

 “I’m the man behind the door-that’s fucking his bitch
I’m the man behind the door-feeding her this long dick,
 “While I Dutch windmill in her cat
She’s scratching up my back,

 “The more he cuss outside in the hall
Is in rhythm with the bed hitting the wall,
 “He hears her passionately thanking God
While he’s twisting and shaking the doorknob,

 “I whisper ‘tell him to go away’
She repeats and he cries ‘don’t do this to me bae’,
 “Also saying ‘baby your hurting my heart’
Her reply is ‘I’m cuming’ followed by a loud pussy fart,
 “This set his bitch-ass off
With him threatening an ass-whooping we just bought,
 “His threats increases my sexual drive
As I smash the pussy harder and look in her eyes,

 “Down her cheek rides a lonely tear
Because me stop fucking is the only thing she fear,
 “One hand on my hip so I won’t pull out
The other on my head, penetrating her tongue in my mouth,

 “The connection muffles the moaning sound trying to escape her lung
As I fill her deep with exploding cum,
 “Now in a different position on the floor
Ass up while her head is at the bottom of the door,
 “Moaning and whining mix with the hallway light
We hear him tearing up shit left and motherfuckin right,
 “Now she’s begging for me to fuck her in the ass
Making sure he heard I’m the best dick she ever had,

 “Twenty minutes later shit and cum is a combo thing
As she toss under the door the pastor’s wedding ring,
 “Now she’s on her knees sucking me clean
Getting hit by hollowpoint shells as my 9mm starts to sing”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16403

The Key

the key into the depth of her soul
where the shadows of the past exist
the shadows dance with eerie music
the padded room had slashed walls
they peek in with curiosity  
they want so much to touch
and prod and poke
does she exists beyond the ethereal
the key is hidden away in her mind
a word spoken a soft touch
there is flickering hope in the abyss
there demons dwell dancing with her mind  
the key is stuck within
words like thorns  embedded
in wounds oozing pus
the key is called Compassion
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 77

Do Any Of You Want To Join Us?

went to
my best friend's
place to surprise
him on his birthday
and opened the front door
to see him naked and with
some chick riding his dude piston
before she smiled at us and asked "Do
any of you want to strip and join us?"
Written by Green_Arrow
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Fire of Insight
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 362

