Poetry competition CLOSED 5th April 2023 4:23pm
RUNNERS-UP: Bluevelvete and PAR

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Dark poem

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

There's Such Sights To Show You

I know
without you asking  
Feel your soul's rampage  
Unspoken are chilled secrets  
which twist a dire spear  
Harnessing natural care  
we instant soothe  
our mutual destruction  
long and purposeful  
Both sharing  
needle and thread  
Stitching each other closed  
with tender hushes sewn  
Mewing pleas to divinity  
at every languid pull  
Stem the bleeding  
Where scars weep tears  
Rip themselves open  
streams of unconcealed chaos  
Single flash vulnerabilities
lightning strike the harvest night  
in all their aching proof  
I'm me—  
only me
Blood washes away our sins  
Your crimsin ink pen flows my O+  
Writing me  
from flesh and blood  
to hearty bone  
Becoming unbecoming  
Gnarled in a malformation  
Is unrelenting ecstasy  
and Oh how I love it  
Pressed to breathlessness  
I am an aberration  
You can't keep from dissecting  
Digging into me,  
leaving me flayed wickedly open  
-Your alter to kneel down upon-  
giving every inch to give  
Struggling in ornate beauty  
Finding those binds sublime  
As time withers away  
the rhyme  
and all reason  
Written by Bluevelvete
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

(...i am...)

i am

not nearly

a hole

i am

truly a


a pause

a lack
of breath


i am...



Written by AspergerPoet56
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878


It’d been raining for days,
A deluge of epic proportions,
It was night when we heard
That the dam broke,
But in the darkness, there was no escaping it.
Suddenly waves and walls of muddy water
Covered the landscapes and fields,
Like monsters attacking in a dream.
The only thing I could do was run for the hills,
Hoping I could outrun the water’s rage,
But everywhere I ran it surrounded me
Death veiled in a liquid dark form.

Oh father of mine, I feel forsaken,
I’m being chased by nature’s fury
Without fault or prejudice,
Tell my mother that I tried…

I reached higher ground
But the soil would give way to the currents,
Following the fastest and easiest route,
And so I kept heading up into the hills,
With all the strength I could muster,
But the water was faster
Until at times it carried me,
Weakening me.

Oh mother of mine,
If you could hear me now,
Relay this message, this prayer to the lord,
Save my family and my sisters
So that they may survive this horrible ordeal.

I was able to reach the foothills,
Beaten and battered by the water’s edge,
Crawling up the rocks and up the hills
That overlooked the city.
And then I saw the lights all over town,
Shutting down as the waters took a path,
People running for their lives
In the dark and great distance,
Hopeless against nature’s wrath.

Oh sisters of mine will you wake up,
And take your children and head for the hills,
The waters are relentless and will not stop,
Not for man, woman or child,
Not for a prayer if you keep still.

I stood at the top of that mountain,
Watching the destruction take its toll,
And with tears at the thought of being left alone,
Then I knew my children were in the course.

Oh wife of mine, soulmate, lover,
Won’t you heed my call through this prayer,
Hear the sirens resonating in the distance,
Damn this horrible dream I can’t wake up,
The dam has broken and the river overflowed,
Run for the hills and save our children,
The floods are upon us all.
Written by wallyroo92
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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Happy  fifth anniversary

There he was  on his side of the marital bed
Naked, except for his briefs
And in his entire ugliness.
Dead to the world
Dead drunk, also the somnifères helping

How she now looked at him
Despising him
Holding the knife, poised and ready.

The  very handsome fellow, the compliments endless
Then the remarks on how she  looked at men?
Gee, she worked in a high end boutique of designer clothes for men
The knife came down, first cut on Sleeping Ugliness
A tiny bit if blood on the tip of the knife as it brushed his chest

Her hair, always a mess
Her clothes, she dressed like a whore
Though he'd never complained before
Loved the wild tignasse and her gently alluring décolleté
Holding the knife tightly, no hesitation, right in the chest
Blood spewing, no worry.

That slob did not work, could hardly stop her from doing so
Needed for her to feed him the cash
Started cutting her off from her family, friends
Except for work, a prisoner in her house
Another deep cut on the other side of the chest
Blood everywhere, she couldn't care

Patience almost at an end.
Becoming a psychological mess.
And he dared blame her for not even getting pregnant
Nothing wrong with her plumbing
Would HE go to the doctor and get checked?
She asked him once and got severely hit in the ribs in return
Knife held tightly she hit him right in the heart

Five years of progressively becoming a slave
In her own dwelling
So on the fifth day of the fifth  month of the fifth year of their union
She planted the fifth and final stroke in the heart of a man
Who really never had one.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 491


