Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd June 2024 10:27am
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Headstone Epitaph

poet Anonymous


I’ve lived my life  
as living goes  
and this is what I know…  
That flowers wave  
to wind  
That branches bend  
and sometimes break  
beneath the weight of snow  
That love will come  
and go  
Forever has an end  
poet Anonymous

The Death of Poets

Is it any wonder how writers,  
even so young -  
their faces tight and bright with sun,  
their eyes agleam -  
how yet they still succumb  
to emptiness?  
Their faucets dripping dry;  
an empty sky,  
no air; nowhere to run,  
no thoughts to dream?  
Then, let the bullets fly.  
Let blades invade the vital stream.  
Let souls depart.  
And in ascension seem  
to find their heart
poet Anonymous

A dream of eternal rest

        I dream oF eternal rest  
Departure from skin
forever hinged .
    (In Darkness)
SurrOunded of satin
       And A Rectangle  
      of silence.
       of dirt  
and of stones
A pillow  
      for bones.
       A Dusting oF  
once was
A future of past
And a  
 the best
No worries  
No guess  
I dream of Eternal rest.
poet Anonymous

Thank you and Good Night

He rhymed like he was running out of time
Trying to leave something worth behind
To remember him by

With memories of love, kindness and empathy
And not just for this epitaph
Just know that
He lived to make others laugh

Thank you and Good Night

poet Anonymous


She closed her eyes and smiled for the last time
She lived a life she was meant to and put it to rhyme
Some of it went as plan
Some of it was a mystery out of her hand

When she held you, you knew love
You knew honest emotion
You knew her

She lived a life to make others smile
Even when hers faltered or was hidden from sight
She wants you to remember her for a while

When you feel the warmth of the sun
In a break in the storm
When all is unraveled, and your best intentions are undone
She is holding you to make you smile

That is her (a smile)
poet Anonymous

Opon a old gravestone

Where I lay, now rambling roses play  
Up Cyprus boughs on summer days  
Amongst autumn leaves and hedgehog trails  
White winter snow laden or sudden hail
To spring flowers nodding in warmer winds
I lie here in deep silence among my kin
Year upon year I will wait for you  
Till one day you'll lay in this garden too
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