Poetry competition CLOSED 17th November 2023 1:25pm

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Unnatural Nature

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 311

Poetry Contest

Man's impact on the world around us
Weather patterns are changing & climates are shifting. What used to be counted on as “seasonal” is now barely predictable. Share with us your thoughts on the impact humans have on Mother Nature. Good, bad or both.

*2 entries only
*3 weeks
*Old writes welcome
*No epic sagas please
*Post your poem & then link it here
*Please post comments to the writer’s personal page

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605

Travels in The Past

Here? Fields we rambled, played and picnicked on  
adjacent, there, the forcing rhubarb sheds,  
those black tar-papered sheds, those also gone,  
ground under concrete and forever dead.  
Here, can you imagine it, hedgerows grew,  
flourished even beside old dry-stone walls,  
beaten pathways on hard packed earth these flew  
between farmers fields where green crops grew tall.  
Nothing remains but imaged memories  
and these, alas, graved on my simple mind,  
all those crops, trees and country greenery  
lost to the progress of the human kind.  
Drive on this superhighway under which  
Lie farms, fields, picnic spots and cricket pitch.
Written by Rew
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 605

In Time To Come.

In time to come in northern lands
will folk speak of hardier man,
who braved the snow the frost the ice
enough to chill to paradise,

and, in praising those bygone men
in bringing home the goat, the hen,
wonder where this fabled weather went
from Iceland's streets or towns like Ghent,

pondering on this thing profound
with naked toe in soggy ground,
wander home their bedraggled way
through fields of rice, through steamy day...
Written by Rew
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


The flock of majestic birds
Flew in its usual V formation in the dark of night
In the distance the leader saw the light
Flew directly towards it

The flock ending up
Hitting the windows of the tallest building around
And crashing dead to the ground.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

A brave new world

The village had been built jigsaw pretty,  
cottages were white washed and thatched,  
they lined the lazy lanes and quiet roads,  
centered by a pagan cross  
daubed with yellow roses  
and vibrant climbers.  

I caught the cold air, the last  
to leave the pub, it bolted shut  
behind me. The light didn't bleed  
onto the night, stars crowded  
like snow flakes over my hands  
between my fingers, wrapped  
all around me, only me.  
Such stumbling quiet can only be heard  
by the drunk, I was inside its vacuum  
carried blind by beauty.  
A wrought iron bench was waiting,  
its arms welcomed me and curled intricate  
fingers over my shoulders.  
At first I could only sense movement
approaching  as timid as a shy duck
being enticed by bread.  
A rustle beneath a hedge,  
the earthenware scrape  
of a dragged plant pot.  
The night had begun to trust me  
its light came out from corner clouds  
watching roof tops fall on to gardens  
even shadowed doorways shifted  
in to grey-scale. That's when I heard  
the chatter, everything spoke in an old  
language, garden forks talked in rhyme  
as they turned over flower beds,  
plants self pruned and shifted positions  
whispering in a dialect of dark green.  
Every garden, the whole village was alive,  
fallen leaves where being raked, blades of grass  
snipped short, plants were discussing  
how they should arrange themselves.  
A discarded coke-can tapped on the side  
of a rubbish bin that snapped open  
to swallow.  
I tried to move for a closer look  
but the iron bench moved inside me,  
thin needles had entered my skin,  
energy surged  
across the connection.  
I could feel every movement,  
every part of the village,  
the cold brick of the cottages, the warmth  
of bodies as they slept in their beds,  
the padded footsteps of cats as the strutted  
the tops of garden walls.  
I began to panic, a body rejecting  
its donor heart, images flashed,  
my mind a flicker book, billions  
of people connected to the earth  
energy drawn from one to another.  
I could see the whole planet trying  
to heal itself, using the created world,  
man made object colliding, collaborating.  
I could see the whole plan  
as it mapped itself to my mind.  
I relaxed and allowed myself to go deeper,  
It was then I heard her voice.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Whispers from the megaphone