Astarte's Door

a story, in verse  
My revered college went co-ed!  
This broke the patriarchy’s grip  
It filled the faculty with dread  
As women took professorships  
When Lady Ashtoreth took charge  
As president, headmistress, too  
She seized all power to discharge  
Old male professors from our school  
For that, she garnered our applause  
Like fools, we did not comprehend  
Our fates were linked to theirs because  
The new headmistress hates all men  
She founded a sorority-  
Astarte House, just down the street  
This pleased us boys enormously  
A Party House of girls in heat!  
But, our new classmates weren’t like that...  
These girls were beautiful, but mean  
Just like the Lady Ashtoreth  
Less Aphrodite, more Athene!  
This left us horny frat-boys vexed  
Astarte’s mysteries, we craved  
To mingle with the fairer sex  
Behind the door of their enclave  
Three randy lads first took a chance  
And brazenly approached the door  
Which opened wide to their advance  
We all assumed that they had scored!  
The rumor was they stayed all night  
But none of them would speak of it  
Refusing to confess delight  
We deemed those bastards hypocrites!  
I shadowed them next evening when  
Back to Astarte House they crept  
They entered and I followed them  
Cocksure in my pursuit of sex!  
The four of us were taken down  
Attacked by girls who stripped us bare  
Beaten, gagged, and tightly bound  
They dragged us down the basement stair  
I found a torture chamber there!  
Where I was shackled to a wall  
This unexpected kinky lair  
Was more I ever dreamt befall!  
A crack of whip and muffled scream  
Made me rethink if this be luck  
I couldn’t see from where I stood  
If what he got was worth a fuck  
I heard again, and then once more  
The sounds of savage sadist games  
Unseen, but I imagined gore  
And wondered if their groins were maimed  
Now ungagged, the threesome bawled  
In misery and wretchedness  
They begged for more! I was appalled  
Minds broken by abuse and sex!  
Before my eyes now stepped the one  
Who worked my comrades to a froth  
She moved in self-assured aplomb  
It was the Lady Ashtoreth!  
The dominatrix, fully nude  
With whip in hand, was beautiful  
She stood before her evil brood  
Of nude, sadistic college girls!  
She said, “A new one,” as she slithered  
Up against my body, warm  
And teased my cock until it quivered  
Erect and eager for her charms  
She smiled and slugged me in the mouth  
Which banged my head against the wall  
Then knelt, for targets farther south  
And seized me by my cock and balls!  
“The punch was payback for you, sir  
You crashed our party—that’s the cost.”  
My stunned mind couldn’t answer her  
Except to spit the tooth I lost  
Her iron grip was like a vice  
She stretched my sac for all to see  
“Someday soon, in sacrifice  
You will offer these to me.”  
Then rapidly, with fingers taut  
She slapped the manhood in her grip  
To bucking thighs and screams distraught  
A masturbation torture-trip!  
Wracked with pain by practiced claws  
Yet, bliss intense unreconciled  
I shamed myself and shot my wad  
Embarrassed, disgraced, and defiled  
She chose three girls, my pain to nurture—  
Working their apprenticeship  
“Repeat his masturbation torture,  
Get him ready for the whip!”  
My cock in blissful torture burned  
Throughout the night, to jerks and slaps  
With each girl taking several turns  
To pinch and squeeze my scrotal sac  
Some hours later, bruised and wracked  
With prostate burning dry and sore  
They kept on pawing at my sac  
And yanking cock from out its core  
Ashtoreth returned, and quipped,  
“Your will is broken, now you’re primed  
To join the rest and taste the whip  
We’ll train your cock and break your mind!”  
They took me down from off the wall  
Where I had been so harshly groped  
My arms and legs were forced to sprawl  
And tightly bound with satin ropes  
Then she seized my battered glans  
And jabbed a spike down through the tip  
Completely piercing through it, and  
With pliers, clamped a ring through it!  
By now, too weak to even scream  
Exposed before their hate-filled eyes  
I grunted as my ass was reamed  
And, by a broom-stick, sodomized!  
Into another room we went  
Between two pillars, I was tied  
With dread, I guessed their ill-intent  
With arms stretched out and legs spread wide  
Here, I found the other three  
Bound-up and stretched-out, just like me  
We all could clearly see and hear  
Each others’ cries, ignoble tears  
I stood and faced a retinue  
Of naked, domineering chicks  
All armed with whips, and strap-ons too  
To break my mind and train my dick!  
Headmistress cracked her whip at me  
A bolt of thunder, barely missed  
With new-found strength, I screamed and screamed  
And in my terror, pissed and pissed!  
She stepped behind, and cracked her whip  
To paint a welt across my back  
And then her strap-on dildo ripped  
Apart my pale and helpless ass  
One of her girls then grabbed the ring  
That cruelly had pierced my dick  
And threaded through a piece of string  
To stretch it out for whips to lick  
Then, the wicked women whipped  
My penis, as my ego writhed  
And from my mind my mettle, stripped  
They laughed as my machismo died  
Headmistress said, “He’s now our bitch  
With flaccid dick, forevermore  
And never-ceasing horny itch  
Makes him our masochistic whore!”  
Just before the morning came  
They pushed us out Astarte’s door  
Naked, bruised, and sore ashamed  
Indeed, I was Astarte’s whore!  
The next few days were bad for me—  
Impotent, in agony  
A flaccid, horny, helpless state  
Impossible, myself to sate  
I saw the girl who yanked my ring  
And stretched my cock while it was whipped  
She teased me with a bit a string  
And jerking motion with her wrist  
The other guys there on the Quad  
Just laughed and asked her what was up  
My face turned red, I gave a nod  
She asked me if I’d like to fuck  
Wolf-calls and laughter from the guys  
As she continued jerking air  
A hard-on raged between my thighs  
Embarrassed more than I could bear!  
The craving made me realize  
My pride had died deep down inside  
And I was willing to reprise  
Submission most undignified  
Sheepishly, I answered, “Yes”  
She whispered, “Don’t be late tonight”  
As up against my crotch she pressed  
I creamed my shorts, from lust and fright!  
Submissive urges took control  
To get relief I sold my soul  
The only way I’d get aroused  
Was downstairs in Astarte House  
That evening found me at their door  
Among what must have been a score  
Of wretched blokes with broken dicks  
Drawn like addicts to their fix  
This time, they took me straight to whip  
Between the columns, stripped and checked  
The same girl seized my ring, and quipped  
“I’ll yank until you stay erect!”  
She kept her word and yanked so strong  
A searing pain shot through my crotch  
She leaned back, stretched it out so long  
I thought she’d rip my manhood off!  
Some seconds passed, her work complete  
My cock was hard and standing proud  
She took a whip and thrashed my meat  
My scream of pain was long and loud!  
Then she stopped and turned away  
Leaving me to weep and moan  
I begged her, asking her to stay  
“I cannot find relief alone!”  
She turned, and with an evil grin  
She seized my balls, and pulled and squeezed!  
She grabbed my dick and jerked again  
Then giggled while I choked down screams!  
This hand-job torture was far worse  
Than what I got the last time here  
I ‘jacked-off many times, of course  
No pleasure, only pain and fear  
Long after all my cum was spent  
And ‘jacking dry in burning pain  
The coup de grâce to my torment  
She wracked my manhood with a cane!  
Bruised and bandaged, to my shame  
I noticed I was not alone  
Many classmates looked the same  
A few of them had broken bones  
I tried to stop and stay away  
From House Astarte’s horror show  
But she would find me, tease foreplay  
And drown me in submission’s throes  
The girl had taken charge of me  
A dominatrix fully trained!  
Obsessed by fear and fantasy  
I didn’t even know her name  
Then, one night, a new disgrace  
She strapped me, face up, on a bench  
And pressed her pussy on my face  
To breathe, I had to please the wench!  
Licking ever faster, deeper  
Each mistake, she slapped my balls  
I did my best to please my keeper  
Tongue, a slave to pleasure’s cause  
This lesson mastered, mighty quick  
For when I licked her favored spots  
She deigned to gently kiss my dick  
And when I missed, she slapped my crotch  
One night she didn’t set me free  
But kept me in the dungeon, chained!  
Though thrilled to be her devotee  
I feared why I should be restrained  
Then, I was left alone to heal  
With food and water, nothing else  
Alone for several days, to feel  
My craving for submissive sex  
She appeared and teased my cock  
And whispered things that gave me chills  
Then she left me chained and locked  
Hot and horny, unfulfilled  
Once each night she played this game  
Torture worse than all before  
My craving became so inflamed  
I couldn’t take it any more  
Then, one night, she didn’t show  
My dominatrix bailed on me  
Alone, in darkness with my woe  
Craving what she does to me  
From out the dark, I heard a noise  
And waited there, with baited breath  
But, alas, my hope destroyed  
It was the Lady Ashtoreth!  
She cracked her whip, my bare ass burned!  
I screamed and strained against my chains  
Away from her, I tried to turn  
And hide what manhood that remained!  
She laughed and asked, “So now you’re shy?”  
Then cracked her whip. “Now face me, bitch!”  
I faced her, hands between my thighs  
Intimidated by that witch  
“Your dominatrix won’t return  
Unless you choose to be her slave—  
Her lessons you may choose to spurn  
Forever losing what you crave!”  
“My apprentice trained you well  
Observing all my protocols  
To her, you must now bid farewell...  
Or offer me your testicles!”  
Her price was steep, but so I paid  
And spread my legs before her knife  
To sacrifice upon her blade  
The source of all my horny strife!  
She seized by sac and stretched it out  
Convulsive fear! Unnerved, I pissed!  
She paused, and mocked me with a pout  
Then winked at me and flicked her wrist!  
She laughed, and held it to my eyes  
Between her finger and her thumb  
My severed scrotum, now her prize  
As she predicted I’d succumb!  
My dominatrix then appeared  
And claimed her slave, forevermore  
A state for which I volunteered—  
Her pussy-licking eunuch whore!  
Written by ReggiePoet (Reggie)
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Dangerous Mind
India 6awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 124


