Poetry competition CLOSED 18th March 2023 11:29pm
View Profile Poems by MidnightSonneteer
RUNNERS-UP: wallyroo92 and Rew

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118

Razzerleaf and monovox128 thank you for your entry.

Strange Creature
Joined 16th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 4

A dream

I once saw A man selling his dream for one dollar. I bought it. The next day the man died.
Written by x_Goodie
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Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

maybe it's an accidental accent, shock, or why EMT's are always so handsome.

July 2019            
it's searing and bone protruding                      
eyes blinded, bloody                        
shards of glass and encroaching fear      
red, blue, and yellowish-white lights blur      
a language I can't quite understand      
or an accent maybe      
cold, so cold - like Ohio, when I was small      
Am I frozen?      
Maybe I was dreaming of long ago...?      
Then I tried to move      
my legs work, my fingers move      
my arms and head      
wait, wait. .... not my head      
why can't I move my....                      
My FACE                      
only partly, I try to talk                      
shock was setting in, I could tell                        
I've experienced it one other time...  
It's like when you close your eyes                        
but can still see the sunlight behind them        
darkness starts to seal out reality                      
I need to calm down..be calm and breathe    
I could see a bit of movement at my right—    
the look of abject horror                      
on a complete strangers face                      
or Jensen Ackles' face ?                    
what's Dean doing here?                    
even steeped    
in a new look of determined terror    
just. so. hot.                
like an archangel                
and there was that screaming again                
so LOUDLY!                      
Oh, just be quiet,                  
we're all trying to sleep here
His voice was so annoying and nonstop      
I wanted to yell                    
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.                        
I tried to scream "Just ANSWER HIM!!!"  
to get it to stop                
when I focused again,                        
from my darkened side of "internal sunshine"  
there it was again                
that annoying voice, again.. and again        
now it seemed, it was attached                  
to Jensen/Dean's face                    
the annoying screaming guy, (Dean)                  
he was talking to me                        
why me
I'm just comfortably resting and waiting    
for the sun to warm me                        
So tired, so so very tired        
I'm tired beyond measure                  
I don't think I've ever been more tired in my life                  
I'll just close my eyes for a bit...

Written by Bluevelvete
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118

Thank you so much to all of you who participated in the competition. Your entries are all awesome and you have shared such enjoyable reads. Quite difficult to judge,  really. All are winners in my opinion. This competition was judged by two of my non-DU friends and me.  The winners are MidnightSonneteer for April 5th, 1972, Rew for The Carr Academy I, and The Secret by Wallyroo92.
The spoken words are very impressive. I hope you join my next competition that will focus on this presentation.

Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1878

Congratulations to MidnightSonneteer on the win and to Rew for runner-up place. Thank you dear Grace for honor of letting me stand on the podium as well. These comps are difficult to judge and I am grateful to be an honorable mention.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17118

wallyroo92 said:Congratulations to MidnightSonneteer on the win and to Rew for runner-up place. Thank you dear Grace for honor of letting me stand on the podium as well. These comps are difficult to judge and I am grateful to be an honorable mention.
I love your poems, Wallyroo92. Thank you for always participating in all my competitions.

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