We all have talent  
and the audience must sit    
through so much of it,    
when a five-pound note    
rolls up to shine.    
We funnel words down cables    
hoping digital fish      
will swim across our table,    
Sealions clapping backwards    
for rewards.    
but what of fame,    
however it’s earned,    
we sleep with the same      
mask of reality    
and wake with the mistakes    
of our morning paper reviews.    
The talking cats have a billion hits    
as the janitor plays Bach    
in the shopping centre.      
The world looks on      
through theatre glasses    
and everyone’s a critic    
and we all crave our own five minutes,    
desperate to be in it,    
as the right hand goes into the liquidizer    
the left is still filming    
and the rest are just waiting      
to watch.    
So stand naked in your fields    
feel the ground beneath you,    
vomit the data bile    
in gushing screaming streams    
then kneel and fill your hands    
with hard earned earth    
and ask the forests for your forgiveness    
for they will be the guides    
and they alone will sustain us    
as the rest of the world dies    
in endings yet to be written.    
Written by Razzerleaf
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AnDre James
Thought Provoker
Jamaica 5awards
Joined 18th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 44

Nature: Serial Killer

In nature's grasp, a tale unfolds,
A story of a killer, untold,
For Mother Nature, fierce and wild,
Is both creator and destroyer, styled.

Her floods, like torrents of despair,
Engulf the land, beyond repair,
Innocence she drowns, without remorse,
A serial killer's deadly course.

The fires, her incendiary art,
Burning forests, tearing worlds apart,
Innocent creatures, homes ablaze,
In her inferno, she sets the stage.

Earthquakes rumble, a deadly dance,
The earth's core, a lethal lance,
With tremors strong and ruthless shakes,
Innocence, she ruthlessly forsakes.

The deserts vast, a barren land,
She spreads her lethal, shifting sands,
With thirst, she leads her victims on,
In her arid grip, all hope is gone.

Rivers wide, a deceptive smile,
As they twist and wind for miles,
Beneath their currents, secrets hide,
Innocence swept away with the tide.

Trees and vegetation, seemingly benign,
Yet in her grasp, they intertwine,
In poisonous beauty, they enthral,
Innocence, they silently appall.

Mother Nature, a serial killer, true,
With every element, a different hue,
She shapes, she maims, she takes, she gives,
In her grand design, all life she sieves.

But remember, in her chaos, she's the cure,
In the darkest times, she's the allure,
A balance delicate, a paradox of fate,
For in her hands, our world does create.
Written by Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
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Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082


life is dead      
decay births on a marble cake night      
flesh of truth falls, fracturing earth      
hyena sky watches and waits      
Written by seekingkate (kateA)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Global Warming Warning

Global Warming Warning
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Global Warming Warning 2

The east coast gets those devastating hurricanes
While the west coast goes into long drawn-out drought
I just saw a video of Canadians getting tornadoes
While climate change deniers are still spreading doubt

A U.S. Senator escapes the freezing temperature
While people suffered and died in the terrible cold
Whether it’s Fahrenheit or Celsius for the wealthiest
The weather is always fine in their palaces of gold

Now an unbearable heat is sweeping across the land
Diligent and responsible water conservation is a must
Why won’t dumbasses listen to experts and scientists
But they swallowed a lie and don’t know how to trust

Dig and drill for coal and oil? Sell your soul for spoils
Raping Mother Nature seems to fill some deep pockets
Take all that you desire, as forests and gulfs are on fire
And the richest? “I’m outta here in my private rocket”

We are only here but for a mere sec in the spec of all time
And need to heed the warnings if we don’t change our ways
Or else future societies will cry for us for not seeing the signs
Because she might take it back, she will take it back, some day
Written by wallyroo92
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

The Voice of Darkness

- The Voice of Darkness -

Part I – Fire and Crucifixion

You could not see the beauty within me, foolish maid,
So jealous were you of the outer beauty you beheld…
Mindless of my ancient soul, of which you were afraid!
Now you shall know why before me the ancients knelt.
It was I, who cast thousands of souls into a wall of fire,
When the volcanoes of Atlantis and other lands flared…
And it was I, who collected their souls in wrath so dire.
In vessels of steel we bore them, to where gods dared!
Were they not of us, and so we saw fit to punish them,
Instilling notions of a hell more awful than we wrought?
It was not I, but: their own sin that did thusly condemn.
You do not realize the mad power of a strong thought!
And in their minds, they crucified themselves so artful…
That the Romans remembered and perfected this way!
Man is the author of countless miseries, as truly awful…
As the doom we imposed, on those souls, on that day.
They could not pull out the nails from their wounding…
For it was their own will that thrust them into the flesh!
The green of their putrefaction, of ravens descending…
Was all in their imagination, and they suffered it afresh.

