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Poetry competition CLOSED 8th September 2023 6:33am

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Dating 101

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Poetry Contest

Tell me what its like dating in 2023.....
Need a mod to allow 18+ please and thanks, nice to see you!
I am not single, yet have many I deal with daily...
Enlighten me on how one dates others in this day and age in a poem
Not too long, I have ADHD, I WILL get lost, make your point
Not too erotic, remember, youre dating....
What say you!

Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Grooming Romeo

Ere dating each potential Romeo    
who comes below my balcony to sigh    
a crown of sonnets 'neath the crescent glow
the nightingales immortal beautify --    
who brings me roses sweet by any name,    
swears by his gracious self to e'er be true,    
soft kisses by the book till bright aflame,    
my passion vaults beyond the fiery blue --    
who purposes upon the blessèd night,    
his bent of love full being kindly good,    
to swift perform himself the marriage rite,    
and straightway take my sacred maidenhood --    
ere all such charms I ask him, man-to-man,    
whom he expects, once wed, to scrub the can.

Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Fire of Insight
England 15awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 535

Hi.  mysteriouslady  What does - dating 101 - mean please. Regards from Rew.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 13th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 34


chooses coffee  
and I sigh  
knowing how  
that could    
turn out  
but they arrive  
with a clean tone
in vintage leather  
and sunshine
in locks,  
asks permission    
to embrace  
my frame  
that has seen    
better days  
has lived    
better days,  
I listen to    
them speaking  
with a bold    
as forty six  
year old blue 
begin washing  
over burnt  
out hazel    
gazing at
their touch
curling round
a coffee
Written by neves
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 29th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 69

How Did I Come Across You?

Was stuck as if it was possible to be frozen in the heat of summer.
Not for too long.
Never ruled out a miracle.
At the time it seemed somewhat impossible.
As things grow you will never see what it is until it’s done growing.
Sitting across from you erased any past bad memory.
Meeting you encompassed all past pain.
It’s possible to get lost talking to you for hours.
After hours even after the restaurant closes.
The look in your eyes tells it all.
The deep gasp of air from the goodness of what’s come of this short time.
Exactly that.
Short time being built into greater.
Our talks grew louder over shared glasses of wine.
Other unhappy couples became uncomfortable.
Light live museum music sets the background tone.
It’s as if you stole a day from me and planned our first kiss over a mountain top of sculptures.
I’m not going to stop telling you what you want to hear.
In the moment being mindful.
I’m just glad you’re here.
Written by ClearmindedVillain
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16793

Blind Date

There was no tingle of anticipation
No looking forward to him
Just thought that I should go
And meet a man unknown to me

fate had plans, as the stars aligned
my friend’s date and mine both blind
chemistry did spark we connected
our dates were sweet as ice-creams

so surrender we did to fate’s comedy
in and out of candy and flowers
chocolates and murmured promises
pillow talks far beyond the night

ten years later he walked by
I couldn’t remember his name
We were vague memories
Of misspent youth.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1064

Dating Directives For Staying Out Of Jail/

prime directive:
no killing on the first date

second directive:
if you want to kill someone during the first date, no second date

third directive:
if you want to kill someone after the second date, it can be only done with their consent (and hopefully a whole lot of foreplay)

fourth directive:
after you kill someone, bury them deep and don't tell anyone

final directive:
killing them at a distance with a voodoo doll is cleaner and someone else can bury the body.
Written by Kinkpoet
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Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1064

Pixels Under Glass

we’ve never met
except pixels under glass
you could be a model
bodybuilder or troll
but i’ve seen the inside of your mind
dark fragrant perverted ancient symbols
wandering in  labyrinthine corridors
broad vistas claustrophobic closets
inhabited by gargantuan gargoyles diminutive fairies
booming voices sing rhythms and rhymes
electrons whiz around solar systems
galaxies hidden in crystal
moments engulf eons
years last for days
exciting exhilarating terrifying
when i’m
out of my mind
i’m inside yours
i could be a model
bodybuilder or troll
just pixels under glass
we’ve never met
let’s get out and play sometime
Written by Kinkpoet
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Tyrant of Words
Kiribati 21awards
Joined 13th Nov 2009
Forum Posts: 3217

The Online Dating Cure

Our first hook up    
she decided to wear    
wounded knee    
blue jeans for life    
and a bright yellow    
back to front hat    
sprinkled with shiny black stars    
that matched her eyes    
She'd thoughtfully painted    
flowers on her teeth    
so her smile    
would be instantly recognized    
After spit buffing my shoes    
and fretting over    
my profile myths a while    
I foolishly chose    
the last surviving    
collar and tie    
so sat down together    
we stood out    
like an advert in the sky    
two crazy beans    
sprouting on the moon's    
opposite sides    
But appearances    
don't cut much mustard anymore    
the world no longer cares    
is blind to most everything    
excepting the turn of a buck    
before the dregs of humanity    
lays down and dies    
I've never been great    
on foot language    
but maybe the spider in my bathtub    
had tried to warn me that morning    
by curling her legs up
in the tightest incy winciest ball    
And like I told the detective      
I was never certain    
what the waiter said    
Maybe she misunderstood    
but that little pistol she had    
popped up out of her panties    
before I could order a beer    
She shot him twice    
once through the heart  
and once in the head    
ran out without a word--    
cured me      
of online dating    
for sure
Written by Abracadabra
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Guardian of Shadows
United States 90awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5679

I Don't

I don't have an answer
for dating in today's world, because
"I don't"
a lot of things.

I don't date, is one of them.
I don't worry about getting hurt
navigating the dating world, because
I don't date, is another thing.

I don't believe that solitude
is the same as loneliness.

I don't worry about when I need to burp
or how loud it is
or that a potential suitor might cringe
and have second thoughts
because of said belch.

I don't have to think about
how to make a fiancée
sign a notarized waiver
exempting them from half my pension
if we get divorced
because I don't plan to go down that road

I don't have to wait for anyone
but myself
to get their ass in gear
so I can get to an estate sale on time
to be in the first group, let in.

I don't care if my brother
thinks I need to get back in the game--
he's five years younger than me
and on his fourth marriage....

I don't mean to sound negative, but
I don't think some things are necessary
in all lives.

I don't disparage
those who do date, or
see worth in it, but
I don't want to miss one thing
on my bucket list .

I don't know, though
what I would do
if God decided to drop
a good guy for me
right in my lap......

I just don't know.
Written by MadameLavender
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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

These are great all!  Thanks so much. Keep em comin!

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Rew said:Hi.  mysteriouslady  What does - dating 101 - mean please. Regards from Rew.

How to date. Teach me the ways of dating in the year 2023 through your eyes, your words, your thoughts.....let it rip.

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586

Great work peeps!  i know so many people dating in this age. Lets here it......good, bad, ugly, sexy, just for friendship. What say the rest of your asses......

Tyrant of Words
United States 15awards
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2586


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