Poetry competition CLOSED 29th December 2023 11:37am
View Profile Poems by CasketSharpe
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and PAR



Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

Poetry Contest

Write a text or poem inspired by the song

This is a very dear song to me that never tires me and is suitable for many stages in life. Its a song about death and dying, about transformation but also the journeys we humans make, there used to be those who sung people over in their transition. Who or what wil you sing over.

Note, Hel is not the equivalent of Hell, but the beginning of a transition to reach the afterlife. Perhaps even the true place\home of your soul.



English translation

Who will sing me
Into the death-sleep sling me
When I walk the road to Hel
And the tracks I tread
Are cold, so cold

I sought the songs
I sent the songs
When the deepest well
Offered drops so mighty
Of all father’s pledge

I know it all, Odin
Where you hid your eye

Early or in fading day
Still the raven knows it all
when you return

When you stand by the gate of Hel
And when you must tear loose
Follow you I shall
Across the bridge of Gjöll
With my song

You will be free from the bonds that bind you

[Håvamål - The High Ones' Speech, Poetic Edda]

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You yourself will also die
But the word about you will never die
If you win a good reputation

Cattle die, kinsmen die
You yourself will also die
I know one thing that never dies
The reputation of those who died


ONE per person
NEW works only
title your works
please be respectful
np profanities or extreme work
one month

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16879

Tears in Valhalla

In Valhalla, where warriors rest
waiting for divine command
stand again to fight in Ragnarok  
in the battle of the twilight of the gods
there a warrior weeps bitterly  
for in death he sees the face
of a lost love in ethereal grace
a maiden of his village pure
In Asgard's realm unearthly beauty reigns
where walls of gold adorn the walls  
and dreams like gossamer threads
reaches into the soul and sings  
of love lost and forgotten treasures  
within the core of a mortal coil
he fought with valour boldly in battles
to earn his place in the halls of the gods
within Asgard he weeps, his tears flow
for he will never know his love's embrace
in Valhalla's halls where heroes dwell
he longs for the smell of her hair  
the way she whispers his name
the baby boy born of their union
fate has torn them worlds apart,
leaving him a warrior with a broken heart
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 12th June 2013
Forum Posts: 156

Abaddon’s Extinction

 “In the hearts of madmen, pain and corruption has no meaning
The sounds of tortured souls is just irrelevant background screaming,
 “Across psychotic landscapes of silent oblivion
Causing mass suicides, because the weak is tired of livin,

 “Of a world long ago that has been forsaken
In which their miserable foolish lives is prepared to be taken,
 “Driving them insane with unwanted failed reflections
Separating them methodically in painful maze-like directions,

 “Reacting to an unseen dark and dangerous will
Forcing down the throat that tattered pill,
 “Without water, call the situation dry hope
Or pray silently for avoidance of the possible coming choke,

 “Either blistered or blackened they find themselves the prey
Outsiders, watching their good souls turn Gehenna gray,
 “That blurs the lines between black and white
Now there’re trying to understand, under a permanent twilight,

 “Bound and bled with impaled rusty spikes in the head
Semi-controlled in what is seen and what is said,
 “A true living specimen part of a lifelong test
With the final results, being eternal rest,

 “At that moment are they condemned?
Or once again under the control of another’s whim,
 “Playthings of fiends, with utter destruction in mind
Or God himself-forever on the tic-toc of his divine time,

 “Some consider heaven and hell a forced wasteland
Willing to sacrifice themselves in the pit of the annihilated damned,
 “To suffer the eternal eon on the plane of Abaddon
Under the eye of a soul-draining pale sun,

 “Falling from an eclipse-darkened sky
Because heaven and hell they truly choose to deny,
 “Along with brimstone paradises or streets paved of gold
To the welcoming gates of the extinction of the soul”.
Written by CasketSharpe
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Only yesterday

Looking back is easier than moving forward
when everything important is toward
the past, pointing like a sick joke
choking your lungs like acrid smoke.
Life cannot be lived in reverse,
alas, this is love's true curse
to know that the end will eventually come
and you can only play dumb,
pretending that your happy with the situation
knowing but not preventing devastation  
Yesterday's sunset and sunrise
were just your hopes and dreams in disguise
as you watch them come and go
never truly being able to know
which one you'll capture and which you won't,
which you do or do not really want.
Looking back to see how far you have walked
just to ignore the warning signs chalked
on the stoney thing you call a heart,
one small crack away from falling apart.
You cannot trudge this journey with your eyes
facing away from the ultimate prize,
only yesterday could you truly see
but now we march into eternity.
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2648

A Viking's Way

Carry my old bones home it's too cold now  
over time sail my weary soul    
Kinsmen of the Viking way  
sling me into Valhalla  
where our farthers lie  
A song shall see me there  
I will follow the drumming of your hearts into its gates  
Odin awaits this shiledmaiden of faith  
lying down sheath and shield  
Thunder strikes the earth    
a Vikings reward  
a watery end to our glory  
A hero's knowledge our bounty  
our bloodshed worth more than gold and siliver
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 270

The Road to Hel

I stand before the road to Hel
where Wotan sits on his high throne.
He stares at me with a piercing eye
and weighs my deeds and all my lies.
Knows my heart and all my thoughts,
sees my flaws and all my faults.

He judges me with stern decree
and tells me what my fate will be...
He says I have not lived with honor,
I have not served the gods with valor,
I have not kept my oaths and vows,
I have not earned his grace or brows.

He says I must enter the road to Hel
and suffer out there the worst of hells.
He says I have no hope or chance
to join him in the hall of slain.
He sends me down with one last look,
He closes the cover of my life's book.

He turns away and leaves me there
to face my darkness and despair.
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 843

Visiting my Nordic ancestry

Holding, the midnight sunsets rays
bestow on me a parting gift
deaths final curtain as portraid
leave a crack, through which to slip

How true the fireside stories told
as on the longboat, depart the shore
uncertain journey, stepping bold
towards the next, tommorows doors

When falls the winters crispest snow
hunt with giants, gallop wild
naked in the strange arora`s glow
painted fresh and death denied

Sreaming hair, I`m a wolf apace
transformed, bathed with springtime`s pride
valor engraved on my breastplate
hadies cheated and to Hel arrived

 Through the ending mists of life
my song it echoes back and forth
gone, the well of tears and strife
towards the bridge of Gjöll`s mort

Falling like the eagles dive
beyond the devils firey veil
leaping moonstruck, end unmortified
a warrior hero, restored, regailed

The brotherhood of battles gone
Vallhalla, return to Odins throne
the brave parade, a fighting throng
home, all citidels of ice and stone

Written by slipalong
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845


Everything must change  
Throughout this existence and into the next  
The conquest of time awaits  
For those who seek will find the birth of eternity  
Life is a transformation  
The gods insist we participate  
Mind and body give way to immortal spirit  
Triumphant of the lifespan on earth  
Across the river we will go  
Converting recollections of the past into songs  
With a winged victory we will traverse  
The universe  
And into the arms of forever  
The sorrows of yesterday  
Will be but a memory tomorrow  
For in the metamorphosis of the soul  
We shall become glorious  
Asgard awaits
Written by wallyroo92
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Thought Provoker
Norway 5awards
Joined 16th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 199

THANK you all fellow DU members who entered this competition.
I always like reading your works so much appreciated!
CONGRATS CASKET, I thought your poem kind of blended the old\olden\older ways and new ways concerning
any spiritual path\pagan path. Well scribed!
PAR and SLIP great images woven through your works!

Honorable mention

every one else :)

until a next competition
bright blessings


Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2648

congratuations to the winner and those who placed thank you Rianne 😊

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