Poetry competition CLOSED 16th February 2024 2:53pm
View Profile Poems by NANCY_RDZ_STORIES

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Courting A Butterfly

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 579

Poetry Contest

An Inspirational poem of butterfly in 10 lines or less. Non erotic and PLEASE, no AI.
Not for the competition.

Once a caterpillar now a musical chair    
chasing, dreaming, dallying a woo  
courting a butterfly dancing in the air  
in celebration of beauty and love    
listening, winging, singing in queue  
wearing the best obsidian wings  
of summertime's scented kisses  
in a frenzy inspiring more beaucoup

Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 264


A very common caterpillar
eating leaves non-stop.
She dreams of being a butterfly...

Could have been a butterpillar
or it could even be a caterfly...

Ends of the same Gordian knot.
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 579

Thank you for entering.

Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Butterflies in the Stomach

Metamorphoses and Metaphors
No matter whether yellow, black, or white,  
or any shade of tannish brown or red,  
true precious is each butterfly in sight,  
as snakes ingest yet hosts of wings new spread;  
though caterpillars green do nicely too --  
green simple to digest as well as poo.  
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 536

Kiss of Life

I was an egg before my birth
and blossomed to a breathing thing,
from crawling  start I hope to spring
a Monarch to rhyme with this earth.
But first my mind needs greater girth
as I slough off this chrysalis
of my short childhood that brief kiss
of learning, as the sun starts to dry
my verbal wings and I will eye
the sky and will my word, fly, like this...
Written by Rew
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 579

Thank you for entering.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Fortuitous Flutters

Of the wind
rushing, pulsing,
tumultuous cyclonic air
blows in across ancient sourced undercurrents

billowing a calamitous caress,
taut promises swirl amidst churning chaos

just. one. flap.

—a butterfly created destiny effects fortune

all in the blink

of a multicolored flutter

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 579

Thank you entering the comp.

Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 536

Hi blue

This 'The butterfly effect?'
can't find this one on your
pages so response here.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16805

My Butterfly

in the meadows beauty divine
a pretty butterfly fluttered by
her feelers touched define
who she wished to occupy

kisses each blooms she chose
land on every petals daintily
offered a charming sight up close
she kissed and embraced delightfully

Lovers of all unkind to none
spreads equally her pheromones
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 579

Thank you for entering the comp.

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2596

A Butterfly in Strings

The sound of the violin
is as if
a butterfly is flying
through the sky
All beautiful
in her own fabulousness
I can hear her now

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1843

Waiting on the Wings

Sometimes you have to wait for the right time        
For the right place        
And when the time comes   \        / we know it by heart        
Because  it  just  feels  right  \     / it just feels great        
A  butterfly  knows  exactly   toO   and by natural instinct        
When  it’s  time  to  transform (.) when it’s time to change        
The fantastic metamorphosis(…) is an awakening        
Of mind,  of body,  of spirit,   (….) and everything within        
Slowly taking shape and form \ / all the while waiting on the wings
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 842

Love of lepidoptera

 (1)as we two in sun or glade, affection
borne aloft, that floats perfecton(1)
I summon dryads from there woody nooks
 bare my pledges, that could never be forsook
sweet drops of nectar. dew in overdose
glorious abandonment, a rainbow flitting close
areobatics, traced upon my hopes agenda
sweet the overtures, reach antennas
metamorphisis, to chase and start again do you agree?(1)
 choregraph me, in another life, a lepidioptera escapee  
Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 579

THank you for entering.

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