Oh out flung disrespect; To thyself the most;
Heed thee not the all panopticon eye
Formerly fancied in a holy ghost
And not a mere constabulary spy
Concealed in a laptop lens or phone
Under silent algorithmic order
Whenever you think yourself alone,
Yet observed, by a relentless data hoarder?
Your witless acts are public record now
And subject to the justice of the peace
Who knows all of your sovereign rights, and how,
To summon fetters...or your sweet release
When instead you fling respect for the law
Never knowing...just what the hell it saw.
Written by MidnightSonneteer
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Fire of Insight
Canada 7awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 89


Brutality feeds my killing spree
Sentimental lives summoned me
To enter your death, indisposed
Within an artful masquerade, I’ve posed
I hunt with intentions to violently disengage
The continuous conformity of everlasting rage
Severity of power exonerated in my mind
My conscience is my altered state; spiritually blind
Controlling your mind frame  
The emptiness is swelling  
Overtaking your soul
The use is compelling  
Immaterial possession
Vulgar, ill-bred obsession
My insanity is my confession
Damaging my lethal succession
I steal your identity
Dissect your mind
No promises
No clues
No victim you will find
Flesh entwined in my mask
Proving to be no fatuous task
My seal of secrecy I take to master the victory
When I summon to the gods  
and show winsome bravery
Within the privacy of my domain
I preserve my sympathy  
Dependent on the offering  
And its severity
Temptations despise my cabalistic instinct
In my mind the pain is excruciatingly distinct
I inflict necrophobia on your living brain
Enter my consistency, invisibly insane
Lesser power to the god  
whose acceptance is restricted  
To merge on the form of complete
And then be convicted
To the devil
My newborn fate
He’s purer than all could tell
For I’d rather spend my endless nights
Shivering in hell
Written by Everavalon
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349


last words


would lose

run dry

fade away

joy would
turn to grey

would drag
of sorrow
would stop

would cease it's wonder

turn to stone

would stall
and slow

ache so heavy
would be
all I know


 and my last words

would be
what remain


were dead

Written by Bluevelvete
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Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 359

Deal Meal

Eat me hellish creature
what are you waiting for?
Swallow me now or
let me go from here.

Do you want me to leave you
an arm, a leg... an ear?
Maybe you prefer a glass
of this red thing that gushes!

Subtly devour my feet
like making a bed
or picking up eggs
in the empty chicken coop.

Fry my body on the grill
of your infernal eyes...
Rare, without salt
and almost no sauce.

Eat me creature eat me!
One inch at a time.
Sink teeth into the flesh
that will give you the sublime...

Lick your sinful lips.
Lick those sticky fingers.
Sip the juice I give you
like nobody's ever loved you.

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Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214


and lingers
just outside
the bedroom,
a crack
in the door,
wanting in
that bitch --  
even those
who invite her  
with guns
in their mouths
don't want her,
they just want
some peace
doesn't just
like death  
but needs
to be coaxed
and she'll
fool you
and make you
she comes
in a bottle
but there's
no real peace
in there,
just hell
like death,
comes easy,
comes in
pill form
if that's
what you
or liquid
or in the
of a lover
or the promise
of money,
she don't
as long
as she  
gets a foot
in the door
Written by javalini
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 512


The clauses shattered
and you pasted them in mosaics
that when read back
were like,


like a loaded 12-gauge shotgun
tied to the back of a chair,
with a dead-man’s switch on the seat.
I chose to bat my eyes
twirl a lock of my hair around my finger,
and take off my clothes
while standing.

The alternative was to sit in the chair.

Written by Betty
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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 22

Beneath Hell's Feet

You think you're so scary?
You think I'm timid weak and weary?
You've no idea what's hidden inside  
The monsters I keep for a fast joyride  
Just say the words  
And I'll gladly purge  
Your face I'll make rot  
Even hell won't have a spot  
From his pedestal in hell  
Beneath his feat you will dwell  
I'd pay satan to take your soul  
And burry it deep down in hells hole  
No one will remember, they'll forget you're gone  
In this game you were only a pawn  
You chose to slay so in hell you'll pay  
Some deals with the devil are yay or nay  
You can cry  
You can whimper  
You can beg for your life  
It's already gone  
No where in sight  
You took from me most precious in life  
My beating heart.......my beautiful wife  
With your life I surrender my soul  
To avenge my wife and heal my hearts hole  
I know in the ground I'll forever lay  
My thoughts will haunt me night and day  
Her face will calm me inside my head  
And in my dreams she'll never be dead
Written by Sapphirewolf
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 12th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 11

Her Favorite Color Was Blue

Her favorite color was blue
She was surrounded by its hue
on her eyes you could see her internal feud
talking about it was something she could not do

Veronica, just like the flower, was her name
She never felt quite the same
after being engulfed in a blue flame
She says she only has herself to blame
Blue took over her life
You could see the weight of its strife
how it cut its way into her spirit like a knife
how its destructive force ran rife

She went crazy from her fears
She could fill an ocean with her tears
This went on for years
but she kept it all inside where no one could hear

Her favorite color was blue
and its quite tragic too
that no one ever saw the clues
until her favorite knot became a noose
Written by vagabondvibes
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