Poetry competition CLOSED 6th October 2023 1:06am
Ahavati (Tams)
View Profile Poems by Ahavati
RUNNERS-UP: slipalong and Jordan

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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672


cult of one I am your reward
bleeding metaphors captive to your stare
you imprisoned me long ago
kept me locked from the world
broke me down

within my solitary I am your fascination
your greed for my sex is insatiable
but what you really want is for me to break

coming forth as innocence
my multiple personalities alternate in this cage
you reward my good behavior with glimpses of the outside
a sense of freedom if for but a moment

if I hide from you I am tortured
I seek to confine my mind but I can't stop the screaming
terrorized by your cold calculating nature
each cut in my psyche planned with efficiency  

you know I secret my deepest feelings
I won't let you have her
I have vowed your eyes are not allowed

I plummet towards the edge
another personality evolves this one fiercer than the last
I will be punished tonight for my insolence

my eyes close and she emerges
strangle the light
so I don't see
what awaits me

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17114

Thank you Crimsin for your entry

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 13

Living Among the Flames

Watching sparks fly, flames catch, and tempers flare.  
It is quite strange, when you are in the center of the inferno.  
Fumes fill the house, and your last breath is stolen from your lungs.  
Tears puddle on the floor as your begging goes unacknowledged.  
A fleeting decision is made as you make a desperate attempt to escape.  
Beams crumble in your path, and berate you for defying fate.  
Steeling yourself, you continue for the door, stinging bites peppering your legs.  
Voices hungrily chase you, but they feel cold and distant when they make contact.  
Your legs carry you fast and unsteady, away from the violence.  
The fire reaching, licking at your heels and grasping for your arm.  
The screaming follows you out of the house, and stands with you in the openness.  
There are large pillars of smoke rising from the house, thick and black against the stars.  
It’s a dark night, the ground littered with snow.  
Your feet are wet, and you can’t decide if your cheeks are red from the frost, or from the anger.
Written by Koulouri
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17114

Koulouri thank you for your entry

Dangerous Mind
South Africa 3awards
Joined 13th May 2018
Forum Posts: 80

99% of the time I don't think about it but that 1% drives me crazy.

Just to think I've done it

All my hard work finally pays off

It was the summer of 2020

I got a call, come for the interview

176** CNR b**** Sandton is the address.


Excited, I straightened my rickets and got myself in order..

Shaved my head, that one particular cut I always saved for the big occasions.

I looked fresh, I looked stellar

Most definitely dressed to kill.


The interview itself went very good  

I came out of that with an air of confidence,

Some distinct bit of swagger

Though I had my doubts

Some unspoken fear we all go through after such an event...


Days went by, pacing patiently  

Finally after what felt an eternity,  

The call came through  

You've got it.

What is easily a dream job for many

was definitely a dream job for me.


To offer my expertise in technical support  

for a big bank in South Africa.

I was estetic, electrified

I remember telling my mother on the phone

She cried to the news,

The jubilation could be felt through the air.


For once I had a clear plan,

I had all my goals drawn a chart.

So I got new formal wear,  

That expensive one we only wear at funerals and weddings

Borrowed money for a the bus fare.

Paid it in full...


Everything was looking up.


It was the summer of 2020  

March 28, 19h00 EST  

Just merely three days before I could commence on my new job  

The country was taken into full hard lockdown.

Stage six they said,

Stay indoors,  

Wash your hands

And wear your face masks this will pass

It's just a bug they said...


But days went by

Weeks went by  

months went by.


After so many emails back and forth  

After every new stage

The last email i received was that people are losing their jobs

The falling economy is forcing the company to exe employees

But should the opportunity arise I'll be the first inline.


It's been well over two years,

Still no word

99% of the time I don't think about it but that 1% drives me crazy  

Thinking where could I have been, what I could have achieved by now,  

How much it would have meant to my family.

The clear roadmap to take my family out of the destitute state we were in....


It sucks but

99% of the time I don't think about it but that 1% drives me crazy.



Written by poetOftragedy
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17114

poetOftragedy thank you for your entry

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

Must They Torture Me, Too?

one guy
opened his
eyes and saw that
wife of his stripped nude
and chained to a wall like
her husband but also with
a blindfold on! Why must they do
this? I already agreed to be
their prisoner! Must they torture me, too?
Written by Green_Arrow
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17114

Green_Arrow thank you for your entry

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

Grace said:Green_Arrow thank you for your entry

My pleasure.

Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

A Picture of You

It has been a long time since we last saw each other,
But a picture of you is still in my memory.
My darling, please continue to wait patiently for me.
I must endure one more year in captivity,
After that, I shall be free to come home again.
I look forward to the day when I can be close to you.
My darling, I shall listen to your laughter,
And I shall certainly dry your tears of joy.
Our love will keep us strong until that time comes.

It feels like hell within this lonely prison cell.
I count the days that these bars hold me against my will.
I look through the small window outside.
In the distance, I see a pretty flower dancing in the breeze,
And it reminds me of your alluring beauty.
My darling, I feel your sorrow and your loneliness.
I imagine your frequent cries day and night.
When you are not with the one you love so much,
It does bring heartache and unhappiness.
And you wish you could see me standing at your door.

My darling, do not lose hope when the sun sets,
For it will rise again above the mountain in the morning.
And God will soon answer your earnest prayer.
The day will come when you will be in my arms again.
And I shall have you, not just the memories of you.
Time will not weaken the bond between us;
Neither will a foreign land extinguish my love for you.
The picture of you will always remain in my heart.
So darling, keep praying for me until I see you again.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Fire of Insight
Jamaica 3awards
Joined 8th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 86

Someday I'll Be with You

Someday I’ll put my arms around you again.
I’ll come back to you as soon as I get the chance.
My captivity doesn’t mean the end of our love.
Regrettably I can’t be there for you at this time,
But I’m certain that someday I’ll be with you.

Darling, you’ve been waiting patiently for me,
Negative thoughts must be going through your mind.
I know someday your heart will get satisfaction.
Someday my eyes will see your beautiful face again.
I pray with sincerity that I’ll return safely to you.

Someday I’ll rush home and fulfil your dreams.
I’ll bring joy to your heart as I’ve promised you.
We’ll embrace each other and frolic in the light rain.
Let your love for me stay strong until my release,
I believe that someday my freedom will come.
Written by PittinixDesigns
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17114

PittinixDesigns thank you for your entry

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

We Walked Into This One Bedroom

We went over to this one house
looking all over for the louse
who kidnapped our friend Jennifer.
We walked into this one bedroom
and looked at what made our eyes zoom
in a huge box we found under
the bed which was Jen stripped naked
and tied with a gag on her head.
She was their sex slave prisoner.
Written by Green_Arrow
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17114

Green_Arrow thank you for your entry

Dangerous Mind
Joined 25th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 80

Grace said:Green_Arrow thank you for your entry

You're welcome.

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