Poetry competition CLOSED 6th November 2023 3:09pm
Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
View Profile Poems by Dre_k47


Fatuous Imbeciles

Tyrant of Words
United States 5awards
Joined 15th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 574

Poetry Contest

A poem of nature.
A poem of nature of  20 lines or less, using the words, "fatuous Imbeciles," somewhere. Non-erotic, please.    

Where have all the poets gone  
for the girdled souls  
fatuous imbeciles wearing thongs  
nomads, no place to roam  
with no time to smell the fuchsia  
in nature's apothecary  
disguised as a tree without windows
fatuous imbeciles wearing thongs  
writing memoirs on a smartphone

Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Loose Pet Owners --

The Bowel Foul


Though I much prefer not to traduce
all the fatuous imbeciles loose,
from my yard full of shit,
I deduce yet each twit
owns a neighborly juice-loose caboose.

Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 263

Empty heads

I think it's truly incredible
that in the 21st century we will see
enough fatuous imbeciles
being stupid to the point of
telling a child such idiocy
that Blue is for Boys and
Pink is for Girls...

and who is Green for?
and Purple, Orange or
Still Black?

Let's be careful, very careful...
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AnDre James
Thought Provoker
Jamaica 5awards
Joined 18th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 42

Fatuous Imbeciles

It's openly plain to see,
A stage for fatuous imbeciles, oh what a decree,
They prance and preen, in the public domain,
Spewing out promises, often in vain.

Fatuous imbeciles, with their empty words,
Engaging in debates, as absurd as the birds,
They play with our trust, like a dangerous game,
In the name of power, and a thirst for acclaim.

With pettiness and posturing, they parade,
Fatuous imbeciles, in their masquerade,
Yet the people, they're watching, they're not fooled,
For true leadership and wisdom are highly valued.

In the political arena, we must demand,
More than fatuous imbeciles, we must understand,
The importance of vision, of values, and grace,
In shaping a future for the human race.

So let us rise above the empty facade,
Of fatuous imbeciles, let's not applaud,
But seek leaders with substance, integrity, and skill,
To guide our nations, with a purposeful will.

In this political landscape, let's choose wise,
For fatuous imbeciles' shallow guise,
Can only persist, if we allow,
So let us be vigilant, and our voices avow.

Fatuous imbeciles may come and may go,
But it's the people's wisdom that should always flow,
In shaping our politics, and the world we reside,
Together, we can turn the tide.
Written by Dre_k47 (AnDre James)
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Fatuous  imbeciles

There they are
A squabbling bunch of fatuous imbeciles
Squabbling while the country is on hold
And forgetting that they have been elected
To serve the people and defend the Constituiton
Not there to kneel  in front of their
MAGA god.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1843

Fatuous Imbeciles

…and while the sea levels keep rising
Fatuous imbeciles keep increasing the rich’s net worth
They fail to see the signs in the horizon
They don’t understand how we’re hurting Mother Earth

As long as industry keeps producing
They’re more interested with investor’s dividends
Because as long as they’re not losing
They fuck everyone else and don’t even pretend

But they forget Mother Earth is a savage
She doesn’t care if you’re old, young, rich or poor
She’ll swing with hurricanes and ravage
When her wrath leaves a path of destruction galore

We’re only but mere guests here on this planet
Let’s be more respectful and careful in how we tread
But the way we treat her, oh goddamn it
She’s gonna be mad and won’t stop until we’re dead

So if you know fatuous imbeciles hit ‘em up
Remind them Earth needs more protective legislature
And if they still ignore you fuck ‘em up
With punches to the gut on behalf of Mother Nature
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16794


Lights shine on her top button
snuggled against the deep cleavage
holding together the red blouse
decency desperate to assert control

tight black skirt riding up her thigh
hugging ample hips
and rounded bottom
perched on the bar stool

she is there night after night
as silent as a mannequin
downing her drinks straight
into her plumb red lips

her beautiful face, perfection
but look into her eyes
looks are all deception
for they are shadows of grief

her pantyhose has runs
her high heels are cracked
her mascara is smudged
the bar is her island

no one speaks to her
no one sees her
for she is a ghost
dusts of a memory

she waits
…for one long gone.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 535

Fatuous Imbeciles

If only the insane were in charge  
and not these fatuous imbeciles,  
like the one who said " it's the human heart    
not guns " as the nation again reels,  
to mass shootings, the NRA's death mask grins  
another imbecile states " mixed martial arts defends  
against these guns " as another till rings  
'no change ' to the murderous second amendment.  
The fatuous imbecilic response is, sell more guns,  
goaded by that terrorist group the NRA    
and cowardly imbecile politicians stunned  
by their cash can only stutter, " oh, dear god... " and  " let us pray..."
Written by Rew
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