the empty darkness of the void was spread

something was fluttering between the pure black walls

a warm echo was heard

when its dry door was knocked,

a little moisture came out of it

a rough key was used

and the door broke

the abyss could not be more beautiful than this

the darkness was hanging on a rope

the free branches were swaying

the flies were flying with vanilla in their wings

the sensual horses were jumping and swimming

the two honey-colored pearls were intoxicating

the suspicious eyes burst with jealousy

A shining armor made an entry

Strength was gathered to welcome a different tomorrow

the shadow that created saltiness exploded

the virgin river attained perfection

it celebrated, rejecting the obstacles of the future

the silver waterfalls flowed freely

the rainbows of infinite beauty froze on the boobs

in some moments sadness was alternated

a constantly yearning happiness was nurtured

in some special moments of clarity trust, respect, adoration were given...
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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Thought Provoker
Canada 1awards
Joined 30th July 2014
Forum Posts: 18

Behind the Door

I'll tell you for sure
Spaces and floors
Waves and shores
where depraved implore
trips to stores,
nails, beds and bed bugs,
sun rays ignored,
what's behind the door?
Stale air and rust on swords,
millions spent on
silly fish to swim
with crooked fins
pointless play abhorred
behind the door,
what's behind the door
fortunes ignored,
oceans hardly explored
brain matter taking tours
all day
around thoughts vacant and short
but searching
what's behind the door?
Demons on fours
saints lost in their lore
stories rotten at core,
tripping over moments on which lives hinge
behind that door, suspicious
maybe one day inviting and filled with more
or at least I'm open to it
Written by ExercisingDemons
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