Poetry competition CLOSED 29th March 2023 00:34am
View Profile Poems by mcjay
RUNNERS-UP: Jordan and ConsequentialChaos

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Sonnets Aplenty!

Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 610

Hi MS, just 1 sonnet per or more?

Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 496

Well so far we've got one apiece from all the contestants so I think I'll go with that and stay the course, since I don't want to stumble into anything unfair.

Good question though.  

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376

Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 18th Aug 2017
Forum Posts: 376

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


Tonight the forlorn raven sang
Upon my quill and parchment  
The gallows call to me
To take my place
Inside my shallow grave
So brackish, the vermin
Swarm over me
Beneath the hanging tree  
I vomited blood on the page
As a sonnet set to flame  
Lilith is the succubus of my dreams
As the haunted moon crests those pregnant skies
The wolves rending the night with winter screams
Worrying the quivering flesh tonight  
Weep not for Lilith worship her instead
As nocturnal beasts fall under her spell
They gather offerings living and dead
When the time comes she drags them all to Hell  
Amidst laments of death there's laughter
As she leads the sheep unto the slaughter  
And she still comes to me
Ghost beyond bars
A prism in a star
My time is coming soon
For love so true
Guilt and murder for you  
It's time for me to dance and sway
Like the wind of golden days
Tonight the forlorn raven sang
Upon my quill and parchment
Written by HadesRising
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 841


Why to this bench, on this date do you come?
Ever in lilac satin gown arrayed.
What mysterious book do you read from?
Why is the umbrella thusly displayed?
Each year I return come clear skies or rain
to this spot where we, devout soulmates, wed.
The stars did witness, our kiss did sustain
exchanged vows whilst Moon officiated.
In my journal I read proofs of our tryst
Loves seed planted, nurtured, grown in just hours
Umbrella closed tight though deluge persist
For ink bleeds more from tears than from showers.
Far off, disguised, on forlorn love spying.
Two hearts entwined, in harmony crying.
Written by Gahddess_Worship (Osomajestuoso)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1398

Related submission no longer exists.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525


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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 610


Dangerous Mind
Portugal 24awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 360

The Sunken Cathedral

The dark and strange shadow
of your eyelashes on your cheeks
reminds me of naked trees
in the empty windless night.

Remain there in the backlight
softly lost in the moonlight
like flowers that react to touch
and weep discreetly in the mirror.

The black of your lips frames
your luminous teeth without smiles
only the faint memory of a dream.

Your gentle hands touching the hair
so quietly that the moon waits to shine
the moon and I fell in love with your shadow!

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

A rib

It was a superb Christmas day
In the year twenty-two and forty-six
Especially at the ultra-secret laboratory
In the french town of Beatrix

A huge break-through in DNA expertise
Led to this miraculous Nativity
A lovely child named Eloïse
Product of decades, centuries of study

Eloïse, a child born from a rib
A gift from God to Humanity
Resplendent with joy, not a tear, in her crib
Ready to love, now and eternally

God with His work must be pleased
As indeed, wonders just never cease.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Fire of Insight
Canada 6awards
Joined 11th Mar 2015
Forum Posts: 514

Love's Sweet Burden

Of love's sweet burden, I must now relate,
And how it weighs upon my weary heart,
For though my mind would fain its grip abate,
My love for thee doth make my soul impart.

Thy beauty is the sun that lights my way,
Thy grace and charm the music of my soul,
Thy laughter like the gentle breeze at play,
And in thy eyes, I find my heart's true goal.

Oh, how I long to hold thee in my arms,
To feel thy touch and hear thy voice so dear,
To taste thy lips and be ensconced in charms,
That bring my heart such joy and banish fear.

So, let us love and never be apart,
For in thy love, I find my beating heart.
Written by mcjay
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1881

Ode to Grey Skies

A Sonnet

I write to thee oh beautiful grey skies
Thou has blessed us with plenty of fine rain
Thine sight might be a pain to some sore eyes
Thus I pen this ode but not to complain

Every day thy clouds look a bit scary
Another storm forms filling us with dread
Local news makes us weary and wary
As downpours and floods are surging ahead

So I ask thee oh beautiful grey skies
Please listen to my pleas and humble rhyme
The drawn-out drought has come to a demise
We prayed for rain but not all at the same time

The weather has been leaving us beset
But grey skies mean I will be soaking wet
Written by wallyroo92
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 28


never seen such a glee of eyes...... like i see in your eyes                                          
look at you, dear muse....like a lily in blue                
Your lips, your cheeks....oh my god! how crisp                                                                         
somebody go, tell the world....there you say, i have fell                                      
damn these perky curves....when i see my eyes blurr                                            
let me be, with eyes closed...kissing you to the throat                                            
sliding clothes down your hips...... oh my god my breath slips                      
it tease my wand....what you want? do you wanna get laid ?                                           
Why you smiling when asked, from deep my heart "oh baby, you will bleed"                          
if thats a wish, then let it be... get on four like a pussy,                                        
rub your ass against my shaft, sometimes roll sometimes snag                                        
ohhhh baby i'll love that...........haaaaa baby i'll love that........
Written by magichearts
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Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 13th May 2022
Forum Posts: 496

This was a challenging contest to judge since there were so many great contenders, but I'd like to congratulate everyone for giving the sonnet form a chance to shine a little more than it usually does here at DUP.

Fabulous work all around and I hope everyone will take away from this the kind of appreciation for the form that has infected my thinking over the years, as I am more convinced than ever that it has endless joys to offer poets at every stage of experience and skill.

Three cheers to everyone and best of luck next month to all the poetry month devotees and participants!

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