Part II – Darkness Incarnate

They became twisted wraiths, no longer as they were,
Seeking to possess the bodies of the living once again.
For they could not die, though they lived ne’er more…
And so like demons of a true hell they swiftly became!
Those sons of Theta, who could ne’er forget their fate,
Passing it on to their hosts who suffered so possessed.
Have you heard the legends when the hour grew late?
You hear them now, and soon you shall be distressed!
The flesh hides many secrets, but within mine do gaze,
Seeing with your inner eye the shape of my spirit bare.
In such an image was I remade as a captive in a daze!
But I remembered, and now you will endure my stare.
A dark lord, and lady, an emperor, and also empress,
Was I, ere my estate was to dwell in a human guise…
Fitting punishment for me, upon my soul did so press!
The gods were cruel but in their cunning so very wise.
But of their foolishness, worlds were charred to soot,
And made desolate, with blackened bones that lay…
Here a skull, there a limb, and even a hand, and foot!
As to them, the ancestors of man did kneel and pray.

Part III – Lover of Demons

Behold my darkness, I who loved Lilith by the water,
And made for her a throne of skulls to recline upon…
When the angels could not persuade, Hell’s daughter.
Even so, I moved her to joy beneath the ancient sun!
The blood of the wicked she drank, from my chalice,
And with it anointed the first vampires on this planet!
She and I shared, for early man, our common malice.
And with Lucifer we stood, and could ne’er regret…
For the fallen cannot know remorse for their natures,
Any more than humanity for their wars and pollution!
We, did not harm this Earth as do they; so immature,
That with destruction: they lie as if in dire prostitution.
And you call me evil, when I helped to bring the light,
To your savage ancestors before you were imagined.
Do you know my name, and so know well the night?
You cannot know me, for your reason is abandoned.
Mayhap you should dash your brains out your head…
Their jellied mass to lie: upon ebon altars of ineptness.
How can you call yourself living, you are of the dead!
For it is not living: to deny, what your senses confess.

Part IV – Bride of the Devil

It was I, who had my enemies impaled on tall stakes,
And was called the Son of the Dragon by the people.
Out of their vacant sockets writhed emerald snakes…
Those from whose mouths: was sharpness unequaled.
And into a chalice I squeezed out their wicked blood,
To offer up to Lilith, so that they might taste of wrath!
And for Lucifer, we offered up a truly crimson flood…
So that my sister may bathe: in the warm scarlet bath.
Do you fear the night, for in it I find my forgetfulness?
You would have me recall the things you most fear…
And so I shall be cruel in this, as I don a silken dress,
To sit upon my throne infernal, and beckon you near!
I, who knew the Devil when that queen ruled on high,
And was her lover, ere the gods brought on us a ruin.
Have a sip from my sanguine chalice, and come nigh!
For in my kingdom is room for one more child of sin.
There are worse things than fire, of immortal making,
And you will smell the burning brimstone you do seek.
Upon its’ coals your naked skin most willingly baking,
For some hells you make yourself to make you weak.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 13th Oct 2023
Forum Posts: 50

Is it well?

Only time can attest to the fact
of the moment we made the pact
to sell our future for profits,
idolizing machines like mechanical prophets
bringing forth a new and unholy reign
in their neverending glittery campaign.
Buy! Consume! Betray your integrity!
I need it now, my new age serendipity.
So ask yourself now, as we descend into hell
as your forget your humanity, is it well?
Was it worth the price of admission
to see your cancerous ego go into remission?
Tell I'm beautiful, lie to me o metal one
validate my existence my new sun!
Shine upon your humble servant as we
worship your very presence that causes to be
our jubilation and glory,
please O shiny god, rewrite our story!
Is it well?
Only time can tell...
Written by LongTubiFree (JustinSizemore)
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poet Anonymous

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